Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci (Easy one)
Adoration of the Magi by Botticelli
What is Tromp L’Oieul?
A trick of the eye
What is chirascuro?
A contrast between light subjects and dark backgrounds.
What is foreshortening?
Cutting off the end of a figure and blurring it out. e.g.
Raphael’s Alba Madonna
What bird represents Christ’s crucifiction?
The goldfinch
Entombment of Christ (Caravaggio)
Betrayal of Christ (Caravaggio)
Agony in the Garden (Mategna) Notice the rabbits
What did Giotto do that was cool?
He’s known as the Father of Renaissance Art. He introduced 3D painting with weight and actual personality. He also introduced perspective, with background and foreground. Boccaccio said he was the best painter ever. Cimabue noticed his talent first and never painted again, as the story goes. He painted the Scroveigni Chapel.
What was Raphael known for?
Madonnas. Also apparently he was really nice and also good looking.
The Scrovegni Chapel, painted by Giotto. Ceiling made of expensive lapis to represent the sky, gold used to represent the wealth of the Scrovegnis, and a picture of all the rich people going to hell.
Who did Giotto influence with the Scrovegni chapel?
Dante and his Inferno. Spooky stuff!
Another picture from the Scrovegni chapel. Note the differing paths of the chosen versus the doomed. The top folds like a scroll. The apostles (minus Judas) sit in the front with the angels worshipping in the back.
The Nativity (Geertgen tot Sint James) 3 sources of light are the shepherd’s campfire, Jesus, and the angel.
Adoration of the Shepherds (Georges de La Tour)
The Nativity (Robert Campin)
Adoration of the Magi (Gentile de Fabriano)
The Incredulity of Thomas (Caravaggio)
Describe neo-platonism
Contemplating beauty elevates the soul, we get more evil as we get older, so nudity (symbolizing birth) represents purity. This was Platonism mixed with Christianity. It includes the chain of being, and focuses on beauty as a means of restoring purity.
Give a simplified chain of being for all things
God, Angels, Heaven, Humans, Beasts, Plants, Flame, Rock
First among nations? (According to the Renaissance of course)
First among men?
First among metals?
First among animals?
First among dogs?
St. Bernarnd
First among birds?
First among trees?
First among flowers?
Who is Handel?
Wrote the song, Messiah, and, Joy to the World.
Who is Mozart
Genius composer, emphasised the pauses in his music, ended his name in -us, a bunch, just for the fun of it. (Wolfgangus Amadeus Mozartus)
What are do the 12 days of Christmas represent. (All of them! I’m not doing 11 more flashcards, I’m tired enough as is.)
Partridge in a pear tree: Jesus on the cross
Two turtledoves: Sacrifice made by Mary and Joseph for Jesus
Three French hens: Gifts of the wise men (French hens were rare and expensive)
Four calling birds: The Gospel writers
Five golden rings: The Torah
Six geese-a-laying: Six days of creation (eggs symbolize life)
Seven swans-a-swimming: Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (ugly duckling to swan)
Eight maids-a-milking: Beatitudes (milk nourishes)
Nine ladies dancing: Fruits of the Spirit
Ten lords-a-leaping: The ten commandments
Eleven pipers piping: The eleven remaining apostles
Twelve drummers drumming: The twelve points of the Apostles Creed
What are some codes of the bells? (Try and get a few, but I’m putting them ALL down)
Used to keep birds away, told time, issue warnings, help save lost people, announce the arrival of important people, announce worship time, and rang for weddings and births. Oh, and Tennant’s sources say that the universe sounded like a bell when it totally exploded. No, seriously, it’s in her slide and everything! How this adds up… I have absolutely no idea…
What’s the Bechdel Test?
There are at least two women in the story
They talk to each other
They talk to each other about something other than men
Poor Lord of the Rings!
What color are horror movies coded to?
Gray (also documentaries or something)
What color are surrealistic movies coded to?
What are movies about humans coded to? (Aren’t most stories about humans? Maybe she means Hallmark movies or something.)
Teal and orange (Because they’re on the opposite side of the color wheel, which is indeed cool)
What’s the code of right/left, foreground/background in movies?"
Right good, left bad, background weak, foreground strong
What’s the code of POV in movies?
Looking up at a character enhances, looking down reduces. (Lol puny little guy)
What’s the code of angles in movies? (Last one gives a hint)
High angles makes them pawns, low puts them in power. (Yay tall people for the winnnnn)
What’s contraposta? (Forgot to put this earlier lol)
Facing a different direction than shoulders and hips. (Looks DRAMATIC and stuff)
Why is the star of Bethlehem super good on chain of being stuff?
Cause it has the king star (Regulous) and the king planet (Jupiter) inside the constellation Leo (king constelation cause lions)
Cathedral time! What position are they in?
Facing east towards the garden of Eden and the sunrise. When ya leave, you’re heading west which reminds you of mortality. Deep.
What are cathedral’s shaped like?
A cross. Remember that one we saw that one time? The one that got torn down but you could still see the cross? yeah that was cool…
The upside-down boat thing that churches do since Jesus would have used one like that for shade to teach. It comes from naval or navy. Now that makes loads more sense… boats…
BEAUTY! What’s pretty to renaissance people?
Foreheads twice as wide as they were high, chestnut eyes with arched eyebrows, flowing golden curls (got one!!), small pink ears, small smile that sends you on a trip to paradise, ABSOLUTELY NO TEETH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (or at least less than six), high ivory cheeks, tiny pointy nose that doesn’t go up.
What did Leonardo’s teacher do when he helped with that one angel?
Said he’d never paint again cause Leo’s art was wayyy better
Who painted the goldfinch with a Madonna? (Or the other way around if you’re picky)
The Calling of Matthew (Caravaggio)… FOunD the LAST paintING int he list. woooooooo
Lol Jk here’s another one
Jesus with Joseph in his Carpentry Workshop (Georges de La Tour
Who was the main character in In The Heat of the Night
Virgil Tibbs
Who was the chief of police in In the Heat of the Night
Bill Gillespie
Who got murdered in In the Heat of the Night
Mr. Colbert
Who did the murdering in In the Heat of the Night
Ralph Henshaw
Who’s the main character in The Rear Window
L. B. Jeffries
What’s the girlfriends name? (You know which movie I’m talking about now, so just deal…)
Lisa Freemont
What’s the nurse’s name?
What’s the murderer’s name?
Lars Thorwald… the meanie…
Who’s the detective guy?
Tom Doyle… and he’s from the airforce too! Isn’t that just neat…
Good luck remembering all the quotes lol…
Last changed2 months ago