What are design goals?
What can be input for murthers SLP(Systematic Layout Planning)?
What does a relationship diagram?
What is an important rule of thumb regarding space requirements?
If there is relatively low variation and the duration of the peak is more than 6 months, then size near the peak (if peak is less than 1.2 times higher than the average)
If the peak is more than 1.5 times the average and the peak is less than 6 months then design near the average.
Occupancy rates greater than 85% tend to hinder productivity and safety.
What determines the space available?
maximum building height
distance to land borders
percentage of land that may be used
Available building size
Available size for new project within current building
What does a space relationship diagram do?
Why do you need to develop layout alternatives?
Different layouts may lead to the need for different solutions for material handling.
The material handling systems should be designed for the peak load.
What is the ditstance based objective?
What is the Normalized adjacency score?
What is the idea behind Pair Wise exchange?
What is the difference between a Global and Local optimum?
Global optimum
There exist no solutions better than the global optimum.
If there is only one global optimum, then we can say that “it is the best solution”. For example, for a minimization problem it is the solution with the smallest objective value.
Local optimum
Is a best solution only in a certain neighborhood
Pairwise exchange only guarantees to find a local optimum, not a global optimum.
What is QAP?
Quadratic Assignment Problem
Assigning n departments to n locations, with all departments and locations of the same size
xik = 1 if department i is assigned to location k.
eijkℓ gives the cost when assigning department i to location k and department j to location ℓ.
This is the distance from location k to location ℓ, multiplied by the flow from department i to department j
So e combines both c and f from the standard distance-based objective.
This problem is not so easy to solve unfortunately.
What’s in the graph-based method?
What is an inportant rule regarding the planar graph?
A planar graph is a graph that can be drawn such that no edges are crossing.
When Craft does Pair-Wise exchange, what information does it use to check for changes?
When departments are adjecent -> not a problem
When departments are not adjacent, but are the same size -> not a problem
What is a different word for normalized adjacency score?
Efficiency rating
What do you do when you apply Distance-based objective for craft?
Layout ‘costs’ us measured by the distance-based objective function. It’s also called craft objective
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