What are the surface landmarks of pectoral region?
List the cutaneous nerves of pectoral region
What are the attachments of pectoralis fascia?
What structures pierce the clavipectoral fascia
What are the attachments of Pectoralis major?
What is the Rectus Sternalis?
What are the attachments of pectoralis minor?
What is pectoralis minimus?
Why is pectoralis minor considered a key muscle of the axilla?
What are the attachments of subclavius?
What are the attachments of serratus anterior?
What is winging of scapula and what causes it?
What is the foramen of langer?
Axillary tail of Spencer
Identify parts of breast
What are the 3 muscles deep to the breast?
Name the following parts
What are Montgomery's tubercle?
What is the difference between the male and female mammary glands?
What arteries supply the breast?
Lymph nodes
What is peau d orange?
What are boundaries of apex of axilla?
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