What are the two types of feedback loops in systems? Explain with an example that pertains to the installation of renewables.
Positive Feedback Loop
Amplifies changes in a system, leading to exponential growth or decline.
Example in renewables: Increased installation of solar panels reduces production costs due to economies of scale. Lower costs make solar energy more affordable, further driving demand and installation, reinforcing the loop.
Negative Feedback Loop
Counteracts changes in a system, promoting stability and equilibrium.
Example in renewables: High adoption of wind turbines may lead to a temporary strain on grid capacity, triggering investments in grid upgrades or energy storage solutions to stabilize the system and support further renewable integration.
What is the Kuznets Hypothesis and how does it relate to thinking in systems? Can you give an example of a country that has followed the Kuznets Curve?
The hypothesis is that as we become richer, we will reduce our environmental footprint (e.g. use of cleaner energy source)-> kuznet curve shows this visually
Economic development is not a linear development but rather flows a non- linear pattern with various elements that are interconnected -> aligns with the idea of a system
Sweden has followed the Kuzned curve
Give a general definition of a system.
A system is an interconnected set of elements that is organized in a way to achieve something.
Illustrate all ingredients of a system with an example that relates to energy systems and climate change:
elements (consumers)
interconnections (powerflows, pipelines)
purpose/function (make money)
What are the reasons for the application of carbon capture and storage?
Reduction of GHG emissions and slowing down of global warming
Compensation for emissions which are difficult to mitigate
CO2 can be a source for fuel and chemical production
Describe two CO2 sources which can be mitigated with CCS and describe one carbon capture technology to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
Sources: power generation, industrial activity
Carbon capture Technology: direct air capture (DAC)
CO2 is captured form the air with special technologies and then stored or utilized. For this we use sorbents or absorbents that react with the CO2 in the atmosphere and remove it from the air. Once the CO2 is captured, it can be transported and stored for future purposes.
Which CO2 sources are associated with low costs for capture? What is the main reason behind it?
Sources: natural gas processing and coal to chemicals
Reasons: both methods emit high amounts of CO2, its high concentration in the atmosphere allows to capture a big amount of CO2 in a short time which reduces the costs.
What are no-regret strategies and what is the rebound effect?
No-regret strategies: Taking climate-related decisions or action that make sense in development terms anyway, whether or not a specific climate threat actually materializes in the future
Rebound effect: phenomenon where improvements in energy efficiency lead to increased energy consumption, partially offsetting the expected energy savings.
What are the major points of criticism regarding nuclear power?
Possibility of super gau
No possibility for nuclear waste storage -> heritage for future generations
Decommission of nuclear power plants
What are the economic consequences of delays in the construction time of nuclear power plants?
increase of interest -> actual investment costs much higher than
What is the difference between energy intensity, energy efficiency and energy conservation (formulas)?
Intensity: how efficiently energy is being utilized
Efficiency: effectiveness of converting energy inputs into useful outputs
Conservation: reducing energy consumption by preventing unnecessary use
What are the most important types of energy policy for reducing energy demand and reducing GHG emissions and how do they work?
Standards: minimum requirements for energy performance, promote of energy efficient technologies, reduction of energy demand
Subsidies: various forms such as tax credits or low interest loans, by reducing the upfront costs the market for energy-saving technologies is being promoted
Carbon pricing: price on GHG emission, thereby reduction of emissions and guiding to energy efficient technologies
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