The circulatory (cardiovascular) system
Heart - blood - blood vessels ( arteries - veins - capillaries )
Function: transport blood
The lymphatic system
Lymph vessels — nods — lymphocytes = white blood cells
Function: in immunity
The digestive system
Mouth - stomach - intestines
Function: bring food into the body and breaks it down
The endocrine system
ex: thyroid gland - adrenal gland - pituitary gland
Function: sends (secreting) chemical messengers called hormones
The female & male reproductive system
Female: uterus - ovaries
Male: testes
The musculoskeletal system
Muscles - bones - joints - and other connective tissues such as cartilage
Support the body - allows it to move
The nervous system
Brain - spinal cord
Carries electric messages
The respiratory system
Trachea ( windpipe ) - bronchial tubes - lungs
Cntroles breathing
The skin & sense organ system
Skin - eyes - ears -
Receives messages from the environment
The urinary system
Kidneys - ureters - bladder - urethra
Produces urine and sends it out of the body
The cranial cavity
Brain - pituitary gland
The thoracic cavity
The lungs - heart - trachea (windpipe) - bronchial tubes
The abdominal cavity
Stomach - liver - gallbladder - intestines
The pelvic cavity
Urinary bladder - ureters - urethra - uterus
Surrounding by pelvis
The spinal cavity
The spinal cord
Surrounded by spinal column (backbones)
Divisions of the back
Membrane surrounding the lungs
Space between the lungs, containing the heart
bones of the hip
Space containing liver, gallbladder, and stomach also called the abdomen
Abdominal cavity
Space within backbones containing the spinal cord
Spinal cavity
membrane surrounding the organs in the abdomen
Space within the skull containing the brain
Cranial cavity
Space below the abdominal cavity containing urinary bladder
Pelvic cavity
Muscle between the thoracic and abdominal cavities
Chest cavity containing the lungs, heart, trachea, oesophagus, and bronchial tubes
Thoracic cavity
Frontal ( coronal ) plane
Divide the body to Front and back
Sagittal ( lateral ) plane
Divides the body to right and left halves
Transverse ( axial ) plane
Divides the body into a upper and lower
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