Tear film structure
3 layers
Lipid- spread by surface tension. Prevents evaporation
Aqueous - spread by blinking
Tear film functions
when should tear film be assessed?
Dry eye ( new/ pre-existing)
Px complains of symptoms
All CL px
Any anterior segment pathology ( pterygium/ pinguecula )
Define dry eye syndrome (DES)
Symptoms of dry eye
Itchy sore, gritty, scratchy, burning, FB sensation (sand)
Stringy mucus
Blurred vision
Difficultly wearing CL
Aqueous vs Evaporative dry eye
Non invasive vs invasive TF assessment methods. Name them
Non invasive
Optic section + specular ( look for debris, lipid) - qualitative
Keratometry mires/ keratometry mires ( look when mires wobble, break)
Measuring tear meniscus ( quantitative)
Invasive - fluorescien
TBUT- quantitative
tear volume
Tear meniscus height ( ~0.3mm) - quantitative
Schirmer strip - quantitative
Phenol red thread test- quantitative
Which 4 diagnostic dyes are used to investigate dry eye
NaFl- absorbed by TF and fills in gaps caused by epi cells loss
Pharmacy med
Not true dye
Used with DES, FB, CL, Goldmann
Used with cobalt blue + Wratten filter
Rose Bengal- taken up by dead cells and mucus
Used with green light
Stings on instillation
Takes long to drain
Lissamine green- stains dead cells
Reversible and can be washed out
Viewed with red filter
Lodge wiper epitheliopathy
other ways to investigate tear film
Interferometry- use a tearscope- allows assesment of lipid layer thickness
Tear osmolarity & osmolality - use a TearLab
chronic severe MGD = atrophy of mei glands = dropout
how to quantify dry eye symptoms
use questionnaires
what is LIPCOF?
Bleph can be anterior or posterior
Dry eye management
tear supplements ( for aq deficiency)- use preservative free options
Lid hygiene ( for evap deficiency) - heat compress, massage, drops
make your management specific
-recommend specific product + how often + storage + disposed
Last changed18 days ago