virulence mechanisms
adherence ->adhesine
invasion -> invasine
evasion -> etabline
damage -> Toxine, Wirtsreaktion
By-passing unspecific defence mechanisms - examples - innate
antatomical barriers
complement system
iron limitation
by-passing specific defence mechanisms - examples - adaptive
hidden AGs
AG variation
innate immune system (non-specific immune system)
immediate defense against pathogens in a non-specific manner
no long-lasting or protective immunity to the host
major functions:
acting as a physical and chemical barrier to infectious AGs - most particular against bacti
activation of the compliment system to identify/destroy bacteria and to promote clearance of dead cells or AB complexes
recruiting immune cells to sites of infection/production of specialized chemical mediators (cytokines)
identification and removal of foreign substances by specialized white blood cells.
Activation of the adaptive immune sytsem by AG presentation
Anatomical barriers
epithelal surfaces: physical barrier, impermeable to most infectious (passive) agents
removing pathogens by movement of the epithelial surface due to peristalsis or cilia movement (gastrointestinal and respiratory tract) (active)
flushing of the eyes and mouth. tears and salvia contain antimicrobial proteins eg. lysozyme, lactoferrin
oral and gut microflora can prevent the colonization of pathogenic bacteria. (secreting toxic substances or competing for nutrients or attachment to cell surfaces)
Anatomical barriers/Trachea
pic 2 -3s
The complemt system
opsonization: bacti are coverd with complemt proteins. stronger / forced recognition - enhancement of phagocytosis by coating with C3b
cytolysis: loss of cellular contents through transmembrane channel formed by membrane attack complex C5-C9
inflammation: increase of blood vessel permebaility and chemotactic attraction of phagocytes (Mast cell with histamin into bloodstream)
by-passing the complement system - active - C5a peptidas/ fHBP
C5a pepitdase:
- streptococcus pygenes, div. strptococcus sp.
prolytic cleavage of complemt protein C5a
C5a is the most potent peptide mediator of inflammation. it serves as a chemo-attractant to recruit phagocytes to the site of infection.
C5a peptidase: anti-phagocytic virulence factor
Factor H binding Protein:
- Yersinia enterolytica, neisseria meningitidis
factor H is a regulator of complement system activation
fHBP enables bacteria to evade killing by the complement system
fHBP is already in use as a component of a recombinant vaccine against N.meningitidis
recognition and ingestion of microbial pathogens into plasma membrane-derived vesicles (phagosome)
receptor recognize precise molecular patterns associated with microorganisms (non-opsonic or opsonic receptors)
non-opsonic receptors identify pathogen-associated molecular patterns (recognize directly)
opsonic receptors bind to host produced molecules (opsonins)
opsonins bind to microorganisms and mark them for ingestion (e.g.ABs, complement proteins)
the plasma membrane covers microorganisms, closes at the distal end and forms a vacuole, the early phagosome.
Phagocytosis 2
the early phagosome fuses with endocytic vesicles, leading to the late phagosome => formed from ER & Golgi
the late phagosome turn into a microbial vacuole, the phagolysosome, by fusiing with lysosomes (phagolysosome maturation)
results of this process:
remodeling of the membrane
progessive acidification of the phagosome ->pH drops down
creation of an oxidative and degradative milieu
Phagocytosis 3
Antimicrobial effectors inside the phagolysosome:
low pH
myeloperoxidas can transform H2O2 into hypoclorous acid HOCI
NO radicals are produced by the inducible NO synthase
NO reacts with O2 to form perocynitrite
lactoferrin captures Fe2+
defensis (Antimicrobial peptides)
Cathepsis (lysosomal proteases)
Lysozyme (degrades peptidoglycan)
Type 2A phospholipase A2 degrades anionic phospholipids
How can bacti prevent infectione.g. by PAMPS?
by passing phagocytosis
encapsulated bacteria:
capule prevents contact to phagocytes
e.g. s. pneumoniae; b.anthracis
Capsule staining pf cryptococcus neoformas
grows as a yeast (unicellar) and replicates by budding
proce a characteristic polysaccharide capsule
mutants impaired in capsule biosynthesis are attenuated or completely avirulent
cryptococcosis is an opportunistic infection for immunocompromised patients (AIDS)
In humans, C. neoformans causes 3 types of infection:
wound or cutaneous cryptococcosis
pulmonary cryptococcosis
cryptococcal meningitis
Staphylococcus aureus
can induce clotting
secreted coagulates activate prothrombin(!) to generate fibrine
coagulate activitiy is essential for:
the formation of s. aureus-fibrin-platelet microaggregates
the homing of s. aureus to the vascular wall under flow
S. aureus clumping factors
Clumping factors A und B (ClfA and ClfB), facilitate S.aureus binding to fibrinogen and lead to agglutination of clumping of cells
cellwall proteins -> sticks to fibronogen
-> to big for phagocytosis
By-passing phagocytosis - toxin production
toxin production bacteria:
killing of phagocytes by bacterial toxins e.g. leukocidin
streptococcus spp; Staphylococcus aureus
Killing of host cells by S. aureus; by-passing phagocytosis
secreted pore forming toxins:
leukocidin ED, y-haemolysin AB, HlgCB, LukAB, Phenol-soluble
bacterial proteins inhibit contact between opsonising AB and phagocytes through:
ProteinA - s. aureus
Protein G - streptoc. spp
binding Fc region in IgG
LH recognizes pathogen surface
HC recoginizes receptors
Bacterial binding of s.aureus
Protein A can promote bacterial aggregation and the formation of biofilms
inhibitiom of phagocytosis - Protein A binds also to VWF
Protein A binds to human von Willebrand factos, an important glycoprotein that mediated platetet adhesion at the site of endothelial damage. if would: binding of blood platelets
Protein A-VH3 IgM complexes on B lymphocytes stimulate proliferation and apoptosis, reducing the repertoire of potential AB-secreting B cells in the spleen and bone marrow
Protein A can stimulate inflammation in the lung by binding to receptos for tumor necrosis factor 1 that is widely distributed on the airway epithelium
mechanism of innate immune response of s.aureus
phagocyte recruitment is limited by binding of CHIPS (chemotaxis inhibitory protein of staphylococci) to chemokine receptors on leukocyte
Golden carotenoid pigment provides an antioxidant shield
catalase detoxifies hydrogen peroxide
S. pyogenes M-protein
s. pyogenes - leading human pathogen
the M protein is a key virulence factor in GAS
The M protein is a fibrillar coiled-coil dimer that extends from the bacterial cell wall
GAS classified on the basis of the antigenically variable surface M protein (encoded by the emm gene) >200 genotypes
M-protein helps the bacterium overcome innate immunity
is multifunctional and interacts with numerous host proteins like: albumin, C4BP, CD46,….
inhibits phagocytosis of GAS in the absence of opsonising ABs
Iron limitation
Ferrous Iron (+2) intracellulary mostly bound to ferritin and hemoglobin (oxygen transport)
Ferric Iron (+3) extracellularly bound to high-affinity binding proteins, e.g. Transferrin and lactoferrin ->electron transfer reaction -enzymes
transferrin and lactoferrin show very high equilibrium constants (10^36) and both proteins are ususally not completely saturated (only 30-40%)
not freely solube iron in the body
iron concentration required to sustain bacterial growth +/- 1µM
Iron-uptake mechanisms in Gram- bacteria
Fe3+: Transferrin, lactoferrin
Heme: haemoglobin, Haemophore
siderophore: Ferrichrome, Enterobacti
Mechanisms of bacteria heme acquisition
Free heme is scavened by albumin and/or hemopexin
free hemoglobin is tightly bound by haptoglobin and subsequently cleared by tissue macrophages
hemophore =bacterial heme binding proteins
hemopexin = human heme binding protein (recycing/liver)
haptoglobin = hemeglobin binding protein
iron uptake by siderophores
second layer of nutritional immunity
siderocoalin (lipocalin-2 or neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL))
secreted by neutrophils in response to infection
binds enterobacti, the primary siderophore of many enteric bacteria
sequesters the siderophore-iron complex, preventin bacterial uptake
Adaptation of bacteria to changing living conditions
Regulation (stabe arrangement of genes; no regulation): temporary, adaptive, reversible, complex, induction/repression, function of genes
Mutation: rare, randomly, undirected
variation (phase-AG-): pre-adaptive, specific sequencey, reversible (in parts)
AG Variation - temp. different in body while infection; also nutriens different -> bacti has to adapt
AG Variation
lteration of (surface) AGs that are presented to, and targeted by, the host’s adaptive immune system
subpopulations of antigenically distinct organisms arise within a population that are temporarily not recognized by the primary adaptive immune response
expression of alternativ forms of a particular AG
Phase - Variation
genes encoding surface AGs are switched “on/off”!!
(expression of an AG alters between 2 stages of expression)
expression of one multiple antigenic forms of a specific protein
AG/Phase Variation
no stable arrangements bc of changes in the genome
How does phase variation come to play? -> AS proteins which influence recognition
genetic processes in AG variation:
high spontaneous mutation frequency, typically in viruses (e.g. HIV-1, influeza virus, often calles AG drift
reassortment of genome parts or segments, typically in viruses, referred to as AG shift
specific modification of DNA sequences at defined genomic loci by homologous DNA recombination
Membrane damaging toxins
lytic enzymes : Proteases, Phospholipases
pore forming enzymes (a-toxin -> porenbildung und austritt von Zellinhalt führt zu Zelltod)
thiol activated toxins:
gram + bacteria
receptor: Cholesterol
high homology, cross-reactive ABs
active at low pH (in parts)
polymerization, building very large pores up to 35nm, release of solutes and macromolecules
streptolysin O, Listeriolysin u.a.
intracellular toxins
ADP-Ribosylating toxins
gram - bacti
“Repeats in Toxins: Tandemrepeats 9 aa
ca-dependent pore formin toxins
encoding genes: A strucutral genes; B/D secretion; C activator
E. coli: a Hemolysin
A. pleuropneumoniae: Apx Toxins
Most potent toxins target the NS
botulinum neurotoxins, causing botulism, caused by clostridium botulinum
tetanus neurotoxin, causing tetanus, caused by clostridium tetani
BoNT and TeNT have the same molecular architecture (-150-kDa protoxin) with 3 functional domains
LC, N terminal 50kDa, a zink-dependent protease
HC 100kDa, contains…
an N-terminal Domain, responsible for delivering the LC into the cytosol
C-terminal domain responsible for recognizing specific cell surfaces
BoNT, TeNT have same mode of action:
target and enter motor nerve terminals at neuromuscular junctions via receptor-mediated endocytosis
acidification triggers conformational changes of the toxins that result in transfer of the LC into the cytosol
in the cytosol LC bocks neurotransmitter release from nerve terminals by cleaving SNARE proteins
….but a distinct destination in the Body which determines their symptoms
Snaoe proteins constiture the core complex that mediates membrane fusion events in the eukaryotic cells
BoNT and TeNT specifically cleave SNARE proteins that mediate fusion of synaptic vesicle membranes to the presynaptic membrane in neurons
Symptomes of BoNT and TeNT
Botulism is usually caused by food poisoning due to ingestion of BoNTs
BoNTs target and enter peripheral motor nerve terminals
the typical symptom of botulism is flaccid paralysis - the inability to contract skeletal mucles. ultimatley, patients die from respiratory failure caused b diaphragm paralyis
C. Tetani
spores contaminate deep wounds. TeNT is produces in situ and directly enters the circulatory system
TeNT is transported retrogradely along the motor neuron axon axon to the soma
TeNT is released from motor neurons and reenters connecting inhibitory neurons, where it blocks neurotransmitter release.
losing inhibitory input leads to hperactivity of motor neurons, resulting in spastic paralysis
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