Biosynthesis metabolism
Anabolism: the building of complex biomolecules
amino acids/proteins
Fatty acids, polyketides
Other biomolecules/ secondary metabolites/non ribosomal peptide synthesis
Required for biosnthesis
essential elements: C H N O P S & other essential elements
Reduction: by reducing agents such as NADPH
Energy: by coupling reactions to ATP hydrolysis NADPH oxidation or iron flow down a trnasmembrane concentration gradient
Many substrates for biosynthesis arise from gylcolysis/gluconeogenesis & the TCA cycle
Regulation of biosynthesis
transcriptional/translational regulation, allosteric
Competition/predation: antibiotics, toxins
Genome degradation: reductive evolution (flagella, motility)
consists of samll (S) & large (L) subunits
Catalyzes the condensation of CO2 to ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate & the splitting of the unstable 6C intermediate into two 3C 3-phosphgylcerate molecules
Calvin cycle
carboxylation & splitting of 6C -> 2[3C]: ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate condenses with CO2 & H2O to form a 6C molecule ehich immediatly splits into two 3-phosphoglycerate molecules
Reduction of PGA to Glyceraldehyde 3-P: the carboxlygroup of PGA is phosphorylated by ATP & then hydrolyzed & reduced by NADPH, this generates G3P
Regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate: one of every six G3P is converted to glucose, the other five molecules enter a series of reactions that regenerate three molecules of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
Regulation of the calvin cycle
Many organisms contain the Rubisco complex within subcellular structures called carboxysomes
-> the carboxysomes take up bicarbonate (HCO3-) which is then immediatly converted to CO2 by carbonic anhydrase, the CO2 is then fixed by Rubisco
Anaplerotic reactions
Regeneration steps to regenerate TCA cycle intermediates out of small amounts of CO2
E.g. phosphoenolpyruvate + Co2 -> oxaloacetate (phosphoenolpyruvatcarboxylase)
phosphoenolpyruvate + Co2 -> oxaloacetate (phosphoenolpyruvatcarboxylase)
Reductive or reverse TCA cycle
in some bacteria & archaea the entire TCA cycle functions in “reverse”: allows the reduction of CO2 to regenerate Acetyl-CoA & build sugars
Uses 4-5 ATPs to fix four molecules of CO2 & generate one oxaloacetate
Reduction (addition of 2H+ + 2e-) is performed by NADPH & NADH & by reduced ferredoxin (FDH2)
The Acteyl-CoA pathway
reductive Acetyl-CoA pathway
Used by anaerobic soil bacteria, autotrophic sulfate reducers & methanogens
Two CO2 molecules are condensed through converging pathways to form the acetyl group of Acteyl-CoA - Carbonmonoxid as an intermediate
Reducing agent is H2 instead of NADPH
The 3-Hydroxypropionate cycle
used by thermophiles such as the bacterium chloroflexus & the archaea sulfolobus
Acetyl-CoA condenses with hydrated CO2 (bicarbonate ion HCO3-) & is reduced by 2 NADPH to 3-hydroxypropionate
Intermediates includes methylmalonyl-CoA
In all three molecules of CO2 are into one molecule of pyruvate which serves as substrate for biosynthesis
Biosynthesis of fatty acids
the cyclic process of fatty acid synthesis is managed by the fatty acid synthase complex
Molecules of acetyl-CoA are carboxylated to Malonyl-CoA
To the coenzymeA is replaced by acyl-carrier-protein (ACP) making malonyl-ACP
Malonyl-ACP condenses with the growing (ACP-) chain
The growing chain now contains a ketone which us reduced to CH2 by 2 NADPH
Successive addition con continue many times to build a saturated fatty acid of indefinite length
Acetyl-CoA -> Acetyl-ACP only used as primer
Unsaturation can be generated during a cycle of elongation: a specila dehydratatse enzyme forms the double bond between the third and fourth carbons
Trans double bonds would interfere with membrane: cis double bonds needed
Regulation of fatty acid synthesis
fatty acid synthesis consumes large quantities of reducing energy & so must be regulates closely
In E. Coli key points of regluation include:
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase regulates its own transcription
Starvation blocks fatty acid synthesis through the “stringent response”
Low temperature favors unsaturated fatty acids by inducing expression of the dehydratase enzyme
Polyketides Antibiotics
polyketides are a diverse group of metabolites that include the broad-spectrum antibiotic erythromycin
Polyketides are snythesized by an enormous enzyme complex called a modular enzyme: consits of multiple modules which add smilar but non-identical units to a growing chain
Like fatty acids polyketides are built by the successive condensaion of malonyl-ACP units: but each malonyl group carries a unique extension or R-group; these are thyl groups in the case of erythromycin
Haber-Bosch process
B: legume symbionts
Nitrogen assimilation
nitrogen gas (N2) is fixed into ammonium ions (NH4+) only by some species of bacteria and archaea
Aquatic cyanobacteria developed special cells (heterocysts) to fix N2: photosynthesis is turned off to maintain anaerobic conditions, in the presence of oxygen iron sulfur clusters of nitrogenase would be destroyed
Mechanism of nitrogen fixation
in living cells nitrogen fixation is an enormously nenergy intensive process
The mechanism is largely conserved across species
N2 + 8H+ + 8e- +16ATP -> 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi
about 40 ATPs are consumed per N2 fixed (including intermediates)
Nitrogen fixation is catabolyed by the enzyme Nitrogenase
the nitrogenase complex includes two kinds of subunits
a protein with an iron-sulfur core (Fe protein)
A protein containing a complex of molybdenum, iron & sulfur proteins (FeMo-protein)
Electrons acquired by Fep protein (with energy from ATP) are transferred to FeMo protein to reduce nitrogen
Nitrogen fixation requires four reduction cycles through nitrogenase
Fe protein acquires 2e- from an electron transport protein such as ferredoxin & then trnasfers them to the FeMo center
The FeMo center binds 2H+ which is reduced to H2 gas
N2 can now bind the active site by displacinds the H2
Successive pairs of H+ & e- reduce
N2 -> HN=NH -> H2N-NH2 -> 2NH3
Molecular regulation of N2 fixation
nitrogen fixation costs substantial energy & therfore the process is highly regulated
Oxygen & NH4+ availability regulate expression of the nif genes which encode nitrogenase & other nitrogen fixation proteins
Regulation of nif is mediated by several molecular regulator including
a nitrogen starvation sigma factor (sigma54)
NtrB-NtrC two component signal trasnduction system
Amino acid synthesis
The carbon skeletons of amino acids arise from diverse intermediates of metabolism
Certain amino acids reise directly from key metabolic intermediates: e.g. glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate
Other amino acids must be synthesizes from preformes amino acids: e.g. glutamine & arginine from glutamate
Still other amino acids can arise from more than one source: e.g. leucine & isoleucine can be made from succinate as well as pyruvate
Assimilation of NH4+
most bacteria assimilate NH4+ by condensing it with 2-oxogluterate to form glutamate or with glutamate to form glutamine
Both glutamate & glutamine contribute an amine as well as their C skeleton to the synthesis of other amino acids in the biosynthesis
The transfer of ammonia between the two metabolites as called
e.g. glutamate transfers NH3 to oxaloacetate making aspartet & 2 oxogluterate, this reaction can also be reverses
The cellular levels of glutamate & glutamine act as indicators of nitrogen availability
Building of complex amino acids
Some amino acids require longer pathways involving numerous enzymes
arginine biosynthesis generally involves about a dozen different enzymes distributing among four to eight operons
Aromatic amino acids are built from a common pathway that branches out
Synthesis is tightly regulated at both transcriptional & translational levels
Purine & Pyrimidine synthesis
both purines & pyrimidines are built onto a ribose-5-phosphate substrate, converted into 5-phosporibosyl-1-PP via the activation step of ATP -> AMP
The purine ring is built out of succcessive additions of amines plus a formyl group
First purine made is inosine
Then converted to AMP & GMP
Pyrimidines are built by a slightly different rout
first pyrimidine made is uracil
Then converted to CMP & TMP
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