Which statement is correct?
Is the following statement correct?
The study of system of nouns in the Early modern English period is an example of a synchronic approach to language
The study of the development of English vowels from the old English period to early modern English is an example of a synchronic approach to language
The study of the development of English irregular verb forms from the Old English period is an example of a synchronic approach to language
Exemplify analytic nature of English: John was much happier in his previous job
The elements marked bold in the following sentence exemplify the analytic nature of the English language:
She will visit her parents tomorrow
The elements marked bold in the following sentences exemplify the analytic nature of English language:
Mary and John have received many positive comments to their presentation
The element marked bold in the following sentence exemplify the analytic nature of English language:
She didn’t attend the meeting yesterday because of illness
The elements mark bold in the following sentence exemplify the syntactic nature of the English language:
John was much happier in his previous year
The elements marked bold in the following sentence exemplify the syntactic nature of the English language:
The geographical region of the Danelaw was the area where old English coexisted with the language of the Vikings
John’s remarks after the lecture were entirely out of place
Many recent studies have demonstrated the importance of frequency in language structure
The introduction of double negation in Middle English as in:
Ther nas no man no where so virtuous
is an example of
The change of the initial sound in Latin pedis > Engl. Foot is an example of:
The change of the meaning of the word deer from OE animal into its contemporary meaning is an example of:
The change of the meaning of the word awful from “full of awe” into is contemporary meaning “very bad” is an example of
The replacement of the 3rd person sg. Ending -eth by -es in Middle English, as in telleth – tells, is an example of:
The change of old English word order to SVO is an example of
The Old English sentence cleopest “call those things good” is an example of a sentence where
→The subject pronoun is omitted
→The word order is VO
The development of expletive subjects as in the sentence: With him there was his son… is an example of:
The paradigm of the verb to be in English, with many forms unrelated to each other, is an example of:
strong verb paradigm
One of the major linguistic changes in the Middle English period was
The increase in inflectional morphology
The difference between American English ask and after and present-day British RP ask and after is a result of:
→American English being based on the rhotic dialects of the settlers
Regional accent and historical vowel shifts
The rhotic pronunciation of /r/ in word-final and pre-consonantal position in American English is:
A result of reduction
The discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation in present-day English is a result of
The influence of many varieties of English
The contrast in the pronunciation of words such as but vs but in modern varieties of British English is a result of the following change
Unrounding of /u/ - /a/ in Early Modern English
The sharp separation between phonology and spelling in present-day English is a result of
The phonological changes that English underwent in the Middle English period, including the Great Vowel Shift
The pronominal masculine form him is a result of the syncretism of the following two cases:
Dative and accusative
The short vowel in the pronunciation of PDE plural form children in contrast to singular form child is a result of
Blocking of the lengthening before a liquid and a voiced stop
The short vowel in the pronunciation of PDE form wilderness in contrast to the form wild is a result of:
The loss of the infinitive ending -en (< OE -an) in Late Middle English (in contrast to German or Dutch) is a result of
Loss of n-inflection (weak inflection)
The sharp separation between phonology and spelling in PDE is a result of
The phonological changes that English underwent in the Middle English period, including the great vowel shift
What is the result of the Scandinavian Conquest?
→Borrowing basic vocabulary
→Introduction of new morphological elements into English →Large number of loanwords including place and personal names
→New grammatical elements were introduced into English
What is the result of the contact with Latin?
Borrowing of vocabulary in the field of medicine and law
What is the result of the contact with Celtic?
Changes in the syntactic structure of English
What is the result of the Norman Conquest?
Extensive borrowing of vocabulary from French in the area of law and government
Result of the Scandinavian conquest?
The establishment of Dane Law
The PDE 3rd person pl. forms they, their, them can be ascribed to:
→Borrowing from the Scandinavian pronominal system
The irregular PDE plural form of sheep -> sheep can be traced back to
The loss of -es plural ending
The irregular PDE plural form of ox -> oxen can be traced back to:
Old English weak declension
The PDE regular past tense ending –ed, -d goes back to:
→Old English weak conjugation
The earliest English (i.e., Old English) texts go back to:
10th c. AD
The process responsible for the difference in the initial sound of English yellow and German gelb is:
The process responsible for the difference between English five (OE fif) and German fuenf is:
Anglo-Frisian brightening
The process responsible for the alternation in English adjective forms old – older – elder is:
What process is responsible for the alternation found in OE irregular verbs of the type: “Choose” – “chose” – “chosen”?
What process is responsible for the vocalic alternation found in OE irregular verbs of the the help you help?
What process is responsible for the consonant alteration: leaf – leaves?
old english voicing
What process is responsible for the alternation found in PDE louse and lice?
What process is responsible: wolf – wolves?
What process is responsible: foot – feet?
Process responsible: tooth – teeth?
What process is responsible for the alteration found in PDE irregular verbs arise, arose, arisen?
Ablaut/ vowel-gradation
The process responsible for the alternation in English past tense forms of the verb to be: was – were is:
Verner’s law
What process is responsible for the consonant alternation: wolf – wolves?
→Verner’s law
→Old English Voicing
What process is responsible for the consonant alternation: knife – knives?
Old English Voicing
What process is responsible for the change ME boat – Late ME – PDE?
The Great Vowel Shift
What process is responsible for the change ME feet – PDE feet?
What process is responsible for the change ME tyme – PDE time?
The process responsible for the difference between the initial sound of Latin pater and English father is:
Grimms Law
The process responsible for the difference between the initial sound in Latin cordis /k/ and English heart is:
The process responsible for the difference between English goose and German Gans is:
→Loss of fricatives before nasal
The process responsible for the difference between English five and German fünf is:
Loss of fricatives before nasals
Puritanism in England was a cultural movement which brought about:
The limitation of the freedom of choice of linguistic forms, especially in the area of lexicon
The Protestant Reformation brought about
→A decrease in the value of Latin to the advantage of the vernacular
The Protestant Reformation in England brought about
→Decrease in the value of Latin to the advantage of the vernacular
Germanic languages
Yiddish, German, Danish, Dutch, Luxembourgish, Frisian, Faroese, Swedish, Gothic, Afrikaans, Norwegian
Words with Germanic origin?
Door, eat, wrong, three, right, brother, daily, think
Which of the following Germanic tribes invaded and settled the British Isles in the 5th c.?
Saxons, jutes, Frisians, angles, Britons
Which of the following tribes invaded and settled the British Isles in the 5th c.?
The study of the development of English nouns from the Old English to Middle English period is an example of a diachronic approach to language
The language spoken in England after the Norman conquest:
The first English monolingual dictionaries were published
Not earlier than the 17th Century
The Lindisfarne gospels is a text representing
→The first religious text written in old English
The translation of Latin works into English in the 10th century, such as Pope Gregory’s Pastoral Care, were inspired by:
→Alfred the Great
The introduction of the printing press by William Caxton marked
Beginning of modern England
The introduction of the printing press by William Caxton (1476) brought about:
The spread of the written word and standardization of English
The King James Bible was:
→The 17th century Translation of the Bible that build upon the old English Lindisfarne text
The inscriptions on the Franks Casket
were written in the Anglo-Saxon tuthorc
In the 6th century Celtic Britons inhabited the region of
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