Hydrogen History
Hydrogen, the most common element on earth, is widely seen as the ultimate form of clean energy.
The first commercial technology, dating from the late 1920s, was the electrolysis of water to produce pure hydrogen.
Interest in hydrogen energy arose from the shortfall in fossil fuels – especially oil – around mid-1970s.
The attraction of using hydrogen as an energy storage medium came from the fact that, …
it is universally available in the form of water
it may be transmitted over long distances in buried pipelines, which are cheaper to construct and operate than electricity grids, and have no visual impact
hydrogen is the ideal fuel for use in fuel cells to regenerate electricity
hydrogen is oxidised cleanly to water; therefore, the cycle is closed
Hydrogen Production options
Power (Water electolyis form renewables)
Hydrogen from NG
Natural gas is the primary source of hydrogen accounting for about 70% of total hydrogen manufactured.
Key methods of hydrogen production from natural gas, Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) Partial Oxidation (POX) Methane pyrolysis
SMR Reaction where methane gets converted to carbon monoxide and hydrogen by reacting with steam under high pressure and temperature with a catalyst in a steam methane reformer unit
Produces syngas (hydrogen and carbon monoxide) through the reaction of light hydrocarbons (typically methane) with water
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is generated and released into the atmosphere
Partial Oxidation (POX)
Methane and other hydrocarbons in natural gas react with a limited amount of oxygen (not enough to completely oxidize the hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and water)
The reaction produces mainly hydrogen and carbon monoxide (and nitrogen, if the reaction is carried out with air rather than pure oxygen) and a small amount of carbon dioxide and other compounds
Methane pyrolysis
A highly endothermic (requiring a lot of energy) process
Methane is split into gaseous hydrogen and solid carbon
The heat needed to drive the process may come from various sources—combustion of hydrocarbons, concentrated solar heat, electricity or another heat source
Hydrogen Production from coal
Step 1:
Through gasification, coal gets to turn into a very hot
synthesis gas (Syngas) at a temperature of around
1800°C which is a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen
and carbon dioxide along with other trace gases such as
Sulfur Dioxide and particulate matter
Step 2:
In the next stage, syngas is cooled and cleaned to
remove trace gases and particles. In this process sulfur,
mercury, particulate matter and other contaminations are
Step 3:
Then cleaned syngas is transferred to the shift reactor.
Through shift reaction, CO is converted to CO2 and
afterwards the product stream is mostly H2 and CO2
Step 4:
Finally, CO2 and H2 are separated into two streams. If
the plant is equipped with Carbon Capturing Storage and
Utilize (CCSU) technology, CO2 is captured, stored and
Hydrogen Production From renewable energy
Hydrogen is obtained through the process of electrolysis where electricity is used to split water into its components – oxygen and hydrogen.
Key methods of hydrogen production from water
- Alkaline Electrolysis
- Proton-Exchange Membrane (PEM)
- Solid Oxide Electrolysers
Alkaline Electrolysis
This technology applies a solution that requires recirculating of the electrolyte (potassium hydroxide (KOH)) into and out the stack components to separate hydrogen from water molecules by applying electricity
It requires the constant flow of power, so it is less efficient with variable renewable energy sources
Proton-Exchange Membrane (PEM)
A modern electrolyser technology
higher efficiency and production rates.
In this technology, a solid membrane is used to separate hydrogen. This technology is more simple and agile compared to alkaline electrolysis
Solid Oxide Electrolysers
Solid Oxide Electrolysers Cells (SOECs) facilitate the electrolysis of water vapor (H₂O) by passing an electric current through the solid oxide electrolyte. This process meticulously separates water into hydrogen gas (H₂) and oxygen gas (O₂).
Hydrogen Production:
The hallmark application of SOECs lies in their efficient production
of hydrogen. Capitalizing on high conversion efficiency, SOECs offer
a clean and versatile solution for various industries, including
transportation and industrial processes
Hydrogen Production From biomass
Biohydrogen is the source of energy that uses living microorganisms to make hydrogen via biological processes
Hydrogen Production From nuclear power
Nuclear power is an important source of low-carbon electricity and heat
Nuclear power heat and electricity are attractive for hydrogen production as they provide continuous, low-carbon baseload electricity and heat suited for industrial hydrogen production
Hydrogen Utilization Sector - Application
What is PtX?
Power-to-X (PtX or P2X) refers to innovative conversion technologies that turn renewable electricity into various synthetic and low carbon fuels – such as hydrogen, sustainable aviation and maritime fuels, synthetic natural gas, liquid fuels or chemicals which can be used to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors or stored for later use
PtX Sustainability
Environmental (energy, Cabon cycle, recycling,…)
Governance (stability, transparency, standards,…)
Economic (value added, trade, investment, …)
Social (jobs, skills, human rights,…)
Hydrogen Policies and Regulations
European Union (EU) is committed to be the first climate-neutral continent
The European Commission (EC) thus published a series of legislation to make the EU “fit” for this endeavour towards climate neutrality
A very technical – but crucial – part are the so-called “Delegated Acts” (DAs) to the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II on “Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin” (RFNBOs), for example, renewable H₂ and synthetic hydrocarbons
The DAs on Article 27 and 28 of the RED ll have been discussed heavily as they determine key rules regarding electricity sourcing and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission accounting for RFNBOs, including renewable hydrogen
Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH)
The Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) is a variable that indicates how much it costs to produce 1 kg of Green Hydrogen, taking into account the estimated costs of the investment required and the cost of operating the assets involved in its production
The cost of the equipment required
Affected by the renewable energy system adopted, the electrolyser technology selected (alkaline, PEM, etc.) and the characteristics of the auxiliary services involved, such as water treatment, the compression and cooling system or Hydrogen storage, among others
The more precise the technology selection, the more reliable the result will be
Operating and maintaining cost of the production
This estimate considers water consumption, the
cost of renting the land, or the annual maintenance
required for all the assets
important factor to consider in this cost is the
potential use of energy from the electricity grid.
LCOH Formula
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