What is order integrity
“ ervoor zorgen dat als spullen uit verschillende zones komen, dat ze alsnog in hetzelfde doosje komen”
What are the main types of storage?
Fixed location storage
Also known as assigned location storage, or dedicated location storage
Each SKU gets its own location(s), and no other products may be stored in those locations under any circumstance
Random location storage
Also known as floating location storage
Any SKU may be assigned to any location, and that may change each time
What is full-turnover storage?
Put products with higher demand at better locations (see example on following slides).
Almost always used in combination with fixed location storage (after all, if you fix the product location anyway, then why not assign the most appropriate product to it).
What is COI?
Cube-per-order index
Why is COI relevant?
A frequently requested product with a large storage volume, should not be put in the best locations if there are slightly less requested products with a significantly smaller storage volume.
“place SKUs in locations based on the ratio of their activity to the number of openings or slots assigned to the SKU”.
What is meant with Time-in-residence storage?
Looking at this, the first pallet may classify as a fast mover and the last pallet as a slow mover.
Time-in-residence assignment involves estimating the duration of storage for each incoming unit and making appropriate assignments.
What is class-based storage?
Class-based storage
Combines advantages of fixed location storage and random storage.
That is, high(er) space utilization, with low(er) space utilization
What is block stacking
What are the two main order picking systems?
Picker to part
Part to picker
What are examples of part to picker?
Vertical carousel
What are the four ways to do picker-to-part?
- single order picking (SOP)
- sort-while pick
- pick-and-pass
- pick-and-sort
-Bucket brigades
- wave picking
- parallel order picking
What is meant with zoning?
Each area of the warehouse can be divided in a number of zones.
Aspects to consider when creating zones are
Product categories
Capacity of the vehicle
Work load of the order pickers
Travel distances
Note that there is potentially a problem with zoning: order integrity.
What is meant with batching?
Batching is a collective term for all techniques that split up and combine (parts of) customer orders into pick orders
What are the advantages and disadvantages of batching?
Advantages of batching
Less distance to travel
Lower average extracting time
Disadvantages of batching
Products need to be separated
If separation is done by the order picker
Higher complexity
More picking errors
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