Baptism word meaning:
Greek for "washing, or dipping in or under water"
OT prefigurements of Baptism
Waters of creation being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit in Genesis, Noah's Ark, Crossing of the Red Sea, Crossing of the Jordan into the Promised Land.
Symbol of Baptism in the Passion
The Blood and Water flowing from Christ's side on the Cross.
Baptism was instituted when
Christ was baptized by John the Baptist.
Did Christ need to be Baptized?
Who can receive baptism?
Any unbaptized person (with consent if an adult)
Baptism of Infants
Is a powerful witness to the truth that God's offer of salvation is free and not because of anything we did to earn it.
Do not practice infant baptism.
Two main effects of baptism:
Purification from sins and new birth in the Holy Spirit.
Through baptism, God gives us:
sanctifying grace.
Sanctifying grace enables us to:
believe in, hope in, and love God through the theological virtues Faith, Hope, and Charity
Sanctifying grace gives us the power to
live and act under the prompting of the Holy Spirit through His gifts.
Sanctifying grace allows us to:
grow in goodness through the moral virtues.
Remote matter of baptism:
pure water
Proximate matter of baptism
the administration of the water to the candidate
when someone is entirely dipped in water
when someone is sprinkled with water
when water is poured over someone's head or body
Who can minister baptism?
Bishop, priest, deacon, or anyone in an emergency
Steps of becoming a Christian:
1.) Proclamation of the Gospel
2.) Conversion brought about as a result of acceptation the Gospel
A period of catechesis following the reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation that aims to more fully initiate people into the mystery of Christ.
The saint after which a child was named is the
intercessor for the child during their life.
Do the Eastern Churches celebrate baptism the same way as the West?
No, infants receive all 3 sacraments of initiation at once.
While faith is personal, it also needs a community of
Do you need baptism to be saved?
Yes and no
Baptism is necessary for salvation for:
those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament
Baptism of blood
One who suffers death for the sake of the Faith, without having been baptized, is "baptized" by his or her death for and with Christ.
Baptism of desire
For those who strive to serve God as best they are able but die before having been baptized, their implicit desire to receive Baptism - together with repentance for their sins and charity - assures them the salvation that they were not able to receive sacramentally.
The Church is made up of
all the baptized. All baptized believers are united and make up the Body of Christ. Includes non-Catholic Christians who are baptized.
By baptism, we share in
Christ's roles of priest, prophet, and king.
Extraordinary minister:
Ordinary minister:
priest or bishop
Baptism's effects
- removes all sin
- remits punishment due to sin
- bestows sanctifying grace upon the baptized
- confers sacramental graces, gives right to actual graces
- imprints on the soul an indelible character or seal
- makes the soul a member of the Church
process by which those who wish to be baptized are prepared for it.
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