Economic theory
Electricity is a homogeneous good i.e. nobody will pay more for a specific type of electricity
The equilibrium price is formed on the basis of marginal costs i.e. the variable costs of generation
Pricing on the electricity market
Clearing price determined by the marginal power plant (last power plant required to supply the load) —> determined by available plants, their variable costs, fuel prices and carbon price
Market clearance price —> determined by the last unit sold
All infra-marginal power plants (marginal plants offer lower price —> have lower marginal costs) receive the clearing price —> wholsale electricity market is a “pay-as-cleared” market —> receives price which they have offered
Supply curve of all available generators —> merit order —> vary over time because of availability of wind and solar fluctuations
Demand is very inelastic —> doesn’t react to price change
Bidding with perfect competition
Many small producers —> change in the bid leads to change in the order of the bids
Bid at marginal costs —> receive market clearing price if it is a marginal or infra-marginal producer
Bid more than marginal costs —> could get extra margin and miss an opportunity to sell at a profit
Bid less then marginal costs —> might have to produce at a loss
Borderline or Marginal Producer
Sells this last unit
Receives exactly his bid
Infra-marginal producers
Receive more money than your bid
Achieve economic profit
Extra-marginal producers
Sell nothing
Merit-Order Effect
RES have no fuel costs, therefore at top of the merit order —> always used because marginal costs = 0
Expensive power plants are forced out of the market
Because of these points it is not necessary from the economic theory to have an additional regulatory obligation vor using RES —> BUT in Germany we have it, the “feed-in-priority”
—> with emerge of RES the merit order would shift to the right and the price falls
—> High renewable generation —> prices fall more sharply
Fundamental factors for short-term electricity prices
—> on basis of these factors, (future) market prices can be calculated
—> Reasonable price forecasts possible because of focasts for wind/solar, demand and fuel prices
Fundamental Factors
Other Factors are for example psychological or trading strategies
Working of the wholesale market
Gas and electricity spot markets
Trading before real/lead time
Gate closure = latest possible trading time
Short product sizes are favourable for the integration of variable RES
Overview of the time scale of the electricity markets
Future markets
Use to procure generation and load in advance to minimise financial risks
Large proportion of transactions
Trading centres: EEX (Leipzig), Nordpool
Spot markets
Trading platforms: EPEX, Nordpool
Day-ahead trading
Used for short-term optimisation of the generation/load profile
Intraday trading
Used to correct unforeseen changes
Balacing markets
National markets for grid balancing services
Used to balance supply and demand in real time
Procured in advance but dispatched in real life
Trading platforms managed by TSOs
How to keep a system running?
—> Short-term and flexibility market and grid management
Imbalances can occure and short-term measures are required —> Power plant outages, forecast errors, line outages, overloading of the line,…
Solution: Control energy markets or reserve markets or balancing energy markets —> deal with time imbalances i.e. with grid congestion management
Power plants need same frequency (50 Hz) —> communicate via frequency
Load > feed-in: higher frequency
Load < supply: lower frequency
would you sell if the electicity price is less then your fuel costs?
Explain this graph
y- Axis -> 1 stands for the average price (at noon highest demand and during the night low demand)
x- Axis -> Hour of the day (24h)
-> over the years the graph flettend on peak day energy demand bc of installed solar power and on night time it increased
Value factor = 1-> average electricity price (1.3 -> you can earn 30% more money )
-> thats why you can earn more money with solar, bc solar produces electricity when you need it during the day
And the (wind) value of the renewable generation is going down
-> Renewables are reducing the el. prices but they are also reducing their values (problematic)
Last changed17 days ago