What is Monetary Policy?
action of a central bank to achieve sustainable economic growht by adjusting the money supply
What can a central bank do to adjust the Money supply? (3 things)
Adjust the reserve ratio = minimum a bank has to keep of a deposit as a bank reserve
Increase reserve ratio -> Bank has to keep more reserve -> Decrease Money supply
Limits: Banks are allowed to keep more or people keep cash at home
Adjust Federal Fund Rate = Rate for banks to lend money inbetween them
Increase Federal Fund Rate = Decreae Money Supply
Open Market Operation = Tool for influencing FFR
Expansionary OMO = Central bank buys T-Bills from bank -> Increase Money Supply
Contractionary OMO = Central bank sells T-bills to bank —> Decrease Money Supply
Best case scenario for Monetary Policy?
Negative AD shock, e.g. Animal Spirits (=emotions and fear)
With an negative AD shock (and no adjustment by Monetary Policy), in the long run, you would get equilbrium with lower inflation rate and same growth rate
But in the short run, real GDP growth rate goes down, might even be negative —> negative conseuquences, Recession
Central Bank can help with Money Supply
Challenges for Central Bank
Data Quality (Data often reviewed after years)
Timing (actions might take months)
Control is incomplete and imperfect (e.g. dependance of banks)
Worst Case Scenario
Negative Real Shock (e.g. Oil Shock)
Negative Real Shock = Less growth and higher inflation
To decrease inflation —> Decrease Money Supply
To increase growth —> Increase Money Supply (with a even higher inflation)
AD Shock and Real Shock often come together
Last changed2 months ago