What is the Plus, Minus, Interest (PMI) method?
Pros - arguments for your position
Minus - against
Interesting - be open to these questions and ideas
Which statement on self-efficacy corresponds to Martens and Kuhl’s (2013) research findings?
In order to adopt a creative attitude and develop a sense of self-efficacy, it is necessary to have a strong personality, which is primarily determined by your genes.
The stronger the creative attitude and confidence a person feels, the more likely this person will successfully achieve their goals despite internal and external obstacles, subsequently reinforcing the sense of self-efficacy.
Dealing with your own weaknesses can reduce a sense of self-efficacy because you inevitably adopt a submissive attitude.
Setting goals regardless of external obstacles increases internal obstacles, promoting a sense of victimhood or a problematic attitude, ultimately depleting any sense of self-efficacy.
Which statement on personal resources is correct?
Emotions or feelings are weaknesses rather than personal resources because they arise involuntarily or uncontrollably and often block the mind.
Personal resources can be identified through feedback from others; it is very difficult to identify them yourself.
Personal resources are always depleted through failure.
Emotions and feelings are also important resources that can provide stimulation and energy or raise caution about danger.
What can be an appropriate approach to self-regulation?
Self-confrontation: seeking negative emotions, for example, by becoming aware of disadvantages and obstacles, including possible consequences, and imagining them with all the senses.
Self-braking: strongly self-regulating negative emotions
Self-calming: cooling off strong, positive emotions
Self-motivation: reducing negative emotions
Which ways of thinking, according to de Bono (2016), promote creativity particularly well?
It is important to concentrate above all on your own point of view and personal knowledge because these are the source of new ideas.
A useful method is brainstorming: all ideas are collected in a group without criticism and without ideas being taken up and further developed by each other.
Vertical thinking is particularly well suited for developing completely new ideas.
It is often helpful to consciously question assumptions and make assumptions that are very likely wrong or irrelevant.
According to Koch (2016), what are the four basic factors of transfer strength?
1. Openness to training impulses 2. Self-responsibility in the implementation of success 3. Recidivism management in everyday life 4. Positive thinking to avoid setbacks
1. Openness to training impulses 2. Self-responsibility in the implementation success 3. Recidivism management in everyday life 4. Critical self-talk when experiencing setbacks
1. Openness to training impulses 2. Support from third parties during implementation 3. Recidivism management in everyday life 4. Positive self-talk when experiencing setbacks
1. Openness to training impulses 2. Self-responsibility in the implementation success 3. Recidivism management in everyday life 4. Positive self-talk when experiencing setbacks
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