What is the batchsize or lotsize?
The number of similar jobs processed together, either sequentially or simultaneously, is known variously as the batch size or lot size of the operation.
Why use batching?
Due to capacity
In many instances, it is more efficient to process a batch of entities than to process them one at a time.
There are three basic reasons for the increase in efficiency due to batching
Setup Avoidance
Pacing Improvement (getting into a rhythm)
Simultaneous Processing
Some operations are intrinsically batch in nature because they can process a batch of entities as quickly as they can process a single entity (a forklift takes the same amount of time with one part or a batch)
What types of batches are there?
Simultaneous batches
where entities are processed together
Sequential batches
Where entities are processed one-at-a-time between setups
What are important parameters when calculating batches?
What is meant with ‘process batches’
Number of entities processed together at a station
What is meant with ‘move batches’
number of entities moved together between stations
What is the purpose of simultaneous batching?
Regardless of the application, the purpose of simultaneous batching is to make effective use of the capacity of the process.
How to determine the capacity?
How to use the capacity in the utilization formula
What is important to keep the system stable?
What is the effect of the batch size on cycle times with simultaneous batching?
Since cycle time increases in utilization, we would expect increasing batch size to decrease cycle time. And this is exactly what happens as long as larger batch sizes do not cause entities to wait while forming a batch. For instance, if the entire batch arrives together, then none of the entities will have to wait and hence cycle time will unambiguously decrease with batch size.
When can cycle times increase
If parts arrive one at a time to a simultaneous batch operation, then it is possible for cycle time to increase in the batch size.
If arrivals to the operation are slow and the batch size is fixed and large, then the first entities to arrive will wait a long time for a full batch to form.
How to avoid long waiting times with simultaneous batching
A more effective way to avoid excessive wait-for-batch time is to abandon the fixed batch size policy altogether.
How to determine cycle time with simultaneous batching?
PT/2 is the average waiting time
How to determine WIP with simultaneous batching?
What is sequential batching?
A sequential batch operation is one that processes entities sequentially (one at a time) but requires time to setup or change over before moving to a different type of entity
What do we need to compute the minimum sequential batch size?
How to calculate the capacity when sequential batching
How to calculate utilization when sequential batching?
How to keep utilization under 100%?
How to determine cycle time when sequential batching?
What is the principles regarding batching?
The smallest batch size that yields a stable system may be greater than one
If the wait-for-batch and process times become large enough to offset the utilization (and hence queueing) reduction due to large batch sizes
Delay due to batching (eventually) increases proportionally in the batch size
What are ways to reduce the cycle time?
Reduce setup times
Start moving finished entities while the entire batch is not yet finished (Move batch splitting)
How to solve the issue if entities are not equal?
Economic order quantity (EOQ) model
What’s wrong with the EOQ?
There is no guarantee that the batch sizes produced by the EOQ model will even be feasible
it may be very difficult to construct an actual production schedule from them
Even if the batch sizes are feasible and lead to a schedule, the schedule might be such that a customer has to wait a long time for a particular entity type to “come around” on the schedule
How to solve the issues with the EOQ?
Approach the multi-product sequential batching problem is in terms of allocating setups to product types
Look at what the production run times are if all products have only one run, and then minimize run time by adding setups
How to determine the batch size with multiple products?
First determine total process time
Determine UTIL (without setups)
Total process time / Total available hours
Determine UTIL where every product is made in one batch (1 setup per product type)
Determine ideal UTIL
Determine what the ultimate UTIL is in production hours
sqrt(UTIL zero setups) x total available time
Determine how much time can be spent on setup
Ultimate UTIL - total process time (sum of all production times without setups)
Determine run length per product type
Determine which product has the longest run time
Add (if possible) an extra setup for that particular product
Check the total sum of setups times again and do the process again till
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