According to Schwarz (2014), what are the two dimensions of sense that make conflicts valuable for communities?
community, unity, durability
Conflicts can give the feeling of differentiation for themselves, distancing from other groups, where in this group set of rules are observed. Non-confirmist in group a are pulles back into line, and deviation from social norms are eliminsated.
This way, community is protected and has a commonality,.
Why does conflict occour? is there a natural pattern?
Due to evolutionary patterns, our brains enter a autopilot mode when confronted with stress.
This autopilot works faster than the consciour mind, which is why its diffiult to control.
They are inherited patterns of behavior, from past personal experiences
They are involuntary stress patterns.
What are systems in the context of Solution Work Process?
Systems are set of elemtns, like people and things, that interact with each other. They are unpredictable due to the complex nature.
In such complex systems, especiall in the VUCA world, the cause of conflicts is hard to know, while interventions cannots give predictable outcomes either.
What is refraiming in context of wahr-gebung and wahr-nehmung.
RRefraiming is the opposite of over thinking and over analyzing, its the expansion of range of possible interpretation of things, by adopting open attitude thowards them, while exploring the other persons point of view.
Adopting this view point gives you a different view point. Example, your coworkier that overly critisized your and your points. While this can come forward as hostile, other view would be that this person cares about the topic and puts a lot of energy into your points, since itsi mportant to them.
What conflict resolution strategies are there?
Avoidence (lose-lose)
Adjustment (lost - win)
Competition (Win-lose)
Cooperation (win-win)
Compromise (golden middle)
What are the four basic assumptions of Harvard negotiation Project (HNP)?
People - treating people and problems seperately
Interests - Negotiating the interests behind the positions
Possibilities - checking options
Criteria - selecting objective decisions
How can empathy assist during constructive conflict resolution?
Any form of empathy helps because it gives you the same feelings as your partner and the same stress patterns work, which facilitates mutual understanding.
Empathy helps, above all, when we connect with another person almost instantly on a level of feeling (emotional empathy).
Empathy simplifies the renunciation of a person’s own interests; empathy makes it possible to put oneself in the position of another and, thus, to take selfish interests less seriously.
Empathy helps when it is combined with the willingness to deal with the feelings being experienced, and to work on a constructive solution that also takes into account the interests of the other party (cognitive empathy).
What are the steps of the solution stages to conflict deescalation and resolution called?
1. Stop: distance yourself 2. Be thoughtful 3. Gather ideas toward solution 4. Listen, understand 5. Negotiate and decide
1. Stop: distance yourself 2. Be thoughtful 3. Listen, understand 4. Gather ideas toward solution 5. Negotiate and decide
1. Stop: distance yourself 2. Listen, understand 3. Be thoughtful 4. Gather ideas for solutions 5. Negotiate and decide
1. Demonstrate empathy 2. Listen, understand 3. Be thoughtful 4. Gather ideas toward solution 5. Negotiate and decide
What are the benefits of systemic solution work and reframing in handling conflicts?
Systemic solution work helps to find the cause of conflicts in order to eliminate them with the help of reframing.
Systemic solution work integrates all elements of a system (e.g., all people in a group or organization) into the solution process, and makes the mutual interrelations transparent in order to redesign them by means of reframing.
Reframing allows for a different meaning to what is perceived and the interpretations and hypotheses derived from it, and for developing assumptions that are useful, among other things, for the solution sought within the framework of systemic solution work.
Reframing is a method of systemic solution work with the aim of learning an opponent’s true motivation.
What should you consider when conducting negotiations constructively and successfully?
It is particularly important to find out which persons involved have caused the problems or impeded a possible negotiated solution.
Ideally, the goal of negotiations should always be a win-win solution; at a minimum, a compromise should be sought in order to eliminate and/or avoid conflict potential.
The choice of an appropriate negotiation strategies depends on the objective, the negotiating partner, and the context.
In negotiations, it is of highest importance to take a clear position and represent it with solid arguments.
Which statement on dealing with conflict potentials is correct?
Potential problems, such as conflicting interests and goals, must always be dealt with and eliminated immediately.
The elimination of conflict potential is an essential task for a manager: he or she must always intervene at an early stage and ensure the balance of interests.
Conflicts fulfil important functions in social life, which is why constructive cooperation is recommended to facilitate as much conflict potential as possible.
In addition to clearly defined goals and space to reflect, good dialogue and polite disagreements can ensure that conflicts do not escalate.
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