What are the 7 properties of human language?
Cultural transmission
What is arbitrariness?
relationship between linguistic signs and objects;
there is no ‘natural’ connection
What is displacement?
the ability to talk about the past/future, about things that aren’t in the same environment or things that don’t even exist
What is reflexivity?
the ability to talk about language itself, which animals are (probably) not able to do
What is productivity?
also called open-endedness or creativity; new objects or situations can be described
words can be combined to say things no one’s ever said before
What is duality?
language is organized in 2 levels;
distinct sounds
disitnct meanings
What is cultural transmission?
languages are not inherited, they are learned from other speakers in the same environment
What is discreteness?
the ability to perceive flow of sounds as made up of discrete units
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