why is AG presentation necessary?
T cells - key players of adaptive immunity
Tcells - thymus derived
T cells are crucial to control intracellular pathogens
needed to activate B cells for AB production against most AGs
MHC molecules enable to presentation of AGs derived from different intracellular components CPs
Degraded in:
Peptides bind to:
Presented to:
Effect on presented cell:
cytosolic pathogens
Degraded in: Cytosol
Peptides bind to; MHC class 1
Presented to: CD8 T cells
Effect on presenting cell: Cell death, altruistic, need to present peptide which are in the cytoplasm -> Viruses mainly in cytoplasm
MHC moleculea enable the presentation of AGs derived from different intracellular components IP
Peptide bind to:
Effect in presented cell:
intravesicular pathogens
degraded in: endocytic vesicles (Low PH)
peptides bind to: MHC class 2
Presented to: CD4 Tcells
Effect on presenting cell: activation to kill intravesicular bacteria and parasites -> bacteria in vesicles -> mycobacterium (m.tuberculosis, m-leprose)
with respiratory burst -> always tissue damage
How do macrophages kill? Tcell endocytosis, lysis, acidification
MHC molecules enable the presentation of AGs derived from different intracellular compartments EP & T
Peptide binds to:
Effect on presenting cell:
extracellular pathogens and toxins
presented to: CD4 Tcells (gives help to activate the B cell)
effect on presenting cell: activation of B cells to secrete IG to eliminate extracellular bacteria/toxins (produce ABs)
can uptake pathogens
professional AG-presenting cells
DC and macrophages - everywhere
B-cells recognize pathogens via circulation
Maturation of DC to stimualte T cell response
mature DC distingusih from the inmature DCs
-> getting in contact with naive T-cells -> scanning progress
AG presentation : an overview
T cell-mediated immune responses are based on direct interactions between Tcells and AG-presenting cells -> cell-cell contact in draining lymph node.
T helper cells (TH1,TH2) -> CD4+
cytotoxic T cells -> CD8+
in both cases, Tcells recognize their target cells by binding to peptide fragments derived from foreign proteins (pathogens) presented by either MHC-1 (for CD8+ T cell activation) or MHC-2 (for CD4+ Tcell activation
The major histicompatibility complex (MHC)
membrane-bound glycoproteins that present peptide AGs to T cells
important to maintain “histocompatibility” after transplantation of tissue and organs
“histocompatibility complex”: highly polmorphous gene cluster encoding for several MHC molecules -> not one single gene
most highly diverse gene complex in human genome
peptide binding by MHC molecules
the size of peptides that are bound in the binding pocket of MHC-1 and MHC-2 molecules is different:
MHC-1 peptide-> 8-10 AS -> depends on strucutre of the binding pocket
MHC-2 peptides -> 13-18AS
Both are aß heterodimers, but with different structures due to different a and ß-polypeptide chains used:
MHC-1 - a-subunit (encoded by polymorphous MHC locus), ß subunit (not encoded by MHC locus) -> ß2 micrpglobulin (ß2m) higly conserved
only a unit is responsible for peptide binding
ß is only responsible for propper folding (highly conserved)
MHC-2 a subunit & ß subunit - encoded by MHC locus, both contribute to peptide binding
-> in principle unlimited length
strucutre of MHC1
only a, consisting of 3 chains - peptide binding
ß associated but not contributed to binding
peptide binding by MHC-1 molecules
sequnce is different
conserved ancher residues
all peptides (8-10) can be presented
length of peptide is limited up to 10AS
structure of MHC2
finding: destrice and explain- letter code of AS. green - binding point. different peptides, one MHCI can bind to different peptides.
conserved residues detected
different peptide binding by MHCII molecules
no ancher residues
totally different lenght in peptides
Acidic ASs are conserved - can present a variety of the peptides
aliphatic/neutral ASs
primary function MHC
binding and presentation of AG peptides at the cell surface to be recognized by T cell receptors expressed ba AG-specific Tcells
MHC1 and MHC2 molecules have different properties in activating T cells:
MHC1 presents peptides to cytotoxic Tcells, these express CD8 and MHC1 binds to CD8. - fate: death
MHC2 presents peptides to THcells, these express CD4 and MHC2 binds to CD4. - fate: activation of T cell
Cell specific expression of MHC molecules
consider Tcell- MHCII als a minus
Properties MHC1 vs MHC2
Expression: all nucleated c.in the body restricted to prof. AG-pres. cells
Activation: of CD8+ T cells of CD4+ T cells
Strucutre: transm. a chain. transm. heterodimer consisting
assosiated with ß2-microglob. of a & b-chain
Peptide size: max 8-10 AS at least 13-18AS
Loading: in the ER in intracellular vesicles
which type of proteins are MHC proteins?
Glycoproteins- membrane proteinse
-> synthesized in ER and later in Golgi
MHC-1 molecules present peptides from viruses -> CD8 gives signal to kill
viruses replicate in cytoplasm -> problem for loading peptides = need to get to the ER
peptide loading of MHC-1 molecules in the ER
chaperones help by transport
Partially folded MHC 1 a chain bind to calnexin until ß2microglobulin binds->
MHC1 a:ß2-m complex is released from calnexin, binds a complex of chaperone proteins (calreticulin, Erp57) and binds to TAP via tapsin ->
cytosolic proteins are degraded to peptide fragments by the proteasome, a large multicatalytic preotease ->
TAP (transporter assosiated with a protein receptor) delivers a peptide that binds to the MHC class 1 molecule and completes its folding. the fully folded MHC1 molecule is released from the TAP complex and exported
mediated by an active (ATP-dependent) Process. -> controlled
TAP 1 and TAP 2 are peptide transporters in the ER
transporter associated with AG prossessing
immune evasion at the level of AG presentation
strategies of viruses to interfere with AG pres. of viral peptides
HPV: prevents transport of viral peptides into the ER by expression of a protein that binds to and inhibits the TAP transporter
Adenovirus: encodes a protein that leady to retaining of MHC1 molecules in the ER
Cytomegalovirus: accelerates the retrograde transport of MHC1 molecules into the cytosol where they are degraded
these viruses can evoid the MHCI molecules -> is this the end? How could the Immune system act against them? —> MHCI not present on the surface -missing self and NKcells can kill them.
MHCII presentation - in membrane/glycoproteins - can they be loaded in ER ? -> no! would be a mix up and they couldnt be discriminated! -> loading is in acidic vesicles!! -> where the peptides are generated.
peptide loading of MHC2 molecules in acidic vesicles
endocytosis. AG is taken up into intracellular vesicles -> in early endosomes of neutral pH endosomal proteases are inactive -> acidification of vesicles activates proteases to degrade AG into peptide fragments -> vesicles containing peptides fuse with vesicles containing MHC class 2 molecules
How do these MHCII moldecules get there ? golgi-mediated transport
how can it be prefent that MHCII molcueles are loaded already with peptides in the ER where they are synthesised -> maybe ER has different chemical gradient and has an ‘Inhibitor’ -> chain! binding groove is blocked in the ER
MHC-2 loading: invariant chain (mechanism) (Ii) and CLIP peptide
CLIP= class 2 associated invariant chain peptide. => prevents the premature loading of MHC-2 molecules with peptides - MHC1 loaded with peptides in the ER
invariant chain (Ii) binds in the groove of MHC class 2 molecules -> it is cleaved initially to leave a fragment bound to the class 2 molecule and to the membrane (degrates by proteasis) ->further cleavage leaves a short peptide fragment. CLIP, bound to the class 2 molecule
invariant chain -> blocks the receptor
on the way to the ER - chain degraded and just one small point left to block the complex.
AG presentation by MHC2 molecules
important components:
invariant chain:
a) binds to MHC2 aß heterodimer; blocks the binding pocket for other peptides ->prevents the loading of peptides in the ER -> invariant chain/MHC2 complex dissociates from calnexin and is then transported out of the ER => peptide binding pocket is still blocked by invariant chain
b) triggers transport of the complex to an endosomal vesicular compartment (so called MIIC = MHC"“ compartment) -> in the MIIC, the invariant chain is degraded by proteases -> binding pocket still blocked by the CLIP peptide (Clip stabiized MHC2). Then exchange by the pathogen derived peptides
genetic organization of the MHC in humans and mice - in the genome
3 genes for MHC1 - A, B, C
3/4 genes for MHC2 -> DP, DQ, DR (DO, DM) -> just 3 genes but 4 different possibles for MHCII bc 2 different ß chains
gene strucutre of the human MHC
Human leukocyte 1G - the whole thing
TAPBP - DP ß,a - DN a - DM a, ß - LMP/TAP (4) - DO ß - DQ ß,a - DR ß,ß,a (all this Class 2) ——- (class 3) —B—C——————A——(class 1)
polygeni - 3 genes
MHCII is a heterodimer and a and ß are encoded - this is why there are 2 bars
MHCI just a chain encoded
MHC molecules on high polymorphic gene cluster, there are many different possibilities bc of polygeni
the human MHC locus is highly polymorphus
high number of many different numbers of allels - MHC polymorphism
co-dominatn expression of MHC allels:
how many different MHC molecules can be on the surface ? -> only 6 (A,B,C) for MHC1, 8 for MHC2
random expression
SNIPs- point mutations
equally expressed on the cell surface
Why not 100 but 3 MHC Genes
the more MHC peptide - the more specific is the immune system
possibility of autoimmunereaction
higher costs with more MHC peptides
a lot of genetic burden and also for production bc high energy costs
variety of peptides increased with more genes
3 genes are “optimal” for humans, 2 for mice
polymorphism and polygeny of MHC genes
T cell recognition of AG is MHC-restricted
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