What is vertical integration of a firm
They determine which activities the firm carries out in house and which activities it purchases in the market
Name an example for a vertical boundary
You have to decide between two scenarios:
do you transport your goods on your own to the costumer, meaning you build up a warehouse and distribution center
Outsource this service to a transportation firm and pay a monthly check to this firm
To be more specific you have 4 options in this scenario:
own the building and use your own people
Own the building and use external staff
Rent the building and use your own people
Rent the building and use external staff
There are two types of activities in a vertical integration - explain them
Upstream > activities early in the value chain > e.g. raw materials / …
Downstream > activities late in the value chain > e.g. transport / packaging / …
Vertical boundaries of the firm determine…
… which tasks are to be performed inside the firm
… which to be out-sourced
=> so you decide whether using your organization or using the market => Make or Buy decision
What is a fallacy
A fallacy is a statement or an argument which people believe to be true, but instead of being false it is not correct. In this context they use fallacy as a synonym for a misconception
In the following there are 5 fallacies, explain why they are not entirely correct
Firms should make an asset, rather than buy it, if that asset is a source of competitive advantage for that firm
Firms should buy, rather than make, to avoid the costs of making the product
Firms should make, rather than buy, to avoid paying a profit margin to independent firms
Firms should make, rather than buy, because a vertically integrated producer will be able to avoid paying high market prices for the input during periods of peak demand or scarce supply
Firms should make, rather than buy, to tie up a distribution channel, they. Will gain market share at the expenses of rivals
Fallacy 1:
argument is not correct
A source which you can buy easily at the market is not a source of competitive advantage for a firm, because it is not rare. Other competitors can also buy them on the market
Fallacy 2:
Argument is not correct
Make or buy decision does not eliminate production costs, it only shifts wo bears them. Outsorcing doesn’t make these costs disappear - they are simply transferred to an external supplier
Fallacy 3:
This decision shouldn't be based on avoiding a supplier’s profit margin. Economic profitability, not accounting profits, should guide this choice, as profits upstream dont automatically mean benefits downstream
Fallacy 4:
argument not entirely correct
Peak prices can be avoided by long term contracts with suppliers
Insolvency risk of high input prices can be addressed by building a capital reserve
Fallacy 5:
argument is valuable sometimes, but it is used to justify acquisitions on many other occasions when it lacks merit (merit = verdienst)
Explain the “conventional wisdom” regarding reasons to buy
Firms should do what they do best, everything else should be sourced from the market
Why would you source something out?
produce at lower cost (because of proprietary knowledge)
aggregate the demand of customer and therefore increase the scale of production
accumulate experience and generate learning curve effects
Reasons to make are also reasons for …, - name them
Also reasons for vertical integration
coordination costs
Leakage of private information
Transaction costs
Explain why coordination costs are a reason to make
In-house production avoids complex coordination with external parties
Explain why leakage of private information is a reason to make
information that no one else knows may be shared when coordination activities along the value chain
Performing in house eliminates this threat
Explain why transaction costs are a reason to make
Transaction costs, like negotiating and enforcing contracts, are avoided with in-house production
Determine the difference between:
vertical integration
Vertical boundaries
If you produce in house and dont purchase the stuff on the market you have a vertical integration, but you only can only integrate untill a certain hurdle. This hurdle is a vertical boundary
=> make or buy decision in terms of…
… economical profit
… quality of the output
… capacity
Explain why the make-or-buy decision is moot / unnecessary when contracts are complete
Make or buy decisions are only relevant when contracts are incomplete. If they are complete, both option (make and buy) have equal effects and there is no strategical advantage in making or buying.
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