What is the difference between routing and forwarding?
routing: process of chosing optimal path for a packet
forwarding: actually delivering the packet to the right interface
On what are forwarding decisions based?
on the routing table
=> e.g. Longest prefix matching
=> find row with next hop that determines the forward decision
What is the disadvantage of static routing?
routes remain until you manually change them
-> manual effort
-> can be cause of error
-> always has to manually adjust if changes in topology … occur
=> not applicaple to large scale network…
What is the advantage of dynamic routing over static?
network uses dynamic routing protocols
-> audomatically identify optimal routes between nodes of the network…
-> old routes will be updated in routing table…
-> allows to take topology changes, busy links and routing policies into consideration…
=> dynamically adapt to environment
Workload tradeoff dyn vs static?
dyn: workload router increases, workload admin decreases
stat: workload router decreases, workload admin increases
What is required to come to optimal routing decisinos?
router requires extended overview over network
-> exchanging and processing routing informaiton messages
What parameters of routing messages do different rotuing protocols heavily influence?
transmission range
What is common among all routing protocols?
use some sort of metric to determine optimal paths
bets path => path with best metric (usually lowest e.g. cost)
What are some commonly used metrics?
path length
What are other distinguishing key factors in routing algorithms?
static vs dynamic
single-path vs multi-path
multi -> allow more than one path to a destination -> can lead to better throughput and reliability
flat vs hierarchical
intradomain vs interdomain
some only work in subnets (such as diff. AD; while others are utilized between them e.g. BGP)
link-state vs distance-vector
Difference link state and distance vector algos?
link state:
broadcast routing inforamtion within network
distance vector
exchange routing info only with direct neighbors
What functions does a router need to perform?
What does the router do for routing?
determine next hop for each destination address
triggered by a change in network topology, out -of-band
=> build routing informatino base (routing table)
=> part of devices control plane
What does the router do for forwarding?
transferring data packet from incoming to outgoing link
triggered by incoming packet, time-critical
=> access forwarding information base
=> part of devices data plane
What is the rough topology of the internet?
decentralized network of networks
many organizations operate their own network -> which all need to be interconnected
=> glue: IP protocol, exchange of routing inforamtion with BGP
What are some typical network operators?
content providers
content delivery nodes CDN support content providers
e.g. netflix, dropbox, twitter,…
access providesr (eyeball networks); content consumption
transit providers
What are internet exshange points IPX?
exchange point for traffic between network operators
-> makes iteasy to connect to many other networks (via peering)
provides phyiscal infrastructure
=> ISP, CDN, … connect with each other here…
What are some of the largest IPX?
DE-CIX -> Frankfurt
AMS-IX -> amsterdam
LINX -> London
What are autonomous systems?
neworks under a common administrative organization
e.g. IPS, camous network
uniquely identified by a 32bit AS-number
each AS advertises the address space it is willing to acccept (belonging to the AS itself or as transit traffic)
What are AS viewed as from the outside?
single entity with border routers and routed address space
Are changes within an AS relevant for other AS?
No! -> AS simply accepts specific IP address range -> does the rest itself once the packets arrived…
=> uses intra-AS routing for this…
How do AS exhcnage information?
inter-AS routing
=> all AS must aggree on common way of exchanging routing information!!
=> BGP
what are the main differences in terms of inter-as and intra-AS routingß
take business policies into consideratoin more so than finding best paths
=> different link metrics and filtering policies (e.g. one link more expensive due to other business contracts…)
intra AS
find best path
Do border routers need to be scalable?
yes! -> lots of entries
e.g. IPv4 ~ 800k entries
IPv6 ~ 60k entries
Differences static and dynamic routing?
manual construction of routing table
does not scale
does not react to changes
distributed algos automate construction of routing table
scales depending on the algo
automated routing tbale updates after topology changes (within a certain delay)
disadvantages of dynamic routing?
=> distributed algos automate construction of routing tables
scales depending on algo
automated ru
What is the general problem dynamic routing protocols have to solve?
find a path from the source to the destination host
=> can be reduced to graph problem
nodes represent router
edge represents link
link coms with certain cost c(X,Y)
What steps do distributed routing algos perform ?
gather informaiton about network topology
create local routin table based on gathered information
What are commmon routing protocols and algorithms?
OSPF (link state)
RIP (distance-vector routing)
BGP (path-vector routing)
How does the information propagation work in link state routing protocols?
each roputer exchanges link state updates with each other router in the network (flooding)
link state updtates contain list of ajacent routers and networks incuding cost
=> each router knows whole network topology
How is the information processing in link state routing?
each ruter calculates shortest poaths to every other destination (e.g. using dijkstra)
derive routing table from shortest path tree
How is the informaiton propagation in distance-vector based routers?
each router exhanges advertisements with its neighbor
advertisements contain shanpshot of current routing table (as distance vectors) of source (neighboring) router
=> routers have limited information baout network topology (locla view / only neighbor)
How is the information processing in distance vector routin?
each router keeps distance vectors to all other routers
compute new distance vector on incoming advertisement
derive routing table from distance vectors
e.g. RIP, BGP (path vector)
What algo is used in link state, what in distance vector
link state: e.g. dijkstra
distance vector: bellman ford
What are count to infinity contermeasures in link state and distance vector?
distance vector (poisoned reverse)
if shortest path to dest Y was learned from neighbor Z => set distance to Y to infinite for the uptades to neighbor Z
path vector routing
update messages contain full paths
=> allows loop-detection
Differences scalability and speed of convergence in link state vs distance vector?
LS floods network
DV nodes only talk to neighbors
speed of convergence
LS converges fast
DV can converge slowly (e..g count to infinity problem, routing loops may occur temporarily)
What is RIP?
Routing information protocol
RIPv2, RIPng (supports IPv6)
interior gateway protocol (IGP)
distance vector algo
link metric: number of hops (link cost = 1; infinity = 16)
implements poisoned reverse
How are routing updates conducted in RIP?
UDP port 520
RIP response messages send periodically (every 30s) or on changes
link is declared unreachable after 180s without an update
each advertisement contains routers to max. 25 destinations
What is OSPF?
open shortest path first
conceived as successor to RIP
OSPFv3 adds support for IPv6
link state algo
multiple same cost paths
supports hierarchy through definition of areas
How are OSPF updates conducted?
UP datagrams with protocol number 89, multicast addreessing
messages can be authenticated
What is BGP?
border gateway protocol
de facto standard inter-AS routing protocol in the internet
BGPv4 introduced in 1994
extensible to implement new functions
built to scale
implements policy-based routing
path vector algo (path is sequence of AS numbers)
uses periodic keepalives and incremental updates
How are routing updates conducted in BGP?
TCP port 179
eBGP spreads inter-AS routing information between ASes
iBGP spreads inter-AS routing information
What does the router do for routing within ASes
path is sequence of AS numbers
What are problems with BGP?
routing table growth (>800.000 IPv4 entries)
load balancing in multi-homed ASes
security: BGP prefix hijacking
Main differences link satae and distance vector routing protocols?
commonly, link state converges more quickly that distance vector
link state floods network with routing information and requests state of the links of routers
distance vector only interested in which neighbors they are connected to
link state -> every router knows everything about network
distacnce vector -> router only have local view of network
What positive features does dynamci rotugin have ? what is not positiveß
automatically adapt to perceptible changes in network
can - in general - be applied independent of network size
routing loops still can happen (due to the complexity of networks, often even not full understood why routing loop happens)
dynamic routing has delay -> no immediate updates
still require manual intervention
What are advantages of static routing?
more secure in terms of resilience against evildoers
less workload for involved routers
static routin easier to implement in small networks
no routing message overhead
Do changes in network trigger RIP updates?
yes -> trigger updates outside of regular updates…
Do routers have a choice wether to update informatino in RIP?
no -> update information is more an order than an suggestion…
How is the update chain in RIP?
sth changes -> router sends update to neighbors
-> neighbors integrate infmraotn and update routing table
-> immediately propagate information to their neigbors
Do RIP routers keep multiple routes to a single destination=?
no -> keep only best…
How does RIP prevent routing loops?
implement max hop count of 15
-> hop count of 16 indicates that the cost (distance) is infinite
What are disadvantages of RIPs max hop count?
routers that sit behind each others max distance cant see each other…
=> limits maximum diameter of a RIP network
What is RIPs split horizon principle? How can it be put into practicr?
if router Y got inforamtion about network N from router X
-> it does not send infromation updates about that network to that router…
=> put into practice with poisoned reverse (set distatnce to the respective netowk to infinity (16)…)
What type of timers does RIP use? What for?
timers to regulate performance
update timer
invalid/timeout timer
holddown timer
flush timer
What is RIPs update timer used for?
marks rate in which RIP update messages are sent
What is RIPs invalid/timeout timer used for?
routers usually send updates every 30s
-> thus, expect updates from neighbors every 30s
=> still need tolerance
-> invalid timer starts when router receiives update
-> if invalid timer times out
=> the route from which the router expects an update will be set to unreachable (metric 16)
route still kept in routing table
What is RIPs holddown timer used for?
started after route is set to unreachable by update packet
during holddown -> appropriate route marked as inaccesible
=> routing information concerning better paths are suppressed
=> advertised as unreachable
What is RIPs flush timer used for?
after this interval of time has passed
-> appropriate route will be deleted from routin table
=> starts right after having received last update
How is inreachability inicated in RIP
set route to invalid -> distance 16
Why was OSPF introduced?
RIP couldnt cope any longer with large and heterogeneous networks
What are the two primary characteristics of OSPF?
ptorocol is open -> specification is in public domain (RFC 1247)
based on SPF algo (dijkstra)
What is BGP used for?
inter-AS routing protocol
exchange routing information in between areas owned by IPSs but also within AS
-> between eBGP (external BPG)
-> inside iBGP (internal BGP)
What is the difference in propagated information betwen iBGP and eBGP?
eBGP: network prefixes of AS propagated to gateway routers of other AS
iBGP: gateway routers distributed prefixes they learned (through eBGP) in the AS (internal)
What are PATH attributes?
information exchanged between BGP peers aside from network prefixes
What are BGP peers?
BGP routers exchange over semi-permanent TCP connection
=> patricipating routers (that share one of these semi-transparent TCP connections) are called BGP peers
-> they exchange information
What path attributes exist in BGP?
local preference
multi-exit distriminator
What is the AS_path path attribue used for?
when route advertisement passes through AS -> AS number added to ordered list oof AS numbers the route has traversed -> what AS to traverse to reach the destination of that prefix…
What is the next_hop PATH attribute used for?
connector between BGP and intra-AS routing
-> the IP address of the router interface from which the AS path begins
=> thus, for BGP peers, next hop IP address of the connection between the peers
for iBGP, eBGP next hop address carried into local AS
What is the weight PATH attribute used for?
not exchanged between routers
-> cisco defined attribute local to router
-> if router learns about more than one route to same destination
-> route with highest weight will be preferred
What is the local preference PATH attribute used for?
used to prefer an exit point from the local AS (-> as they usually have more than one exit point…)
unlike weight, propagated through the AS
-> route specific if there are more than one exit point
What is the multi-exit-distriminator PATH attribute used for?
MES / or metric attribute
suggestion to external AS regarding preffered route into the AS that is advertising the metric
What is the origin PATH attribute used for?
indicates how BGP learned about a particular route
one of three possible vlaues
-> IGP, EGP or Incomplete
What is the community PATH attribute used for?
provides way of grouping destinations
-> so called communities
-> to which routing decisions can be applied
no-export, no-advertise, inter-net
How does the BGP path selection work? (find best path to destination in case multiple updates with different paths exist)
if path specifies next hop that is inaccesible, drop the update
prefer path with largest weight
weights are same -> largest local preference
same -> prefer path that originated from BGP on this router
if no route was originated -> shortest AS path
if all same length -> prefer path with lowest origin type (IGP < EGP < incomplete)
origin codes the same -> lowest MED attribute
same MED -> external path over internal
still the same -> path through closest IGP neighbor
lowest IP address, as specified by the BGP router ID
What can the AS path also be used for?
get shortest path
detect routing lops => reject if AS of router already listed…
Where do OSPF routers propageate information?
link state advertisements (LSA)
within same hiararchical area
Difference RIP and OSPF concerning hierarchical networks?
RIP cannot operate in a hierarchical network topology
OSPF can!
What is a hierarchical rea in OSPF?
-> newtork prefixes…
largest: AS
Is OSPF capable of receiving and sending routes to other ASes?
In what can an AS be divided into?
What is an area in the scope of AS?
groups of contiguous networks and attached hosts…
Can routers participate in multiple AS areas?
yes -> require respectively multiple network interfaces…
=> an area is interface specific…
What are routers called, that are connected to a sinlge area?
-> all interfaces connected to single area
-> internal router IR
What are routers called, that are connected to more than one area?
area border router (ABR)
What are routers called that act as gateway between OSPF and other routing protocols / other intsances of OSPF?
autonomous system bondary router (ASBR)
What to consider in ABR databases / routing tables?
maintain seperate databaese for each area
=> each database contains LSA received from interfaces connected to respective area
-> received from routers within that area
Should routers in the same area have the same routing information / table? (OSPF)
yes -> share same information
-> although it takes time to converge
-> but mithg not if always close to convergence and then next change happens…
Who cannot see an areas topology?
entities (strictly) outside the area…
gateway routers still in the area…
What is an advantage of OSPF hierarchical ability?
OSPF gets along with less routing traffic tthatn it woudl fi the AS were not partitioned
-> requires distribution of network entities (such as routers) to useful areas and points…
Does OSPF differentiate differnet routing strategies?
yes -> intra-area routing when source and dest are in same ares
inter area routing when src and dest in differetn areas
What is an OSPF backbone?
respobsible for routing in between areas
-> consists of all ABRs -
-> backbone itself is OSPF area too
- thus, applies same OSPF strategies to maintina information within backbone area
What is the primary reason for introducing hierarchy in networks?
What is the effect of flat hierarchies / topologies?
computation cost
memory demand
routing overhead
=> things like distance vector would never converge…
How can AS be uniqiely be identified?
each AS has unique , public autonomous system number (ASN)
assigned by IANA
How does BGP determine shortes path to a destination?
prefix and
What types of ASN exist?
16 bit
32 bit due to exhaustion of numbers
private ASN -> used by ISP who apply BGP in private network…
How can an ASN be obtained?
leased from regional internet registries (RIR)
How to find out about owner of an ASN?
whois asxxxx command…
Difference single-path vs multi-path?
multi path allow to send traffic over various paths which can lead to better throughput and reliability
Do distance-vector based networks send updates at the same time?
no -> small deviation from standard timer setting to avoid congestion problems… (as otherwise all would sent at the same time…)
What happens when powering on an OSPF router?
sends out hello messages to advertise its presence to the network
starts sending hello messages periodically (as keepalive…)
Route selection BGP
intra-AS -> focus on best path
inter-AS -> take policy into consideration -> business policies…
How does dijkstra work?
always take cheapest next hop (accumulative) until you reach destination…
How does bellman ford work?
for each, have from list and initialize with infinity…
node has entries to neighbors with cost
shares cost to these destinations with neighbors
incoming: enter the neighbors stuff in your from list
update a couple of time if sth changes (best path) until nothing changes anymore…
What fields are in RIPng packets?
1 byte type -> request (1) response (2)
version -> of rip.. (e.g. v2)
list of route table entries
IPv6 prefix
route tag
internal or external…
prefix length
Entries linux routing table
nhid -> next hop id
next hop ip (via)
interface (dev)
protocol used to get inforamtion (e.g. rip, kernel)
metric for e.g. rip
scope of destination -> e.g. scope link is direct unicast
Does slow link affect RIP?
no -> onyl considers hop count…
Advantage of triggered update vs periodic?
for important events -> propagate information quickly…
Metric OSPF? How calculated?
bandwidht based…
calculate for each link on a route and sum up over path…
cost = reference_bandwidth / interface_bandwidth
How can one give (in linux) priority to one routing protocol over another?
administrative distance
-> e.g. 1 for static rotues
-> OSPF 110 vs RIP 120, …
255 for unknown
What is contained in link state database of OSPF? (fields of entries)
LSA database holding LSA for each area connected to
router link states
net link states
link states
intra area perfix link states
Advantages disadvantages hierarchical routing
reduce network load (less flooding)
smaller routing table and faster route calculations
increased design complexity (strategic positions, configuration…)
areas might block paths… -> longer paths possible
What types of OSPF packets exist?
Hello -> discover OSPF neighbors , estbalish communication and send keepalives
DB description -> LS database of sending entity -> sent to adjacent neighbors
LS update -> ipdate for link-staes in its link state database
LS acknowledge -> each LS packet must be acknowledged…
LS request -> request info about (full or partial) link states of another router, has to be acknowledged either by LS update itself or LS acknowledge
Content of LS advertisement?=
LSA type
LS age -> age of lsa in seconds since origination -> initialize with 0 and update at each hop
do not age -> not update L age…
LS type
ls id
advertising router
sequence numebr -> detection of duplicate and old lSA (larger more recent)
Why BGP triggered updates (not preiodic)
BGP rather wait until they get all necesarry updates -> better convergence
-> reduce overhead
How can count to infinity occur?
assume C knows from B that it can reach A with 2
link between A and B cut
B sets A to infinity
next update -> B learns from C that it can reach A with metric 2 -> thus it can reach it with 3
next update -> C learns from B, that the cost to A is now 3 -> updates accordingly and sets it to 4
-> sends update to B, updates its own metric as it is based on Cs cost -> now 5
=> hapens due to routing loops
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