Hydropower - Hydroelectric Power, the water (hydrologic) cycle
Solar energy heats water on the surface of river, lakes,.. —> water evaporates
Water vapor condeses into clouds —> falls as rain or snow
Precipitation collects in streams and rivers, which empty into oceans and lakes —> evaporates —> start of the cycle
Hydropower - Hydroelectric Power Basic Operation
Principle: Converting potential and kinetic energy of water into mechanical work
Water Flow: Water from a reservoir or river flows through a large pipe towards turbine
Energy Conservation: Moving water turns in turbine blades, converting hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
Electricity Generation: Rotating turbine shaft connected to the generator, which produces electricity as it spins
Hydropower - Hydroelectric Power Plant Types
Diversion (run-of-river)
Pumped storage
Hydropower - Hydroelectric Power Plant Impoundment
Dam to store river water
Water released from reservoir flows in a turbine, spinning it, activates generator
Hydropower - Hydroelectric Power Plant Diversion
Portion of a river by a canal or penstock
Penstock is closed conduit (Leitungskanal) —> Water flows to the turbine
Water flow regulated by gates, valves and turbines
Do not require a dam
Hydropower - Hydroelectric Power Plant Pumped storage
Demand of electricity is low —> facility stores energy by pumping water from lower reservoir to an upper
High electrical demand —> Water is released back to the lower reservoir and turns a turbine for generating electricity
Hydropower - Hydroelectric Power Types of Turbines
Most common
Medium head and flow conditions
High head, low flow situations
Use kinetic energy of water jets to drive the turbine
Low head, high flow conditions
Adjustable blades to maximize efficiency
Hydropower - Hydroelctric Power Power Estimation
Wave Energy - Motion of waves
—> Form of kinetic energy exists in the motion of waves in the ocean
Horizontal front/back - “surge” extracted by using a “roll rotation”
Horizontal side-to-side - “sway” extracted by “pitch rotation”
Vertical up/down - “heave” extracted by “yaw rotation” or “translation”
Wave Energy - Major components
Structure and prime mover —> capture energy of the wave
Foundation or mooring —> Keeping structure and prime mover in place
Power take-off (PTO) system —> mechanical energy converted into electrical
Control system —> safeguard and optimize performance
Wave Energy - Oscillating bodies types
Point absorber
Oscillating water column (OWC)
Tidal Energy - Power plants
Produced by natural rise and fall of tides caused by gravitational interaction of earth, sun and moon
Tidal Stream
Turbine System (horizontal, vertical,…)
Non-Turbine System
Tidal Range (Tidal Barrages, Tidal Lagoon)
Tidal Energy - Energy Calculation
Biomass Energy - Biogas system shortly explained
Slurry, manure or biowaste goes into collection tank
Then in the digester, with light and oxygen the biomass digestes by anarobic micro-organisms —> biogas
Digestion residues goes into a storage
Biogas goes into a gas storage
From the storage…
Combined heat and power plant (CHP) —> electricity and heat
Gas treatment plant
Natural gas network
Biogas petrol station
Biomass Energy - Biomass types
Natural: Production in nature without human intervention
Residual: Organic waste produced by human activity (wet or dry)
Energy crops: Crops intended for energy utilization
Biomass Energy - Production of hydrogen
Input Biomass
Going into decontruction process
High temperature deconstruction
By Gasification is produces hydrogen gas
Geothermal Energy - General
Draw fluids from underground reservoirs to the surface to produce heated material
This steam or hot liquid then drives turbines —> generated electricity before it is reinjected back into the reservoir
Types: Dry or Flash Steam Power Plant, Binary Cycle Power Plant
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