Provide 2 examples of synchronization in nature.
Crowd Synchronization on London Millennium Bridge
pedestrians walk in step -> bridge swings
feedback btw bridge’s oscillations and walking rhythm
Male Fireflies Flashing in Unison
synchronize flashing to attract mates
-> adjust rhythms in response to neighboring fireflies
What transmembrane currents contribute to extracellular potential?
Action potential (~1ms, tens of mV)
Synaptic currents (tens of ms, few mV)
Dendritic spikes, Ca spikes (10-100 msec, 10-50 mV)
Intrinsic currents and resonances (10-500 msec, up to tens mV ), activity dependent
Describe the origin of extracellular potential in neural tissue.
originates from synaptic inputs that generate transmembrane synaptic current, which include
current sink (I1(t)), where positive ions flow in neuron
current source (I2(t)), where positive ions flow out neuron
r1, r2 = distances to sink and source
σ = extracellular conductivity
How is the distance attenuation of the electrical field?
monopole: field decreases 1/r
e.g stimulating monopolar electrode
dipole: field decreases 1/r^2
e.g synaptic currents in distal dendrites
multipole: field decreases 1/r^3
e.g action potentials involving multiple dipole
How does the spatial organization of current sinks and sources influence the contribution to Local Field Potential (LFP)?
in closed field dipoles (e.g nuclear morphology)
minimal spatial separation btw sinks and sources result in weak contributions to LFP
in open field dipoles (e.g laminar morphology)
substantial spatial separation btw sinks and sources allows for stronger contributions to LFP
What role do inhibitory neurons play in the regulation of oscillatory network dynamics?
through different mechanisms:
Perisomatic inhibition (e.g., basket cells, axo-axonic cells) control output of pyramidal neurons
Dendritic inhibitory neurons (e.g., O-LM cells, bistratified cells)
regulate input processing by controlling synaptic integration
Interneuron-targeting interneurons (e.g., VIP cells)
perform disinhibition, which can facilitate specific circuit activation
-> coordinate timing of excitatory neuronal firing, contributing to synchronization and generation of oscillatory rhythms
How do local field potentials (LFPs) relate to neuronal activity, and what are their key components?
LFPs are extracellular recordings that reflect synchronous synaptic activity
key components:
Low-freq bands (<300 Hz): synaptic input from distant sources
High-freq bands (>500 Hz): capture spiking activity from local neurons
Dipole contributions: LFP amplitude influenced by spatial configuration of current sources and sinks
open-field dipoles contribute strongly
closed-field dipoles contribute weakly
Explain the concept of phase precession and its significance in spatial navigation.
= phenomenon where firing of place cells shifts progressively earlier in theta oscillation cycle as an animal moves through place field
observed by O’Keeve & Recce (1993) -> encoding of sequential locations within single theta cycle
compresses real-world spatial sequences into short time scales -> useful for predicting future locations and recalling past positions
Describe how hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) contribute to memory consolidation.
Hippocampal SWRs = high-freq bursts that occur primarly during slow-wave sleep and rest
represent synchronized neuronal activity, involved in replaying past experiences
sequences of place cells activity during awake states are replayed during SWRs
Suppressing SWRs impairs spatial memory, suggesting they are curcial for consolidating newly acquired information
SWRs coordinate with cortical slow oscillations and sleep spindles, facilitating memory transfer to the neocortex for long-term storage
How do theta and gamma oscillations interact in the hippocampus, and what is their functional significance?
Theta (4-10 Hz) and gamma (40-100 Hz) oscillations coordinate hippocampal activity by facilitating phase-amplitude coupling (PAC):
Theta rhythm provides a slow temporal framework that aligns neuronal activity across different regions.
Gamma bursts occur at specific phases of theta cycles, allowing precise information encoding and retrieval.
Phase-specific gamma oscillations contribute to different processing tasks:
CA1 gamma: Links with entorhinal input for memory retrieval.
CA3 gamma: Supports pattern completion and memory storage.
Dentate gyrus gamma: Facilitates pattern separation.
This interaction enables efficient communication between the hippocampus and cortex during learning and memory tasks.
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