can intelligence be uniformly defined?
intelligence - collective term in psychology for human cognitive performance
-> no agreement on how to distinguish betweeen them
=> intelligence requires separation from different categories
What types of intelligence exist?
Given some key words
emotional intelligence
feelings, empathy, motivation
creative itnelligence
imagination, innovation, intuition
methodical intelligence
structure, system, discipline
analytical intelligence
critical analysis, logic, strategic thinking
What is the goal of AI?
develop machines that behave as if they had intelligence
What categories of AI exist? Give some examples
Thinking rationally
laws of thought, logic, correct reasoning
thinking humanly
thought proceduer, human performance
acting rationally
acting agents, act autonomously, persost long, adapt
acting humanly
turing test, natural language, knowledge storage, ML
List the sub-problems of creating AI
Reasoning and Problem solvning
Knowledge representation
Motion and manipulation
social intelligence
general intelligence
What is the goal of reasoning and problem solving?
ability to setp-by-setp reason by logical dedutctions with uncertainity
e.g. solve math equations… using formal logic and setp-by-step deduction…
What methods exist for reasoning and problem solving?
searching (tree, dijkstra, kruskal, nearest neighbor, A*)
optimization (linear programming, quadratic programming, heuristic, bayesian optimization)
evolutionary computation (genetic algo, particle swarm, ant colony)
What is the goal of knowledge representation=?
represent information about the world for e.g. an intelligent agent
How can knowledge representation be acheived?
implement knowledge as axioms/sentences with facts and rules about the world
locig (propositional logic, first order logic, fuzzy logic)
What is the goal of planning?
how to deal with uncertainigy when deciding on actions to take? (represent world and future for an agent)
What mehtods for planning exist?
searching ( tree, dijkstra, …) -> search through many possible solutions…
agent-systems (multi agent, intelligent agent)
uncertainity reasoning (bayesian, hidden markov, kalman) -> operate with incomplete information
What is the goal of leanring?
allow for a computer to find patterns in data
learn from data and not follow static programming…
What methods for learning existß
supervised, unsupervised
What is the goal of NLP?
allow for a computer to understand human language
-> e.g. understand hand-written sources,
-> interaction between human and computer… (e.g. siri)
What methods are used in NLP?
classical machine learning
deep learning
What is the goal of perception?
make sense of data an agent gets from the environment
-> paint picture of environent based on this data…
What methods for perception exist?
classical computer vision
moden computer vision
machine perception
what are the challenges of motion and maniipulaiton?
plan behavior and motion of agent
choose locomotion (rolling, walking)
sense the environment
conntrol actuators
What mehtods for motion and manipulation exist?
behavioral planning (what should i do) - logic-based (state machine), knowledge based (network graph)
motion planning (how can i acheive sth) - search algo, optimization algo
control (steering and conntrol of all actuators) - PID, model predictive congtrol
What is the goal and challenge in social intelligence?
understand and reprodice social skills
self awareness, self managemet, social awareness, soclal management
recognize, interpret, process and simulate human effects
-> speech detection, facial affect detection, body gesture detection, physical monitoring…
What mahtods can be used for social intelligence?
database - logic based (state machine), knowledge based
classification - what emotion could this be?
game theory - mathematical interaction etween intelligent rational decision makers
cooperative game, simultaneous game, evolutionary gmae
Why are AI mehtods so useful?
computatinal complexity
lots of problems NP hard
information complexity
limited informaiton
knowledge acquisition required
Why gained AI so much popularity?
data, labeled data, knowledge available
Big Data
new AI algos available
Deep Learning
computer power available
Name some applicaitons of AI
big data analysis
faster matrix muliplication
machine translaiton
securiry (face regognition)
What are the sectors in automotive where AI can be applied?
automotive development
vehicle functions (e.g. predictive maintenance)
complete vehicles (autonomous driving)
automotive production
What are some motivations for autonomous driving?
safety improvement (most accidents due to human error)
comfort improvement
energy saving (better planned velocity and trajectories)
traffic reduction (exchange VXV for traffic adaption)
new mobility services (google transport, ai taxi)
new software function development
What are the different levels fo autonomous cars=
level 0
no autonomous features
level 1
cars can handle one task at a time (e.g. autonomous breaking)
level 2
at least two automated functinos)
level 3
car can handle dynamic driving tasks but mithg still reqhire interventions (e.g. spurhalteassistent, … tempostat und auffahrbremsen…)
level 4
officially driverless in certain environments
level 5
operate entirely on their own without any driver presence
What are the key areas of the promary driving task? What are the time horizons?
navigation - hours to minutes
path following - minutes to seconds
control / stabilization (e.g. object avoidance) seconds to miliseconds
What is the mainb problem of creating an autonomous driving task? What is the solution?
world is complex and dynamic place (weather, cars, pedestrians, animals,…)
=> use ML algos to teach cars how to drive like a human being
What are the 4 sub-tasks of autonomous car pipelines?
sensing (taking infor from environmetn)
perception (making sense of the information to paint a picture of the environment)
planning (use the gained image of the environment to plan the behavior of the car and e.g. make predictions of the future)
control (act upon the planning decisions)
What sensors exist?
IMU (inertia -> beschleuningung…)
Image autonomous level 5 car pipeline
What are part of the perception step in the L5 autonomous car pipeline?
lane detection
traffic light detection & classification
traffic sign detection & classification
object detection & tracking
free space detection
What are part of the planning step in the L5 autonomous car pipeline?
route planning
behavior planning
trajectory planning
What are part of the control step in the L5 autonomous car pipeline?
What are the sensors used in the L5 autonomous car pipeline?
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