Penicillin history
Discovered 1928 by alexander fleming, purified by howard florey & ernst chain in 1942
Penicillium notatum
Original definition of antibiotics
Any compound produced by one microbial species that could kill or inhibit the growth of other microbes
Todays term of antibiotics
Also used for synthetic chemotherapeutic agents, such as sulfonamides, that are clinically useful but chemically synthesized
Reserved for agents that kill bacteria ≠ antifungals ≠ antiprotozoan ≠ antivirals
Effects of drugs
must affect the target organism (e.g. peptidogylcen, bacterial ribosomes,..)
Mus not affect humans
Must reach target inside human body
Many have side effects at high concentrations
Broad spectrum
Effective against many species
Narrow spectrum
Effective against few or single species
Source of antibiotics
Most discovered as natural products, often modified by artificial means (semi synthesis or total synthesis)
Antibiotics kill target organisms e.g. inhibitors of cell wall synthesis
Antibiotics preven growth of organisms e.g. antiniotics that stall ribosome movement
-> cannot kill an organism, Immune system removes arrested bacteria (the patient needs to be immune-competent)
= minimal inhibitory concentration
the lowest concentration of antibacterial drug that prevents growth - varies for different bacterial species & drugs
Lowest concentration with visible growth: broth may still contain living but non growing organisms
-> doesn not indicate if an antibiotic is bacteriostatic or bactericidal
= minimal bactericidal concentration
plate & count colonies
99,9% reduction of viable bacteria
MBC always higher than MIC
Targets of antibiotics
cell wall
DNA synthesis
RNA synthesis
Protein synthesis
Cal membrane
Beta - Lactam antibiotics
The beta-lactam ring chemically resembles the D-Ala-D-Ala piece of peptidogylcan
-> this molecular mimikry allows the drug to bind covalently to the active site serines of transpeptidases (which is why the proteins are called penicillin-binding proteins) -> preventing crosslinking of peptidoglycan
E.g. Penicillins, Cephalospoines
Binds ends of peptidoglycen peptides at the outside of the membrane
-> prevents action of transglycosylases & transpeptidases
Inhibition of the D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptide precursor
-> inhibits formation of cytoplasmatic peptidoglycan precursor in the cytoplasm
Forms a complex with bactoprenol-PP
-> inhibits recycling of lipid carrier
Bacitracin sequesters the membran carrier in its C55-PP state & inhibits its recycling
Block bacterila DNA gyrase (= topoisomerase II) & topoisomerase IV, prevent DNA replication & DNA decatenation
-> ezymes can introuce brekas but quinolones prevent enzymes from resealing the breaks
E.g. ciprofloxacin
Sulfa drugs
Analogs of para aminobenzoic acid, a precuros of folic acid. Folic acid is needed for tetrahydrofolic acid synthesis & the latter for DNA synthesis
RNA synthesis inhibitors
Antibiotics that inhibit transcription are bactericidal & most active againt growing bacteria
binds to RNA polymerase
-> prevents elongation step of transcription
Rifampin is the natural product, Rifamycin (derivative) is the commercial drug
Affect 30S subunit of bacterila ribosome
-> cause the translational misreading of mRNA: worng tRNAs are allowed to bind
Affect the 30S subunit of bacterial ribosomes
-> block the binding of charged tRNAs to the A site of the ribosome: no tRNAs bind -> stop protein synthesis
Translation stalling agent -> bacteriostatic
Affect the 50S subunit of bacterial ribosomes
-> inhibit translocation
E.g. erythromycin
Affect 50S subunit of bacterial ribosomes
E.g. lincomycin
Affects the 50S subunit of bacterial ribosomes
-> inhibits peptidyl transferase activity
-> prevent formation of the 70S ribosome initiation complex
Antibiotic resistance mechanisms
Antiviral agents
viruses misuse eukrayotic cellular machineries for their own purpose -> difficult targets
As typical antiviral targets function the few preoteins encoded in the viral genomes
Alternative treatment concept: Help the eukaryotic cells to protect themselves against viral entry
Antiviral therapy has always a narrow spectrum
Antibiotics do not act against viruses
Most antiviral agents work by inhibiting viral DNA synthesis
-> these drugs resemble normal DNA nucleosides but lack a 3’ OH and so cause chain termination
Zanamivir & Oseltamivir
Anti influenza therapy
-> block neuraminidase of influenza A & B, both prevent release of mature viruses
Anti - influenza therapy
-> inhibits influenza A uncoating, prevents entry of viral RNA into host nucleus
Not much used due to neurological side effects
Anti herpes therapy
nucleosid analogon
Thymidine kinase og HSV phosphorylates the compound selectively to mono-phosphate
Eukaryotic kinase phosphorylates to triphosphate
Instertion into DNA
Chain termination due to lack of 3’-OH
Reverse transcriptase inhibitors
The reverse trnascriptase enzyme is unique to retroviruses: translates RNA to DNA
(Nucleoside RT inhibitors & non-nucleoside RT inhibitors)
Protease inhibitors
HIV makes long, nunfunctional polypeptide chains that are cleaved by HIV protease to make mature proteins
Entry inhibitors
CCR5 inhibitors block HIV from binding to host cell receptor
Fusion inhibitors prevent HIV membrane fusing with T-cell membrane
Antifungal agents
Fungal infections are much more difficult to treat than bacterial infections: fungi are eukaryotes and selective toxicity issues arise, fungi have an efficient drug detoxification system that modifies & inactivates many drugs
Two groups:
superficila mycoses: treated topically
Deep mycoses: treated systemicall
Inhibit the ergosterole synthesis
E.g. clotrimazole, itraconazole, fluconazole
Form pores in fungal cell membranes
Preduced by Streptomyces species
E.g. amphotericin B, nystatin
Inhibit synthesis of glucan in the fungal cell wall
Disrupts the mitotic spindle
Produced by Penicillium species
Identification of pathogens is critical to..
… use apropriate treatments
antibiotics dont work on all bacteria
Many bacteria are now drug resistant
Antibacterials do not work on viruses
… anticipate pathogen-specific sequelae (disease complications)
… track spread of disease expansion (epidemiology)
allows faster treatment of others infected
Allows identification of cause & infection
Selective media
Removes nonpathogens (normal microbiota), allows growth of pathogen: more cells makes testing easier, ability to grow on specific medium helps identification
Differential media
Exploits pathogenss unique biochemical properties
Strains grow but differ in indicator color, based on ability to utilize material on plate
Identifying Gram - bacteria
Organism is subject to the analytical profile index (API strip technology)
a battery of biochmeical tests in 20 seperate chambers
A 24-hour incubation indicates positive or negative reactions depending on the color
Nowadays most clinical laboratories have automated procedures
= polymerase chain reaction
amplifies samll fragments of DNA
Allows detection of tiny numbers of bacteria
Size of fragment can indicate species, strain
Multiplex PCR uses multiple sets of primers
Restriction analysis can further indicate strain: single nucleotide differenses affect ability to be cut by restriction enzymes
= enzyme-linked immunisorbent asssay)
can detect antigens or antibodies present in nanogram and picogram qunatities
Antigen from virus is attached to wells
Patient serum is added: antibody binds to viral antigen
Secondary antibodies have anzyme attached: bind to Fc portion of serum antibodies
Enzyme reaction causes color change: indicates presence of antivirus antibodies in serum
POC diagnostics
= Point-of-care
designed to be used directly at the site of patient care
Commercial POC tests are widely available for the diagnosis of bacterial & virla infections & for parasitic diseases including malaria
Sensitivity may be compromised
culturing not required
Immediately initiate specific antibiotic therapy
No data on pathogen antibiotic sensitivity
Double or multiple infections are mire likely to be overlooked
False positive and false negative can vary
Immunochromatographic assay
Always present at a low frequency in a population
High frequency over short time
An epidemic that occurs over a wide geographic area
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