Energy Triangle
—> wants to balance Sustainability, Affordability and Security of Supply
Sustainability: Transition of a countries energy system about avoiding environmental harm and climate change impacts
Affordability: Assesses a contries ability to provide universal access to affordable, fairly priced energy
Security of Supply: Nations capacity to meet current and future energy demand reliably, no disruptions of supply
Value of money over time
The value of money over time will decrease due to inflation rate
Methods of investment calculation
Static methods
simple and cost-effective based on averaging methods
4 different calculation methods (cost, profit, profitability comparison and amortization)
Dynamic methods
more accurate: recording of inflows and outflows over the entire useful life of the investment
Cash flows can vary, therefore comparability is done by discounting the cash flows (before start or at the end of the investment period)
Cost Comparison Calculation
Cost of several investment opportunities
Attempts to determine the one with lowest cost
Profit Comparison Calculation
Case: Investment objects generate different returns
Extension of cost comparison calculation, because of focus on different sale prices
Also takes into account of differences in quality
Profitability Comparison Calculation
Comparison of the annual profit to the tied-up capital (gebundenes Kapital)
Result: interest rate of tied-up capital in %
Invest with highest profitability is advantageous
Amortization Calculation
Methods: capital return, pay-off or pay-back
Determines the period in which the original capital investment for an investment from the future cash suplus flows back into the company
Capital investments —> purchase payouts - liquidation proceeds
Excess payments —> difference between deposits and withdrawals attributual to the investment
Basic concepts of the dynamic investment calculations
Time value
(Known) Value of a payment at the time it is incurred (entstanden)
E.g. Investment now, price now
Final value
(Sought-after) value, which results from compounding the time value
E.g. Investment now, price in the end according to the interest rate
Present value
(Sought-after) value, which results from discounting the time value
E.g. Investment in 3 years, value now with discounting (jetzt weniger zahlen, als in 3 Jahren, quasi zurückrechnen)
How much is a payment made earlier on the Worth the end of the investment?
E.g. Investment now, future: investement + interest rate
How much is a payment made at a later date? Worth it at the beginning of the investment?
E.g. Investment in 3 years, price is lower because of discounting
Current value of future payments
Difference: One-off or several payments
Net Present Value Method (NPV)
—> Determined by discounting the cashflows (inflow-outflow) given at the individual points in time (t)
Discount = interest rate (i)
Vary in amount and timing
Comparability of different cash flows by discouting to their present value
NPV = Sum of present value of all excess payments - purchase payout
Reflects the total profit of an investment
NPV = 0 —> investement earns exactly the discount rate
NPV = > 0 —> investement is beneficial
Annuity method
—> used to consider a a power plant investment and calculate the cost of electricity, LCOE of a typical year
Levelized Costs of Electricity
= lifetime costs / energy production
For comparison of different technologies e.g. PV and Windturbine
Fossil generators have other cost parameter (operating and fuel costs are higher, investment lower)
Considering discount factors
LCOE Calculation
In Prüfung den Weg erklären!
Economic perspective
Comparison of LCOE for one kWh
Comparison of full system costs of RES with LCOE of conventional generators
Market Entry Perspective
Comparison of LCOE of RES with electricity prices on electricity exchange or operating costs of fossil fuel power plants
Grid parity: Comparison of LCOE of RES with retail electricity price
E.g.: Wind, PV, Biogas, solid Biomass, Lignite, Hard coal,… LCOE increasing
LCOE vs. Annual full costs
LCOE = average total costs over lifetime
Annual costs = actual annual costs
Annual full costs
Variable costs of conventional power plants
Cost components of electricity prices for household consumers
40,07 ct/kWh
21 % Acquisition / sales
8 % Grid fee
6 % Value-added tax
Electricity tax
Concession fee
CHP and other surcharges
Last changed17 days ago