Who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2024?
John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton
for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks
What do we understand under ‘Computational Neuroscience’?
combines biomedical experiments with theoretical models
opens new avenues for scientific insights and technological applications
researchers with different backgrounds identify principles of brain functions and translate them into mathematical representation
What are the levels of neuronal dynamics and signal processing?
on spatial and temporal scales?
how structure and function of the brain can be studied on different levels
meters (entire body), cm (whole brain), mm (brain regions), micrometer (individual neurons), nanometer (cellular-level interactions and protein structures)
years (aging), days (behavioral patterns), hours (learning/memory formation), minutes (synaptic plasticity - strengthening/weakening of synapses), seconds (neural signaling), milliseconds (actions potentials), microseconds (synaptic vesicle release), nanoseconds (molecular interactions), pikoseconds (extremly rapid molecular changes)
How many neurons are in the human brain?
How many synapses?
More than neurons
More than synapses (constantly added and removed)
What are the two different sound signals?
Sound amplitude and temporal structure
what happens with the temporal patterns during a repeated same stimulus?
Variability - ‘to spike or not to spike - and when’
How does the Variability in neuronal firing infleunce the reliability of neural encoding and decision-making?
introduces randomness into neural encoding process (action potential)
What is the challenge of understanding the brain?
What are the complex properties?
What are limitations in structural and temporal complexity?
Large system: more than 100 billion neurons (>10¹¹)
densely connected: over one quadrillion connections between neurons (>10¹⁵)
Complex Properties:
Massive feedback: neurons constantly send information back and forth —> feedback loops
Strong longlinearities: relationship btw input and output not straightforward —> small changes can lead to large effects
Collective Phenomena: neurons work together as networks —> cant understand behaviour by studying individual neurons alone
Many structural levels: brain operates across multiple scales (tiny ion channels to entire brain)
Many temporal scales: submilliseconds ionic changes to decade-long learning and memory develeopment
What is the need for Computational Neuroscience?
Human intuition fails —> mathematical modelling essential to analyze, simulate and understand brain functions
What are the five levels of single-neuron modelling?
Which is the correct model?
Detailed Compartmental Models:
—> capture full anatomical and biophysical details of neuron
—> dividing in multiple compartments representing dendrites, axons, soma
Reduced Compartmental Models:
—> simplify neuron in smaller number of compartments
—> retaining critical functional elements like dendritic integration or axonal output
Single-Compartment Models:
—> models neuron as single electrical circuit, summarizing behaviour with key properties like ion channels
Cascade Models:
—> abstract models that describe neuronal input-output relationships using nonlinear transformations
Black-box Models:
—> focus only on input-output relationships without considering biological mechanisms
no ‘correct’ model for neurons, choice depends on research quesition and computational resources
What are the Key considerations about the single-neuron Models?
Biophysically Realistic Models:
+ provide detailed and accurate representations
- require computationally expensive simulations
- highly parameter sensitive
Abstract Models:
+ facilitate mathematical understanding
+ more efficient for larger network simulations
- risk being oversimplified
- potentially missing critical biological details
How does Predictive Neuroinformatics change the traditional role of neurobiological experiments?
instead of testing a hypotheses (true/false) —> experiments now designed to ensure predicitive models relaibly estimate missing data
What is the Grid System?
—> solution to measure movement distances and add a metric to spatial maps (physical space) in hippocampus
Grid cells = activity patterns
What are grid cells?
Name some key features.
= type of neuron involved in spatial navigation and encoding
—> play central role in forming spatial map of environment
Key features:
Grid Cell Activity:
firing in hexagonal patterns —> forming grid-like structures
Neighboring Cell Properties:
Similar spatial frequency (scale of grid patterns similar)
Similar orientation (alignment of grid consistent)
Different spatial phases (patterns are offset related to each other)
Grid scale increases from dorsal to ventral areas
can a single grid cell represent spatial location? What questions raises this?
grid cells share consistent orientation and scale, but their spatial phase differencese allow more environmental coverage
BUT: single grid cell cannot represent spatial location, bc it lacks necessary resolution and diversity in grid scales
Question: Why are axes aligned within module, when reduces models capacity to encode spatial location
What are Place cells? What is the advantage of Grid cells?
= encode specific locations in environment with high precision
Grid cells encode broader spatial maps AND hexagonl patterns enable more general spatial navigation
Name two complementary coding schemes for external stimuli.
Time coding:
encodes information in precise timing of action potentials (spikes)
—> temporal structure carries information
Frequency coding:
encodes information in rate of action potentials over time
—> overeall firing rate represents strength/intensity of stimiulus
Name four properties of Grid cells.
Hexagonal firing pattern
Aligned orientation: neighboring grid cells within module share same orientation of hexagonal firing grids
Similar grid scale: grid cells within module have similar spatial scales (distnace btw grid nodes)
Spatial phase shifts: neighboring grid cells have different spatial phases —> hexagonal grids offset relative to each other —> broad spatial coverage
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