What is the Marketing Mix
Set of tactical and controllable marketing instruments (the 4ps) that the company combines to generate the desired response in the target market
It is a model that includes the four basic elements of a company's activity
Place (Distribution)
The marketing mix is composed of everything the company can do to influence the demand for its product. It constitutes the practical toolbox of the company to achieve a strong positioning in its target markets
Tell me more about each P
the combination of goods and services offered by the company
what customers will have to pay to obtain the product
activities carried out to communicate the advantages of the product and try to entice the customer to stimulate purchase
activities carried out by the company to make the product available to its customers
What else can the Marketing Mix do?
variety, quality, design, features, brand
list price, discounts, payment period, credit conditions
advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations
channels (direct or indirect), coverage (geographic reach for local, region), locations (stores or outlets), inventory (Managing stock levels to ensure products), transportation (efficient delivering methods), logistics
Is there a difference between the Buyer and Seller point of view?
The concept of the four ps refers to the market's view from the seller's perspective, not from the buyer's perspective.
Here is the Buyers point of view:
Have to satisfy the customer needs
Considering not only the monetary costs but also the total costs
convenience (bequemlichkeit)
communication, two way communication (ask questions and receive information)
Markting Executives and Customers View
Marketing Executives View:
Marketing professionals believe they are selling products.
Customers View
Customers believe they are buying value or solutions to their problems.
Key Customers Considerations
Price is not the only factor
Customers focus on the total cost, including:
Obtaining (Beschaffung) the product
Using the product
Disposing (entsorgung) of the product
Customer want to acquire the product or service as easily and conveniently as possible
Customers value two-way communication with the company.
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