What is a continuous-time stochastic process? What does it mean to be “right continuous"?
On the very first page, what did we define
to be?
J_n describes the n-th jump
What is the probability density of the Exponential Distribution? What is its mean?
The mean is 1/ƛ
What is the probability mass function of the Poisson distribution p(k)?
e^{-𝛌t} * (𝛌t)^k / k!
Mean = variance = 𝛌
What is an increment?
An increment is a change from Xt+h-Xt
What does it mean for an increment to be stationary?
It means that P(Xt+h-Xt = k) only depends on h and not t.
Name our three definitions of a Poisson Process.
Definition 1:
Si are iid Exp(𝛌) and Yn = n
Definition 3:
Fill the gaps:
What theorem have we seen that connects Poisson Processes with a uniform distribution?
If we know that between s and s+t there is exactly one jump, then that jump is uniformly distributed on that interval.
What does the colouring theorem say?
If a jump Yi can have either one of two properties, lets say red with probability p and white with probability (1-p), then we have
What is a Poisson point process?
A set of points 𝓥⊂ℝ^d must fulfil the following two properties:
to be a Poisson point process
What is a compound poisson process?
A compound Poisson Process is an extension of the normal PP, where the jumps Yi are iid but not always 1. This means that
2.2+2.3 still left to do!
What does the central limit theorem tell us?
What is a Birth Process?
A birth process is very similar to a Poisson process, but the parameters qi may change with each jump.
What is the explosion time? What does it mean for a process to explode?
Explosion Time
𝛇 = S1 + S2+ …
𝛇 < ∞ :<=> explodes
𝛇 = ∞ :<=> doesn’t explode
What is the memoryless property?
When P(T > t+s | T > s) = P(T > t)
How can we use the parameters to find whether a birth process explodes or not?
Can you prove this one theorem which talks about the minimum value of a set of exponentially distributed variables?
Basically you determine P(Tk ≥ t , Tj > Tk ∀j) by integrating over all s from t to infty. This will give you exactly what you want because you can pull the two probabilities apart in the integral.
What do we need to prove in order to show that the Markov property holds for Poisson processes?
We need to show that wherever we start the Poisson Process, lets say we restart at time t=10, that it is independent of anything that happened beforehand and that X_10+s, s≥0 is PP(𝛌) as well.
What is a stopping time?
A stopping time is a random variable T, where {T≤t} only depends on the times Xs where s≤t.
What does the strong Markov Property tell us?
For any stopping time, if T < infty, then
X{t+T} - X{T} is also a PP(lambda) and independent of anything that happened before.
How did we define a Q-matrix?
A Q-Matrix is a matrix that fulfils the following conditions:
qij ≥ 0 for all i≠j
0 ≤ -qii < ∞ for all i
∑qij = 0 for one row. (summing over j)
What is the jump matrix of Q?
In the jump matrix ∏ for the matrix Q, the qij entry gives the probabilities to jump from state i to state j.
Hence, 𝛑ij = qij / qii if qii >0, else its just 0. For 𝛑ii, that is always 0 unless all other entries in the row are 0, then its 1 and we always stay there.
How do we define the transition matrix P for continuous-time Markov processes?
P(t) = exp(Qt)
What 3 conditions did we see to immediately know that our Markov(𝛌,Q) is non-explosive?
I is finite
X0 = i and i is recurrent
sup qij < ∞
What is a Birth-Death process?
A process where you can jump up and down at specific rates.
What is an iff statement for the
birth-death with strictly positive birth rates process explodes
When is a matrix irreducible? What is a communicating class?
A matrix is irreducible when there exists a path from each to every index in the matrix.
A communicating class is a group of indices where the above holds
What does it mean for a point to be recurrent? What is the opposite of that?
A point is recurrent if qi = 0 or qi >0 and Pi(Ti<∞) = 1.
It is transient if qi > 0 and Pi(Ti < ∞) < 1.
What does it mean to be positive recurrent or null recurrent?
Positive Recurrent
This means qi = 0 or qi > 0 and Ei[Ti] < ∞
Null Recurrent
This means qi > 0 and Ei[Ti] = ∞
What property must a probability distribution have?
𝛌 is a probability distribution if ∑𝛌i = 1
What does it mean for a distribution to be invariant?
This means that 𝛌Q = 0
Where mi = Ei[Ti]
What is the equilibrium distribution?
What assumptions did we make in a Theorem to show that we converge towards an equilibrium distribution?
𝛌i = 1/(qi*mi) where mi = Ei[Ti]
This is the distribution for Pi(Xt = i) for t-> \infty if Q is irreducible and recurrent
What does it mean for 𝛎 and Q to be in detailed balance?
What is the traffic intensity?
traffic intensity is ρ= 𝛌 / 𝛍 where 𝛌 is the rate of jumping upward and 𝛍 the rate of going downward
How did we define the Q matrix for the time reversal process?
When is a Markov process reversible? What is an iff statement for reversibility?
When for all T>0 the time reverse process is also a Markov process.
This is equivalent to 𝛌 and Q being in detailed balance and Q = Q hat
What is the state space for a closed migration process?
For a migration process with N particles and J nodes, then the state space is
What is the population pressure?
That is a function 𝜙j which satisfies:
𝜙j(0) = 0
𝜙j(nj) > 0 if nj > 0
if there are nj particles at Node j, service is provided at rate qj * 𝜙j(nj)
What does this mean?
The rate of moving from one particle from node j to node k with the current state being n.
Do you remember the formula for the stationary distribution of the closed migration process?
How do we extend the Q matrix for an open migration process?
We add one more line as if the exterior was a node and just denote that with Δ.
What is the general form of the stationary distribution for open migration process?
What does it mean for a process to be adapted?
If the state Mn only depends on the events X0…Xn
What does it mean for a process to be integrable?
If E|Mn| < ∞
Name our main definition of a martingale.
Mn is adapted, integrable and E[Mn+1-Mn | Fn] = 0
What is the OST?
How can we turn an assymetric martingale into a symetric one?
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