Content of emergency call
Mayday 3x
Consist of as many as possible of the following elements spoken distinctly and, if possible, in the following order:
• Name of the station addressed (time and circumstances permitting);
• The identification of the aeroplane;
• The nature of the distress condition;
• Intention of the person in command;
• Present position, level (i.e. flight level, altitude, etc., as appropriate) and heading
The flight crew should be prepared to give the following information:
• Fuel on board;
• Persons on board;
• Dangerous goods on board (if any).
Noise abatement departures
Thrust reduction Acceleration
NADP 1 1500ft. AAL 3000ft. AAL
NADP 2 1000ft. AAL 1000ft. AAL
NADP 1 close-in noise abatement
NADP 2 distant noise abatement
Maximum Bank angels and turns after T/O
Maximum bank angles after take-off are:
10° below 300ft AGL
15° between 300ft and 500ft AGL
30° above 500ft AGL
No turns below 80ft AGL (A320), 100ft AGL (A330)
Initial contact with ATC after T/O
Not before “gear lever up” and 400ft. AGL
Weather Threats:
Weather Threats (ETA +/- 1h incl. PROB)
Ceiling < minimum + 200ft
Visibility < minimum + 1000m
Wind incl. gusts > 30kt
Crosswind incl. gusts >20kt
CB/TS, SN, any FZ conditions, SS/DS, WS, etc.
Operational Threats (ETA +/- 1h)
Low Visibly Operation
Undue delay expected
Maximum Rate of Descent
Down to an Altitude of
max. Rate of Descent
10.000ft above MGA/MSA
max. 6000ft /min
5000ft above the terrain
4000ft above the terrain
3000ft above the terrain
2000ft above the terrain
1000ft above the terrain
below 1000ft above the terrain
Cold temperature altitude correction
correction should be considered
OAT < ISA -15 degrees
correction is compulsory
maybe ommited if PIC decides that sufficient terrain clearance is available
ATC has to be informed about the corrections
Swing over criteria
during night only FRA + MUC
not later than 5nm from threshold
FDs off when starting swing
Aligned by 500 ft. latest
Correct lateral guidance after G/A (HDG)
Commencement and continuation of Approach
if RVR is below minimum, no descent below 1000 ft.
if no RVR and according conversion of VIS the converted RVR is higher than minimum, than descent to MDA/DA is possible; not for LVO
Touchdown zone RVR is controlling, if not reported, midpoint is controlling ( others are advisory)
LDG with manual rollout
RVR > 125m recommended (high speed sector)
RVR > 75m recommended
Autoland on contaminated RWY
all RVRs along the required field length > 200m compulsory (rollout must be performed manual)
Visual approaches
only during daylight
RVR > 800m
What is the Reduced landing margin (RLM) concept?
Whenever the between the FLD - Factored landing distance and the LDA is less than 400m, the RLM concept applies.
It has to be decided for a point of latest touchdown.
must not be used below 200ft. threshold elevation
2-bar VASIS usage prohibited for A330
touchdown should be achieved at 1000ft. (300m)
Not later than 3000ft. beyond landing threshold
If wrong A/C is displayed or closing lights not moving or “ERR+STOP”; stop and ask for Marshaller
EDTO / ETOPS Approved Diversion Time
Based on MCT / 330kts and 180.000kg
Max diversion time 180 min = 1279nm
Fire cargo compartment compression time is 260 min
Threhold distances (60min)
A320 = 409nm (MCT /320kts. / 70.000kg)
A330 = 435nm (MCT /330kts./180.000kg)
If max diversion time due to MEL is reduced to 60 min, apply Threshold distance for en-route alternate.
ETOPS IS ONLY FOR PLANNING, in real life it could take longer than the max diversion time!
Oxygen requirements
Flight Crew
above 25.000ft, quick donning mask required
Above 10.000ft blw. 13.000ft.; oxygen for entire flight time, but minimum for 2 hours
Above 10.000ft for more than 30 minutes or above 13.000ft. Use continuously oxygen
Cabin Crew
above 25.000ft.; masks for all CC required
Above 13.000ft not less than 30 min or above 10.000ft. blw. 13.000ft after initial 30 min at altitude; oxygen for entire flight time
above 25.000ft. 10% more dispensing units and outlets than number seats; distributed evenly
Above 15.000ft.; all passengers for entire flight time, but not less than 10 min supply
Above 14.000ft. blw. 15.000ft.; 30% of PAX for entire flight time
Above 10.000ft. blw. 14.000ft. after initial 30 minutes at these altitudes; 10% of PAX for entire flight time
Definition icing conditions + Engine Anti Ice Use
TAT at or below 10 degrees
Visible moisture
OAT at or below 10 degrees
Visible moisture (e.g. Fog with visibility of 1sm)
Engine Anti Ice has to be used for conditions above, unless
during climb + cruise if SAT is below -40 degrees
Last changeda month ago