how to know if lesion is in inner retinal layer or in retinal vasculature or in outer layer of retina
Inner ret layers- arcuate damage + respect midlines
ret vasculature- arcuate or altitudinal ( Superior or Inferior)
Outer layer- does not respect horixontal or vertical midline + does not follow pattern of RNFL
When is field loss unilateral or asymetric?
When is VA affected?
Field loss
unilateral in unilat pathology
asymetric in bilateral pathology
affected if papillo-macular bundle is affected
unaffected with macular sparing
How to detect ONH on VF test
absolute scotoma - absence of photoreceptors
R side of VF for R eye and vv (temporal)
lesions can be put into 3 groups. What are they and which side of VF would they affect?
Pre-chiasmal (retinl and optic nerve lesions) : affect VF on same side eg. RE lesion affect R VF.
Produce scotomas
Chiasmal: affect temporal field of each eye bx nasal ret fibres affected
bitemporal hemianopia
Post-chiasmal ( lesions in brain): VF of both eyes affected eg. R lesion affect L side of both VF.
produce hemianopas and quadrantanopias
respect vertical midline
Afferent pupil responses can be Total( TAPD) or Relative (RAPD). Whats the difference?
very poor VA in affected eye
unaffected eye - direct and consensual response
affected eye- NO direct OR consensual response
VA reduced in affected eye
unaffected eye- direct and consensula response
affected eye- delayed or partial direct and consensual response
Features of optic tract defects
respect vertical mid line
homonymous ( affect R of both or L of both)
occur on opposite side of lesion ( if lesion on R, L VF of both affected)
incongruous- not exact match on R or L - different appearance on R and L plots
Optic atrophy or RAPD
Unlikely to present with VFD
features of lesions in optic radiations.
VF defect pattern of Posterior Optic radiations
features of VF defects of lesions in visual cortex-
highly congruous hemianopias( same side of field is affected)
macula can be split or spared ( if lesion is further back = mac sparing)
how to detect lesion anterior and posterior to LGN
lesions anterior produce optic atrophy and pupillary defects bx same gang cell axon from ONH to LGN= ONH pallor
lesion posterior are more congruous and mac sparing = ONH not affected
Factors affecting VF tests
Age- sensitivity reduces with age
Pupil size- central affected more than peripheral
Rx- low myopes ( less than -3.00) do not need correction. Hyperope correct if cant read
Artefact- not due to pathology eg. ptosis, trial lens rims ( use metal ones)
learning effects- px gets better at test
Fatigue effect- ensure px is positioned comfortably
Functional visual loss = reduced VF with no pathological cause. could be malingering ( disability- claim benefits, financial compensation, psychological )
Structure vs visual function. How do we assess each?
Structure = diseases- Opthalmoscopy + OCT
Function= impact on px- VA ( macular func), CV (colour deficiency + optic nerve lesions), VF ( mac func)
degrees for VF-
60 superiorly
75 inferiorly
100 temporally
60 nasally
200 binoculary
WHich are the 2 ways to assess VF
Kinetic vs static
scotoma vs altitudinal vs hemianopia
Hemianopia- side to side defect.
Factors affecting visual field defects
Age: increased age = reduced sensitivity
Pupil size: small pupil = central affected more moe than peripheral fields
Rx: correct Rx for myopes above -3D and presbyopic when testing VF
Artefact: artificial defect on VF plot not due to pathology eg. trial lens frame
Learning effects: px tends to do better with repeated attempts
Fatigue effects: more detailed test= more accurate results but longe test = px fatigue
reasons for reduced VA/VF without pathological cause
disability- clain benefits
financial compensation
claim insurance
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