PPLs vs Degressive lenses
wider FOV for inter and near
smaller distance zone
abberations in the upper zone of the deg lenses as well- aka “office lenses”
who are degressives lenses for?
any pre-presbyopic requiringmultiple inter+near WD
more than one near WD- smartphone, laptop,desktop
indoor spaces eg office space, tills,
principles of degressives
near zone is primary zone
PPL set for DV & has plus power addition to lower lens
lens centred on pupil center for DV
near add will be inset for convergence during HV
Deg set for NV and has minus powered in upper lens
lens centred to NCD (near centration distance), NOT IPD
area with inter power will be outset
Iso-cyl lines vs iso-power lines
name the 6 distances and what tasks are done at each.
how to measure and fit a deg lens
from “near upwards” , NOT “distance downwards”
specify heights and MOCs
if design specify distance MOC, lens is inset 2mm in each eye
is design specify near MOC, no inset for near, but DV/INT outset
minimum plus for near distance (same like PPLs)
focimetry of deg lenses
has engravings nasally and temporally like PPLs- use deg lens chart, not PPL
how to choose the deg power
start with near add = full add power for closest WD
if inter add needed, deg = difference btwn near and inter
farthest far clear point= reciprocal of add power ( accom relaxed)
nearest clear point = reciprocal of add power + available accommodation ( allow for reserve)
higher add = lower range of clear vision
younger presbyopes = lower deg bz more availble accom
dont advise reading rx, more flex options
What are enhanced readers
no large power change
aimed at near & near intermediate
for SV NV wearers a wider ROCL (range of clear vision)
Bificals vs PPLs vs Gregressives vs Trifocal
trifocal ads and disds
trifocal straight line seg
IP/RP ratios
specialist trifocal lenses : double D
Last changed3 months ago