How are accuracy and precision defined and what’s the difference between them? Give an example.
accuracy: how close the measurement is to the true value
precision: how close repeated measurements are to each other
What error types can occur during taking measurements, how are they caused and how can they be eliminated?
blunders/gross errors:
single measurements that have a completely different value than the other measurements.
Caused by reading mistakes, misidentification of targets
Eliminated by checking measurements
Systematic errors:
errors that influence the result in the same way, affecting the accuracy of measurements
Caused by poor calibration of instruments, one-sided use of instruments, external influences on the instrument such as temperature or pressure
Emilinated by calibration, proper selection of measuring procedure, mathematical compensation
Random errors:
all remaining unknown errors after elimination of blunders and systematic errors, mainly affects precision; measurements are equally likely to be higher or lower than true value. In mathematical statistics they are considered as independent stochastic variables
Caused by limitations of measuring instruments and human senses, uncontrollable changes of the environment or measured object
Eliminated by taking enough measurements -> will average out
What kinds of random variables exist? Give examples.
discrete (X) and continous (L).
Discrete random variables can only take on a countable (finite) number of distinct values. Example: Rolling a dice, playing cards, roulette, number of children in a family.
Continous random variables can reflect an uncountable (infinite) number of values within certain boundarties (an interval [a,b]). Example: measuring the table length, heights of students in class, change of temperature during a day
In this course, we use continous random variables.
What kinds of frequencies are there and what is the difference? Make an example and draw the graphs.
absolute and relative frequency; the relative frequency gives us the frequency function
The interval [a,b] in which the random variable exists is divided into discrete invervals/bins K with a certain width Δx:
The absolute frequency is then the number of observations k inside of the bins.
The relative frequency is the ratio of the number of observations k in a bin to the total number of observations n.
What is the difference between a frequency function and a probability function? Give the formulas.
A frequency function is for a finite number of observations, for the probability function n converges to infinity.
Frequency function:
sometimes also represented as cumulative frequency function:
Probability function:
Calculate the distribution function from a probability density function.
What is the difference between the arithmetic mean and the expectation? Give the formulas.
arithmetic mean/empirical mean:
For n -> infinity, arithmetic mean converges to expectation.
Often the expectation is unknown, which is why calculations often are taken w.r.t the mean value.
Important! Expectation is NOT the true value.
What does standard deviation mean?
Standard deviation means that if the experiment is repeated under the exact same conditions, there is a probability of 68,3% that the result is within the standard deviation. It is therefore a measurement of repeatability.
What does the degree of freedom mean?
The degree of freedom is an indicator for redundancy; how many observations too much?
What`s the difference between variances and co-variances?
variance: value to how much the numbers in a data set vary from the mean
co-variance: measure of dependency between 2 random variables; for stochastic independent variables (random errors!) covariance equals zero, i.e. sin(x) and cos(x) are NOT independent from each other:
Both can be visualized by the Variance-Covariance-Matrix (VCM).
What kinds of correlation are there?
Mathematical/functional/algrebraic correlation: purely mathematical, i.e. sin(x) and cos(x)
Physical correlation: Correlation due to systematic deviations that are not considered in the functional model
Define the following words:
standard deviation
Variance: Value to how much the numbers in a data set vary from the mean
standard deviation: how far apart numbers in a data set are from each other
covariances: measure of dependency between 2 random variables; for stochastic independent values (random errors) the covariance equals 0
correlation: dependencyof 2 values, either mathematical or physical
What kinds of variances can be computed and which variables do you need to compute them?
There is the theoretical and the empirical approach.
For the theoretical approach the expectation must be known. If the probability density function is known, the theoretical variance can be directly computed using the expectation. If the probability density function is not known, the theoretical variance is calculated using the error vector/matrix (matrix of random deviations) which is calculated by subtracting the expectation from the observation value.
For the empirical approach the expectation can be either known or unknown. If it’s known, like for the theoretical variance, the error vector is used. For unknown expectations, which is the general case, instead of the expectation the vector of residuals is used, which is calculated by substracing the observation value from the arithmetic mean.
Last changed3 months ago