What is risk?
Exposure to negative consequences of uncertain events is called risk
What are the four risk protection strategies?
Contingency planning
Crisis management
What is buffering?
Maintaining excess resources (inventory, capacity, time) to cover for fluctuations in supply or demand.
What is pooling?
Sharing buffers to cover multiple sources of variability (e.g., demand from different markets or production from different processes).
What is Contingency planning?
Establishing a preset course of action for an anticipated scenario. We can think of this as “virtual buffering,” because it involves securing buffers only when needed, rather than holding them continuously in advance
What is crisis-management?
Generating responses to events for which buffers (individual or pooled) and contingency plans are inadequate. This is the last line of defense and so constitutes a default option; if the above proactive strategies are not used, reactive crisis management will be needed. The challenge is to do it well, rather than badly.
When to use which risk protection strategy?
Pooling is the practice of combining multiple sources of variability to make extreme values less likely, which in turn reduces the total amount of buffering that is required
What is the principle and main idea behind pooling?
Combining sources of variability so that they can share a common buffer reduces the total amount of buffering required to achieve a given level of performance
“The capacity of a single 16-person lifeboat will be smaller than the total capacity of 16 single-person lifeboats capable of serving the same percent of the passenger population”
The variability buffering law is very general and fundamentally simple. It is basically the law
How is pooling affected?
The magnitude of variability from the individual sources.
The number of individual sources that can be combined
Centralization. What is it?
Make use of (regional) distribution centers and keep stock there
Can also be digital; if a product is not available in one store, it can be delivered to from a store that has the product
Combination of a central distribution center and regional facilities is fairly traditional
Standardization. What is it?
More components mean more fabrication and/or purchasing, more assembly, more inventories to maintain, and more complexity to manage
The process of simplifying the components themselves so as to make them easier to manufacture and assemble, is termed design for manufacture.
Postponement. What is it?
A general strategy for using a single type of inventory to meet pooled demand for multiple products is called postponement.
The basic idea is to hold partially completed goods in a generic state and customize them only when demand becomes known
It can reduce costs due to obsolete inventory and deliver variety with short lead times
Worksharing. What is it?
A common application of pooling, which is almost never referred to as pooling, is the use of cross-trained labor to staff multiple tasks. In unromantic technical terms, an operator is a source of capacity. If the worker can’t work (machine breakdown), the worker is idling
If the worker can do multiple jobs it won’t be idling for long. The buffer capacity provided by a cross-trained worker is pooled between multiple task types
Chaining. What is it?
We can also pool capacity in the form of physical equipment
Full flexibility on the part of the plants means that capacity is completely pooled. However, making the plants flexible enough to produce every type of car will require a significant investment in tooling, so this solution is apt to be very expensive, if it is even feasible.
With option B, the elimination of just one link in the chain severely limits the overall flexibility of the system and thus significantly reduces its ability to respond to fluctuations in demand or disruptions in production
Hedging. What is it?
A Multinational diversification
A simpler hedging strategy than multinational diversification is business disruption insurance. Such policies are explicitly written to pay out when events result in costly supply chain disruptions
What is a contingency plan?
A contingency plan is a strategy for securing buffer resources if and when they are needed.
What steps are taken with contingency planning?
Anticipate an event or class of events for which a contingency plan is needed.
Design the plan to be implemented if the anticipated event occurs
Prepare the organization to implement the plan
Execute the plan if and when the event occurs
Update the plan over time
What are the types of organizational failures that can prevent proper detection of and response to predictable surprises?
Scanning failures—a threat or event is not detected due to inadequate resources or lack of organizational attention.
Information failures—data are available to identify a threat and formulate a response, but the organization fails to assemble the various pieces of data into a useful body of information.
Incentive failures—the organization fails to act on available insight due to a lack of incentive.
Learning failures—lessons from previous events are not adequately distilled and disseminated to the right people in the organization
What are contingent resources?
represent resources that become available to the organization on an as-needed basis during an event
What are examples of contingent recourses?
Flexible supply contracts:
Reserve shipping capacity
Temporary workers
What is crisis management?
Developing a plan in real-time while the event is unfolding
What are steps involved in crisis management?
Anticipate the needs of the organization during an event
Prepare the organization to act in the event of a crisis
Design the response to the crisis.
Execute the response
Update capabilities over time.
What is flexibility?
Flexibility refers to the ability of an organization to adapt to changing, possibly unfamiliar, conditions.
Flexibility can be enhanced with speed and capacity buffers
Encouragement for flexibility to employees help as well
What is empowerment?
Empowerment is the authorization of employees at all levels to make independent decisions.
What is awareness?
Awareness is critical for an organization to detect and respond to an emerging crisis
What is important regarding communication in moments of crisis?
Make sure the internal communicator (e.g., vice president of public relations) is someone with authority and credibility.
Prepare for crisis communication by gathering relevant information
Avoid responding to inquiries with “no comment” and never assume that statements can be made “off the record.
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