Name and briefly explain the five different types of economic blocks
two or more countries setting up deals to:
1) Free Trade Area
eliminate formal barriers to trade
maintain independent international trade policy
2) Custom Union
harmonize trade policies towards nonmember countries
MERCOSUR (argentina, brazil, paraguay, uruguay)
3) Common Market
(single market)
reduce/remove trade barriers
common external barriers are established
4) Economic union
common fiscal and monetary policies
exchange rate
free convert of money
free movement of capital
EU -€
5) Political Union
Remains ideal
perfect unification
reduce tariffs
reduce restrictions
better cross-border flow
easier to negotiate than worldwide
What kind of economic block is the EU and what role does it have in Europe’s regional integration?
EU= Common Market
Challenges: people moving due to wages etc
Also has features from economic unions:
market access - barriers, Tariffs
Common market: cross national movement of production etc
Trade rules: easy transportation and logistics
Standards and harmonization: technical standards
What is the impact of the European currency on the international activities of companies?
€ since 2002
Geht rid oft Financial Risk - currency
Easy cross border trade
Eliminate exchange risk
—> investment in whole eu
Europe as a single market
European Central Bank empowered
zero interest policy
prices of goods relatively stable
Only economic Block with a joint currency
What kind of economic block is USMCA? What are the member states and what characterizes the bloc?
Us, Mexico, Canada
Successor of former NAFTA
Zero Tarifs
Digital Trade
Government contracts by firms
Trade rules and procedures
What kind of economic block is MERCOSUR? What are member states and what characterizes the bloc?
Southern common market
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
80% of South American GDP
Free movement of products and services
Common external Tarifs + trade policy
What kind of economic block is RCEP? What are member states and what characterizes the bloc?
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Southwest Asian nations
15 counties (biggest: China!)
- also smaller Countdown
2.3 billion people - 30% of world population
30% of worlds GDP
5 countries also members of G20
Australia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea
Pacific nations
What are examples of government intervention and why are nations doing this?
Create More Jobs
Create More value for the Company
Economic Protecting:
domestic economy & jobs
Infant industries
Revenue generation
Political protecting:
national economy
National security
Firm and industries
Social objectives
domestic job
Culture and identity
takeover: confiscation, expropriation, nationalization
Sanctions: tariffs, trade barriers, import duties, export quotas
Terrorism, wars
Import quotas
Local Content guidelines
Examples: political:
us steel and Aluminium Tariffs
2018: 25% steel, 10% Aluminium Import
China - US Trade war:
2018: tariffs for china: 50 billion $ - china angry - war of tariffs
Examples: current embargo’s:
us against Iran:
near total embargo
Begin 1979 revolution
Iranian nuclear power
us vs North Korea
human rights abuse in NK
ban on exports of goods
How can tariffs and embargos be used as instruments of government intervention?
stop other countries industry
make trade for other country more difficult
- in Trade war
- different Interests
- Trump America First - Trade deficit- germany 1 of the targets
- counter actions
- different economic goals + DIFFERENT POLITICAL SYSTEM
Russia vs Germany etc
Against Iran - political System, nuclear Weapons, Human Rights, protests
Full Embargo: Every good - today undenkbar
Explain how the Singapore government fosters national competitiveness by applying the Tripartism concept
collaboration between
1) unions
2) employers
3) Government
shared economic and social goals
win-win outcome for all parties
MOM Ministry of Manpower
NTUC National Trades Union Congress
SNEF Singapore National Employers Federation
Upgrade capabilities of employers and workers
Uplift and suppoert vulnerable and old workers
workplace fairness
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