________ refers to since the beginning of universe.
In this period, there were very little to no written evidence of medical practice.
Usually refers to the people who lived before 10,000 BC.
They believed that the cause of death are evil ______ and
angry ______.
They don’t know about the existence of medicine, they
just know that humans get born and die one day.
People die due to disease, poor diet, infection, and war.
evil spirits and angry ancestors
Prehistoric men used ………….. to help them get rid of the evil spirits that they thought caused diseases.
Used lucky charms, chants and magic spells
Medicine Men
Aboriginal beliefs and treatments include:
If a person becomes ill, it is because their _______ has left them, or an ______ has entered their body.
Problem was believed to have _________________
If a person becomes ill, it is because their spirit has left them, or an evil spirit has entered their body.
Problem was believed to have supernatural causes.
1st known surgery
6500 BC
The process in which shamans used to make a perforation in the skull to expel the demon or evil spirits.
Practiced to cure headache, epilepsy, or tumors.
For ………, they used sharpened edges of stones and flints.
Average lifespan about 20 years
3000 BC - Ancient ________
Earliest people known to keep accurate medical records.
Physicians were priests who studies medicine and surgery in temple medical schools.
Called upon the gods to heal them when disease occurred.
Medical librarians have provided useful bibliographical tools in the form of ________ and ________ of both authors and subjects.
library catalogues and bibliographies
The first physician may have been ______
Imhotep is thought to have diagnosed and treated over ______ diseases in his lifetime including tuberculosis, appendicitis, gout, gallstones, and arthritis.
Magic and medicinal plants were used to treat most of the
3000 BC - Ancient Egyptians
Believed that the body was a system of channels for ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______.
If a channel became “clogged”, ______ or ______ were used as treatment to open them.
Average lifespan is ______ to ______ years.
air, tears, blood, urine, sperm, and feces
bloodletting or leeches
20 to 30 years
1700 BC - Ancient _______
Believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body.
Carefully monitored the _______ to determine the condition of the body, if a woman is pregnant or not.
Recorded a _______ of medications based mainly on the use of herbs.
1700 BC - Ancient Chinese
Used _______ to relieve pain and congestion.
Used _______ to treat disease by stimulating circulation and the bodies qi.
Began to search for medical _______ for illnesses.
Average life span is 20 to 30 years.
medical reasons
1200 BC - Ancient Greeks
Began modern medical science by observing ______ and effects of disease.
Believed illness was a result of _____
Stressed _____ and _____ as a way to prevent disease.
human body
natural causes
diet and cleanliness
Used _______ that are still used today, such as
massage, art therapy, and herbal treatments.
Important People in 1200 BC - Ancient Greeks
Biochemist that identified the brain as the physiological site of the senses.
Dissected animals and is called the founder of comparative
The father of medicine
Developed an organizational method to observe the human body.
Recorded signs and symptoms of many diseases.
…….. Created a high standard of ethics,
the Oath of …….., used by physicians today.
753 - 410 AD - Ancient ____
Diseases were treated by ____, ____, and ____.
Average life span was 25 to 35 years.
First to organize ___________ by providing care for injured
diet, exercise, and medications
medical care
753 - 410 AD - Ancient Romans
Early hospitals developed when physicians cared for ill people in rooms in their ________.
Later hospitals were religious and charitable institutions housed in ________ and ________.
monasteries and convents.
Began public health and sanitation systems:
_________ to carry clean water to the cities,
_________ to carry waste material away from the cities,
_________ in public baths to prevent diseases, and
_________ to reduce the incidence of malaria.
Aqueducts to carry clean water to the cities,
Sewers to carry waste material away from the cities,
Filtering systems in public baths to prevent diseases, and
Drained marshes to reduce the incidence of malaria.
Important People in 753 – 410 AD - Ancient
A physician who established many beliefs, one of which is that the body is regulated by 4 fluids or humors; _______, _______, _______, and _______.
Imbalance in the humors resulted in illness.
Dissected animals and determined function of _______, _______, and _______.
Studied infectious diseases and described symptoms of _______
Claudius Galen
4 fluids or humors; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile.
muscles, kidney, and bladder
400 - 800 AD - Dark Ages
The study of medicine was prohibited, emphasis was on
saving the _____
Illnesses and diseases were treated by _____, _____
intervention, and _____ mixtures.
_____ and _____ provided custodial care for sick people.
prayer, divine intervention, and herbal mixtures
Monks and priests
800 - 1400 AD - ______ Ages
Interest in the medical practice of Greeks and Romans was renewed.
Physicians began to obtain knowledge at medical universities in the _____ century.
Major diseases were smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, the plague, and malaria.
Middle Ages
9th century
800 - 1400 AD - Middle Ages
A pandemic that killed ¾ of the population of Europe and Asia.
Transmitted through the bite of an infected _______ or exposure to infected material through a break in the skin.
The Bubonic Plague
______ physicians used their knowledge of chemistry to
advance ______ .
Arabs began requiring that physicians pass examinations and obtain ______ .
Arab physicians -> pharmacology
Important People in 800 - 1400 AD - Middle Ages
Arab physician that became known as the Arab Hippocrates.
Based diagnoses on observations of the signs and symptoms of disease.
In 910 AD, he developed a criteria for distinguishing ______ and ______.
Suggested that ______ was the cause of many infectious diseases.
Began the use of _____ cut for suture material.
criteria for distinguishing smallpox and measles
animal cut
Physician who described the parasite causing scabies in the 12th century.
Average life span was 20 to 35 years.
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