Which pathogen is responsible for the gas gangrene?
Clostridium perfringens (> 80% of cases): a gram-positive, obligate anaerobic, spore-forming bacterium
Less common: C. septicum, C. histolyticum
Describe the path of infection.
wounds with compromised blood supply create an optimal anaerobic environment for the proliferation of C. perfringens → necrosis that progresses within 24–36 hours
Septic surgical wounds or procedures (e.g., bowel and biliary tract surgery, septic abortion)
Deep, penetrating wounds (e.g., knife, gunshot)
Open fractures
Describe the pathophysiology.
Ubiquitous C. perfringens spores contaminate a wound → bacterial reproduction under anaerobic conditions → ↑ secretion of exotoxins, especially C. perfringens alpha-toxin (a phospholipase lecithinase) → degradation of phospholipids → tissue destruction (myonecrosis), inhibition of leukocyte function, and gas production → gas separation into healthy tissue → further colonization and more local tissue destruction → further exacerbation of anaerobic conditions by the development of edema
How long is the incubation time?
hours to days
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