process of transporting free DNA into bacterial cells
Why do species undergo natural transformation?
use indiscriminate DNA as food
Use specific DNA to repair damaged genomes
Acquire new genes through horizontal gene transfer
Compentence in Gram +
Induced by quorum sensing
the transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another following cell to cell contact
Typically (only in gram-) initiated by a special pilus production from the donor cell
Recquires the presence of special transferable (“conjugative”) plasmids (e.g. F Plasmid): these usually contain all genes needed for the pilus formation & DNA transport
The conjugation Process
Using the relaxase as a pilot protein, a specialiced Type IV protein sectreion system (T4SS) secretes the relaxase with the covalently linkes single stranded plasmid molecule to the recipient
Integration of F factor plasmid into Chromosome
The F-factor can accidentally integrate intot he chromosome
The cell is now designated Hfr (high frequency recombination)
An Hfr cell is capable of transferring chromosome parts into a recipient cell
This process can be used to map genes
DNA transfer between Bacteria & Eukarya
Agrobacterium tunefaciens causes crown gall disease: contains a tumor inducing plasmid that transfers T-DNA via conjugation to plant cells
Neisseria gonnorhoeaea contains a 685 bp fragment, identical to human L1 element
The process in which bacteriophages carry host DNA from one cell to another
-> occurs accidentally as an offshoot of the phages life cycle
Generalized transduction
Adsoption to phage receptor (cell surface)
Injection of phage DNA
Replication of phage DNA, synthesis pf phage proteins
Packaging of phage DNA, by mistake packaging of chromosomal DNA
Release of phages
Infection of new recipient cells
Injections of (chromosomal) DNA
Integration of donor DNA into the recipient genome by homologous recombination
Principle: Inadvertently packaging chromosomal DNA instead of phage DNA
-> each gene marker is transduced with the same frequence
Specialized transduction
Adsorption to phage receptor (cell surface)
Lysogenic life cycle, integration of the prophage
Spontaneous induction of lytic cycle, inadvernently excisin of the prophage (including the neighboring chromosomal DNA fragment)
Packaging of phage DNA, release of phages, infection of new recipient cells
Injection of DNA
Principle: Inadvertenly excision of the prophage, phage DNA plus a piece of chromosomal DNA (next to the prophage integration site) are packed
-> only certain genes are transduced
enzymatic cleavage of alien DNA by restriction endonucelases
There are three main types of restriction endonucleases: type II possesses only endoculease activity & generally recognizes palindromic DNA sequences and cleaves at those sites
Host DNA is protected by methylation
CRISPR cassettes
CRISPR = clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
CRISPR consits of repeats & spacers that are non-coding but near them lie CRISPR-associated gene families that do encode proteins (CAS)
CRISPR is a primitive microbial immunne system: an organism that manages to survive a phage attack captures a piece of the invaders genome & uses it as defense against future attack
The function can be devided into three stages:
spacer acquisition
cr RNA processing
Effector stage
Genetic recombination i the process by which genetic material is broken & jointed to other genetic material
Generalized recombination
the central players are RecA & Rec BCD
RecA molecules are also called synaptases, they are able to scan DNA molecules for homology & align the homologous regions forming a triplet DNA molecule or synapse
RecBCD initiates recombinational repair drom double stranded breaks
RecBCD enzyme is both a helicase that unwinds the strands of DNA & a nuclease that makes single stranded nicks in DNA
Holliday junction
A holliday junction can be resolved in two ways
Site specific recombination
site specific recombination does not utilize RecA
It involves very short regions of homology (att sites) between donor & target DNA molecules
These are recognized by dedicated enzyme systems (integrases) which catalyze a crossover betewen them to produce a cointegrate molecule
E.g. the integration of phage lampda/flagellar phase variations in salmonella enterica
A heritable change in the DNA
Silent mutation
Does not change the amino acid sequence
Missense mutation
Changes the amino acid sequence to another
Nonsense mutation
Changes the amino acid sequence to a stop codon
Frameshift mutation
Changes the open reading frame of the gene
Howm many mutations per genome/generation
0,003 mutations per genome/generation
-> spontaneous mutations are rare because of the efficiency of DNA proofreading & DNA repair pathways
How mutations can arise
tautomeric shifts in DNA bases that alter base-pairing properties (rare enol-/imino bases)
Oxidative deamination of bases
Formation of apurinic sites
Mutagens: chemical agents (base analogs, base modifiers, intercalators)/electormagnetic radiation ( X-rays & gamma rays break the DNA, ultraviolet rays form pyrimidine dimers)
Ames test
Test to identify mutagens
relies on a mutant bacterial stain that is defective in his G (+mut): cannot grow on a medium lacking histidine
The strian is incubated with the mutagen & plated on medium lacking histidine
Colony number = mutation frequency
Missmatch repair
the premise is that the parental strand will contain the proper DNA sequence
The methyl-directed missmatch repair proteins are called Mut because a high mutation rate results in strains that are defective in one of these proteins
Methy missmatch repair is based on recognition of the methylation pattern in DNA bases to discriminate the parental from the newly replicated DNA
The SOS repsonse
when DNA damage is too severe to be repaired by error proof pathways the cell relaxes fidelity of DNE replication to ensure circularity of the chromosome
Involves the cooridnated induction of > 40 genes
Extensive DNA damage causes single-stranded DNA
RecA assembles at ssDNA & becomes activated
RecA coprotease activity stiulates autodigesteion of the LexA repressor
This induces expression of many DNA repair enzymes
Among them two “sloppy” DNA polymerases that lack proofreading activity & error prone repair systems
The cell has no other option but ti “mutate or die”
Instertion sequence (IS)
Simple transposable elements containing a tranposase gene flanked by short inverted repeat sequences
Transfer by replicative or non replicative transposition
Replicative transposition
A transposable element in a plasmid can bring about cointegration of the plasmid into a target DNA molecule during replicative transposition
Non replicative transpositions
complex transposable elements that carry additiona genes (e.g. drug resistance)
E.g. composite, complex or conjugative transposons
Phage T4
Classical molecular model
very complex shape requiring 20 gene products for assembly
Capsid (head) contains linear dsDNA genome
Tail: consists of shearth plus interna tube
T4 adsorption
Phage T4 binds to E. Coli by contact between its tail fibers & the outer membrane: a confromational change causes sheath to contract & inject the genome into the cell
Virulent repilcation
first earl genes are transcribes by host RNA pol: proteins unclude DNase & a DNA pol
Phage T4 genome is synthesized within the host cell by rolling circle replication
Progeny genoms are linked in a concatemer: cut with an offset so that individual linera genomes have slight overlaps
Ultimately the late genes are induced to produce the capsid & tail proteins tat assemble on the membran: a late gene encodes lysozyme which lyses the cell releasing the mature phaged
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