How does the single-facility rectilinear minisum FLP look like?
What do you want with the single-facility rectilinear minisum FLP?
Rank departments by x-coordinate, lowest x-coordinate at the top.
Move down the list until cumulative weight equals or exceeds 50% of total weight. The x-coordinate of this location equal the best x-coordinate for the new facility.
Repeat for y
What are the variables and parameters in the single-row facility layout problem?
What if you also have areas?
What do you do with the multi-facility rectilinear minisum FLP?
How can you also interpret the single-facility squared-Euclidian minisum FLP?
Approach as the ‘center of gravity’ method
What types of distance metrics are there?
Why use euclidian distance when decidign facility location?
What are the constraints for the single row facility layout problem?
How is the following constraint linearized?
What is the objective function for the "Final mixed integer linear programming model
How to linearize the following function?
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