‘Poverty of stimulus’ and the ‘logical problem of language acquisition’ are used to critique a specific theory of SLA and instead suggest a new theory of SLA. Which combination (A = theory critiqued, B = new theory suggested) is right?
Which of the following answers is not a characteristic of ‘interlanguage’ (Selinker 1972)?
“Mistakes that are made during a text production exercise by students have no value whatsoever and only cause the teacher more correction work.” This statement disregards the value of errors by students for a teacher in the process of learning English.
In which learning theory does Selinker refer to mistakes as valuable learning opportunities?
Many learners forget to add the 3rd person singular -s to verbs. Which of the following hypotheses by Krashen (1982) might explain this issue?
Overgeneralisation refers to the phenomenon that …
Introducing a global perspective into classroom instruction (according to Cates 2004) can integrate:
Is language teachable?
The idea of culture is …
Which of the following teaching ideas does not follow the approach of global education (Cates 2004)?
According to Byram (1997) the intercultural speaker …
Which one is not a dimension of culture (according to Posner 2003)?
Critical incidents are …
Which is the odd one out?
The quality of a learner’s speech is determined by its fluency, accuracy and complexity.
Which definition explains complexity?
Giving students the writing assignment of putting themselves into the shoes of one of the main characters and writing from his or her perspective about a topic discussed in the movie is known as?
Interactive speaking is a complex and overlapping process. Which phase is correctly explained?
We can distinguish different forms of speaking:
Speakers require knowledge about the phonological system of English on two levels: the segmental level and the suprasegmental level. Which of the following aspects is not part of the suprasegmental level?
Tasks: Which of the following claims is not part of the definition of “tasks”? A task …
The input hypothesis (by Krashen) says that …
Imagine the following scenario: You are teaching English in the 8th grade of the “Sprachliche Zweig” at a Gymnasium. You give your students a text on Canadian history, which is two pages long. The first page contains all the necessary information and has to be read by all pupils, the second page contains additional information and can be read on a voluntary basis. You provide word lists with new vocabulary and dictionaries for those who want to use them. As homework, the students can choose between a gap filling activity in which they have to insert information from the text, writing a short summary of the text, or doing a short presentation on one piece of information which they found especially interesting. Which kinds of differentiation does this scenario entail?
Which principle does not necessarily belong to the major language teaching principles that focus on learners?
Claims how to teach a foreign language: Which of the following claims is not part of a communicative language teaching?
When we talk about external differentiation we talk about …
Augmented reality combines …
Among the evaluation criteria for media-assisted language learning we often encounter discussions concerning
The TPACK model by Mishra and Koehler could help …
The SAMR model by Puentedura shows how to master a way from analogue teaching to the complementary use of digital media for teachers.
Digital literacy skills in the EFL classroom involve …
Why is multimodal literature, such as digital Storytelling apps, a type of literature which belongs to the realm of digital literacy?
Post-reading activities …
The reading strategy “skimming” follows predominantly the following goal:
Which of the following answers is not a principle of ‘extensive reading’?
According to Hurrelmann (2003), reading competence comprises four factors. Which of these factors is not included in this model?
Which is the odd one out? Bottom-up processing …
Task types: Closed tasks …
An assessment that is informal, ongoing, and typically embedded in classroom tasks is associated with …
“Teaching to the test” can be a result of assessment in schools. What effect can be noted if this situation occurs in a classroom?
Giving oral feedback: How does the teacher correct the learner?
Learner: “Last week, I haved a picnic with some friends in the park.”
Teacher: “I see, last week, you had a picnic with some friends in the park.”
Which test are about eliciting information on learners’ learning needs, and will yield more detailed information on what learners will need to engage with in the future?
In the two years of teacher training (Referendariat) you will have to assess your students with exams you yourself created. Which order of the following stages can be applied to an EFL classroom?
A useful assessment is reliable, that means …
What are collocations and colligations?
Which types of association do these two verbs belong to?
to speak – to talk
Imagine the following teaching scenario: The English teacher presents a text that contains conditional sentences to the class. The learners are asked to read the text and work out the rules for forming conditional sentences.
The teacher’s approach to grammar teaching is …
Which one is the odd one out? In order to help build lexical knowledge teachers need to …
Which examples are paradigmatically related?
Lexical chunks: Please identify the problem area in the example “To beat someone black and blue”.
The following aspects belong to the cultural dimension concerning the teaching of literature and film (according to Lütge 2018).
Literature and film
Which of the following activities are not action-oriented post-viewing activities?
Production-oriented activities in the literature classroom aim at …
Among the advantages of short animation films one can find the following one:
Listening and viewing are highly complex because while watching films in the EFL classroom learners must be able to …
Which statement is not true?
Bildungshoheit of the sixteen states of Germany means …
The different National Educational Standards for specific subjects published by the Standing Conference of the Minister of Education (KMK) …
The term curriculum …
The ISB (Institut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung) in Bavaria is the main institution in Bavaria which commissions and initiates changes and alterations of the curriculum and its contents …
According to the Hattie study (cf. Visible Learning for Teachers) among the 138 investigated factors of the following one shows a “good effect size”
The myth of “direct causality” addresses the following false assumption:
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