tactile relates only to touch, e.g. to read Braille
haptic includes proprioception (spatial perception of posture and movement of one’s own body), e.g. a 3D-print of an image or sculpture to get a more spatial impression of it.
mobile feeding robots (iARM), care-o-bot
stationary feeding robots, RAID workstation
shows the differences in air conduction (via earphone, marked X) and bone conduction (via vibrator behind the ear, marked ]). Can help find the source/cause for hearing loss (i.e. ear structure or nerves)
uses pure sines, as opposed to speech audiometry; bot are subjective procedures (patient must indicate whether they hear a signal).
because cones (color perception) degenerate with time, and because the lenses of their eyes can become yellowish
replacement of a defaulting sensory organ by another, e.g. visual stimuli cannot be perceived with the eyes, so a tactile or haptic interface is used instead.
augmentative aid: amplify stimulus or action; e.g. certain hearing aids, spectacles
inserting aids: forward the stimulus or action to the original organ or nerve; e.g. Cochlea implant
substituting aids: redirect a stimulus to another sense/organ; e.g. translating black print to Braille; lip reading or sign language instead of hearing
Name 3 different types of Assistive Aids + examples according to vicariate…
Sensor vicariate: replace sensory organ; e.g., white cane
• Actuator vicariate: support body function; e.g., feeding robot
• Mental vicariate: aid for “thinking”; e.g., day/night clock
Effect: tunnel vision, night blindness
Causes: Enzyme disorder; Mostly hereditary, but also caused by infection or intoxication
Affected part of organ: degeneration of rods
Equitable Use. The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities.
Flexibility in Use. The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities.
Simple and Intuitive Use. Use of the design is easy to understand, regardless of the user's experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level.
Perceptible Information. The design communicates necessary information effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user's sensory abilities.
Tolerance for Error. The design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions.
Low Physical Effort. The design can be used efficiently and comfortably and with a minimum of fatigue.
Size and Space for Approach and Use. Appropriate size and space is provided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of user's body size, posture, or mobility.
air conduction (x) lies below bone conduction (]) = “air-bone-gap”. Issue exists in the transportation of the sound stimuli within the ear, cannot get through the outer and middle ear.
Hearing loss starting at a certain frequency: often age-related hearing loss
Describe and/or sketch the dot (Braille) script (system,
characters, dimensions)
Give one application example each for a stationary and a mobile assistive robot.
Stationary: iEAT robot for assistive dining
(1 pt.)
Mobile: iARM as a mounted grasping and fetching robot
Audiogram impairments
for blind people: pure information source/relay. Synthesizer speaks information to “print disabled” persons, e.g. screenreader; natural voice is nice-to-have, but not necessary.
Unlimited vocabulary High speed of speaking Adjustable voice pitch Fast reaction to commands Speaks punctuation, capitalization, formatting
for people with speech impairment: Synthesizer speaks “for” the disabled person to another person.
Good understandability for non trained listeners required Prosody (natural human sound) Cosmetic aspects: gendered voice, voice character, age, dialect ...
Electrical irritation – still being researched
surface texture – still being researched
heat (thermal irritation) – too inaccurate, too slow
measures speech understanding (every-day relevance!): numbers, monosyllabic words and sentences are applied with different volume via earphones (input signal is speech, not pure sine)
Vertical space requirements: for safely using white canes
on floor detection range 70 x (90-150) cm (depends on length of cane, which depends on persons hight)
freestanding obstacles should be above the floor with max. distance 30 cm
obstacles above head: at least 220 cm above floor
Tactile Labelling (raised letters) and additional if possible in Braille
Problems: stumbling over, walking into or brushing obstacles, as well as missing drop-offs
Problematic range: anything higher than 30 cm above ground in a width range of 60-90cm, depending on the exact technique the cane user applies, and the cane used.
Cataract: lens becomes clouded; caused by injury, diabetes, infection in pregnancy, radiation, or simply by age. Solution: remove/replace lens.
Macular Degeneration: degeneration of the macula (yellow spot) causes “inverse tunnel vision”. Caused by age, Morbus Stargardt or Morbus Best
Glaucoma: tunnel vision; too high pressure of intraocular liquid damages the optic nerve. Solution: reduce pressure (if damage is not irreversible yet)
2 strips of piezo ceramic glued together, working principle like bimetal. Elongation and shrinkage depending on the polarity.
Pros: relatively lightweight, needs less energy than electromagnetic versions
Cons: high costs, sensitive to dust and dirt, multi-line displays are difficult, still has quite some space requirements
each pin is moved by combination of magnet and coil. Systems with locking mechanism exist, provide more resistance and a better legibility (but have other issues)
pros: Not high tech, rather simple – not too expensive?
cons: needs a lot of space; high energy consumption; warms up considerably; not a mobile device
turning circle: radius at least 75cm
grasping range: 40-130cm from floor level (depends on arm range, height of the wheelchair, size of the person, …)
placement of control elements: 85cm height, distance from corners 40/50cm, pedestals less than 10cm
keep in mind that access/operation is from below, so place nothing underneath e.g. a light switch or door bell!
Vision (eye): 10^6 bit/s information bandwith, good spatial performance, relatively low frequency
Hearing (ear): 10^4 bit/s information bandwith, low spatial resolution, higher frequencies
Tactile (skin): 10^2 bit/s information bandwith, largest sensory organ; touch, pressure, vibration, heat & cold, pain & itching.
Smelling (nose): <10^1 bit/s; receptors are “primary” sensory cells; chemical “distant range” sense; high adaptation (longer lasting stimuli are no longer perceived after some time)
Tasting (tongue): <10^1 bit/s; chemical “close range” sense; high adaptation (longer lasting stimuli are no longer perceived after some time)
Definition: Visual acuity = the reciprocal of the smallest angle (a in arcminutes) under which two points can be perceived as separated. normal sighted eye can differentiate 2 points if they result in an angle of 1 arcminute (1'). The Visus then is V = 1 / a min = 1 / 1 = 1 (or 100%)
Measurement: Snellen charts, Landolt rings
keyboard settings: “Einrastfunktion”, “Anschlagverzögerung”
mouse settings: keyboard mouse, sticky click, near-miss-function, mouse cursor size
color, contrast, font settings; magnification:
audio output: screen reader, visualisation of sounds
Problem: flicker can provoke seizures, even with closed eyes.
Problematic range: 3 Hz to 80 Hz
Percentage (%) of total population: 10-15%
Difficulties comparing statistics: definitions vary, counting methods vary. What is a chronic illness, what is a disability, (how) do you count people who live in specialised homes?
Proposed: paradigm change; from model looking at only deficiencies to one looking at strenghts. BUT risk of making the (socially constructed, structural, wide-spread) dis-abling invisible or reducing it to the individual.
Example 1: person with ADHD
Example 2: person with paraplegia
Vowels: Arise from oscillations of the vocal cords. Different vowels do not differ in the base frequency but in the formant frequencies.
Consonants (voiceless sounds): are noises produced by audible eddies of the air flow due to narrowing of the articulatory tract. (Vocal cords do not oscillate)
2 rows with 3 dots (or, extended, 4) dots each. Allows for encoding of 64 (= 2⁶, extended 256 = 2⁸) characters (including space). Fits size and sensitivity of finger pulp. U = A + 3 + 6. Numbers (1 … 0). correspond to first 10 letters of alphabet. W added later. Various shortenings in use.
Braille: Braille can be read AND written by blind people (Moon is embossed in wet paper)
Moon: Symbols similar to Latin characters (easier to lU+0065arn for late blind persons). Quick reading not possible (the recognition of lines, angles, arcs is difficult), difficult to write by hand (has to be embossed into wet paper)
blind people: “be my eyes” apps, text-to-speech
folks with language/speech disabilities: text to speech, written comms in general
folks with impaired mobility: find amenities ?
deaf users: speech to text (incoming), written comms in general, video calls
respiratory system (lungs & airways), larynx (vocal cords), articulatory system (throat, oral cavity, nasal cavity)
because it takes a lot of time to learn; documents are often not available in Braille; and: modern devices provide accessibility without having to use Braille.
Usage: letter-wise text transmission to a deaf-blind person by touching their palm and fingers.
Method: encodes letters on parts of fingers and palm, e.g. fingertip or side of the hand
digital audio books – if done according to DAISY standards, there will be chapter marks etc so that the book can be properly navigated. Needs less space (smartphone, laptop, …), no dedicated device necessary, can be bought & downloaded via internet (way faster than ordering, sending, ...).
text to speech for blind users.
stylus and slate (from BEHIND); braille typewriter.
Passing on of information; understanding; negotiation and emerging of knowledge, stances, opinions, theories, … Food. Reproduction. Trade. Need for Social Interaction. Necessity.
base, full, shorthand, stenography. Various levels of compression/shortening. Shorthand allows for ~ 30% savings.,
stylus and slate is written in mirror and from behind onto the document. Brailler is operated using 3 fingers of each hand.
cognitive load: extra time for making the right decision; necessary to keep in mind the word(s) that still are in the queue to be written (rest of the sentence/message).
Additional problem space: in some languages, one stem may be shared by many words (forsch-: er, erin, ende, en, end, …).
Blind users: “be my eyes” – contact a seeing person and ask them to describe whatever you’re showing them.
Deaf people: Greta (urks, how about just including subtitles in your screenings), DEC 112 (contact emergency numbers via text message)
Method using pictorial language to formulate sentences.
Only a small number of icons to be learned (40 – 80)
Icons on the display stay in a fixed location (yay muscle memory)
Patterns applied to say a word can be used when learning to say new words
People are getting older, less young people “coming after”. AAL allowing older people to stay in their “usual” surroundings for longer, or needing less assistance.
Depends on the handicap: find first what the issues are; be mindful & patient. As the non-disabled person: adapt to the disabled communication partner’s speed/mode of communication.
Arrangement of characters on the display: Sort by character frequency; Frequency or probability of occurrence; Put frequent letters at the beginning
don’t generalize. Ask how people want to be referred to. Do not patronize. Get used to using “behindert” as a label; do not use it as a slur. Use the correct terms, e.g. Trisomie 21, instead of the (unfortunately, well-known) slurs. Try to keep up with the discourse.
signal is how you convey the message (e.g. sound for speaking to someone)
Lots, and mostly depends on what the cause for the hearing loss is. e.g. augmentative vs. insertive aid: former will help with conductive hearing loss (amplify sounds), latter with sensorineural hearing loss (e.g. cochlea implant)
Number of stops necessary with conventional input vs Number of stops with predictive input
typing; speech to text; speech; Lormen alphabet; magnified overhead projection; symbols/images.
Target user group: older people (+ care persons)
Aim: Supplement / support in everyday life through technology (as a form of augmentative / alternative communication)
syntax and phonology, if you mean “principles” according to Chomsky (biological/congenital part of languages)
Restoration or improvement of a function affected by disability (compensation in same modality)
Overcoming the effects of a disability without restoring the function (compensation in alternative modality)
Removal of barriers: starting point: design of the environment (e.g. step-less entrances to public buildings)
Mechanical banknote detector (insertion up to the stop, value can be read at the first non covered mark)
Electronic banknote detector: detectors with speech output (better e.g. US dollar notes compared to mech. det. since all sizes are the same)
Apps for mobile phones to detect banknotes (e.g. Cash Reader)
Cause: chromosomal disorder: at cell devision a 3rd chromosom 21 appears => hence the name
Mental impairment of different grades
speech disorder
muscle hypotonia
Usual system: user needs to actively press button ore make a phone call
Intelligent systems: can automatically detect an emergency by monitoring health and activity parameters and also other smart home funtions (e.g. myStella; from motor lock over fall sensor/ emergency button to attack button or smoke detector)
Pilot study in USA: smart portrait shows relatives/friends health/ activity parameters of their loved ones
speech audiometry: speech understanding; measuring? Numbers, monosyllabic words and sentences are applied with different volume vai earphones (=> input signal is speech not pure sine)
audiogram: graph representing a person‘s hearing thresholds at different frequencies (=> input signal is pure-tone)
Reduced cost/ better availability
reduced stigmatisation associated to use the device
increased self confidence
reduced abandonment
one smartphone -> several apps can provide may functionalities
easier to get it repaired
higher chance to receive help from sighted people
Language impairment:
difficulties in understanding or using words in context
Speech impairment:
challenges in the physical production of sounds necessary for verbal communication
Farsightedness (due to reduced elasticity of the lens)
Age induced hearing loss (typical loss in the area of high frequencis)
Changes in spectral sensitivity (eye): colours look „washed out“
Reduction in muscle force -> walking speed decreases; problems with steps/stairs; writing speed
Longer reaction times
Coincidence of several symptoms which are characteristic for a disease pattern.
Most often the reason for the disease is coherent (aetiology), but the progression (pathology) of the disease is unknown.
Glaucoma (German: “Grüner Star”)
Too high intraocular
pressure of liquid
damages optic (nerve)
Visual field loss occurs
progressing from the
periphery until only
tunnel vision in center
world's most common
cause of blindness
Cataract (German: “Grauer Star”)
Clouding of lens in the eye,
caused by
Infection in pregnancy
Lens surgically removed
or replaced by plastic
Macular degeneration
Devolution of the
macula (yellow spot)
Youth: Morbus Stargardt
Hereditary: Morbus Best
Retinopathy, diabetic Retinopathy
Non-inflammatory retinal disease
Different reasons
Late result of
Too much O2 in the
incubator (only in
1950ies and 1960ies)
Half sided
visual field loss
Craniocerebral trauma
Shortsightedness, (Myopia)
blurred distant objects
Last changed17 days ago