General Helminthology
greek: helmis/ helminthos: intestinal worm
collective term (not a taxon!) for parasitic worm like metazoans froma phyla platyhelmintes, nematoda and acantocephala
Table - Cestoda
Species: Taenia solium, Taenis saginata, Echinococcus granulosus
e.g. diseases in humans: intestinal tapeworm infection, neurocystericercosis, echinococcosis
shape: segmentes, flat
body cavity: absent
body covering: tegument
digestive tract: absent
sex: hermaphroditic
attachment organs: sucker or bothridia and rostellum with hooks
number of species: 6000
number of species known to infect humans: 40
Table: trematodes (flukes)
species: Schistosoma mansoni, schistosoma japonicum, fasciola hepatica
e.g. disease in humans: schistosomosis, swimmer’s itch
shape: unsegemented, flat
body covering: Tegument
digestive tract: incomplete (blind ending)
sex: Hermaphroditix, except schistosomes which are diecious
attachement organs: oral sucker and ventral sucker or acetabulum
number of species: estimated >15000 and 9000 regristed
number of species known to infect humans: 16
table - roundworms
species: Ascaris lumbricoides, ochocera volvulus, trichuris trichiura, anchylostoma duodenale
e.g. diseases in humans: Ascariosis, drancunculiasis (guinea worm), elephantiasis, filariosis, hookworm infection, onchocercosis
shape: cylindrical
body cavity: present (pseudocoelom)
body covering: cuticle
digestive tract: complete
sex: diecious
attachment organs: Buccal capsule, lips, teeth and dentary plate
number of species: 800000 to 1mio estimated and 25000 registered
numbers of species known to infect humans: >12000
Phylum platyhelminthes
general structure:
Flat, unsegmented, partially with adhesive organs
no body cavity (parenchymatous)
respiratory organs: absent - gas exchange through diffusion over tegument
vascular system: absent
alimentary system: blind ending (trematoda) or absent (cestoda)
nervous system: simple (ganglia)
excretory system : protonephridium
Phylum: platyhelmintes 2
sexual organs: complex, often hermaphroditic
eggs: contain one oocyte, several yolk cells
reproduction types:
oviparous (egg with oocyte)
ovoviviparous (egg with larva)
viviparous (live bearing)
homoxenous (a single host)
heteroxenous (intermediate and definite host)
definitions of parasite life cycles
homoxenous: 1 host
heteroxenous: 2 or more hosts (di-, triheterocenous)
definite host: sexual reproduction of the parasite occurs
intermediate host; necessary for the development, but sexual maturity is not reached
parasites can be facultatively heteroxenous (can have a cycle in another host but doesnt need to)
paratenic host: stapelwirt; harbours sexually immature parasite life stages which dont develop further (not necessary for the life cycle, but source of infection)
Class Cestoda
body: strobila, with several segements (proglottids)
no intestine, nutrient absorbtion via body surface
head: scolex with attachment strucutres
mostly heteroxenous
pseudophyllida & Cyclophyllida
Nutrient absorption / Teguemnt
syncytial tegument with mcrotriches to increase the surface feeding, unterneath al layer of muscles (proglottids are mobile!)
Moprhology of Cestoda
general structure of adults
scolex with adhesive organs (suckers, rostellum with (armed) and without hooks
scolex - region of proliferation - proglottids - genital pore - gravid proglottids
adults : neck zone= zone of proliferation; number of proglottids on the genus: 3 (E. granulosus) up to 4000 (dibothricephalus latus), total length of tapeworm < 1cm up to several meters
Sexually mature proglottis
strucutre of a tapworm proglottis
sexually mature segments: containing male and female reproductive organs, the male ones before female
single set of reproductive organs: open in 1 sexual pore (median or lateral), a double set has 2 sexual pores
at the end of strobila: gravid segments, reproductive organs regressed, uterus filled with reproductive products (eggs)
pseudophyllida: uterus connected to the outer environemt, egg secretion from proglottids
cyclophyllida: no connections to the outside, proglottids atr shed and release eggs when ruptured
order Pseudophyllida
Evolutionary older than cyclophyllida
scolex with 2 sucking groves (bothria)
fertilized eggs with operculum
eggs embryonate in the environment -> 1st larva =coracidium
2 intermediate hosts -> triheteroxenous
eggs - coracidium - procercoid (1. IH) - plerocercoid (2-IH)
Development of pseudophyllida (e.g. Dibrothricephalus latus) Fish tapeworm
Adults: develop in intestines of the defintive host (humans, mammals), release of eggs
Egg: embryonates in envirnoment, larvae urrounded by cilia (coracididum) hatch and swim in the water
uptake of coracidium by the 1st IH (copedod) -> percoid in the body cavity - subplanctos organism
2nd IH (fish) feeds on 1st IH, plerocercoid in body cavity (paratenic hosts: rapacious fishes)
Order cyclophyllida
scolex with 4 suckers
eggs embryonate within the uterus of the proglottis
release eggs contain the 1st larva (oncosphere) in so-called embryophore
only one intermediate host -> diheterocenous
proglottids -> egg -> oncosphere -> metacestode in IH
Eggs of Anopleocephala spp / Moniezia spp
size: ca 70 µm
form: polygonal
shell: irregular
contents: oncosphere in embryophore
inside empryo -> 6 hook larvae
oncosphere -> different forms of metacestodes (2nd larvae) in the IH, depending on the parasite genus
with or withous asexual reproduction
Different diseases and pathogens
Tetrahyridium - mesocestoides - simplest
cystercoid - anoplocephalidae, dipylidium - cyst, round
cysticerecus - most Taenia spp
coenurus - T. multiceps, T. serialis - big fluid filled cyst and many cyst inside developing
Echinococcus - E. spp - asexual reproduction
Developent of cyclophyllida (flea tapeworm)
The adult tapeworm attaches to the small intestine wall -> head end or scolex
terminal proglottids break off and pass with feces
proglottids shed eggs on the groud
flea larvae eat the eggs
Cysticercoid - tapeworm larvae encyst in the flea and becomes infective
fleas are eaten to cause infection
Class Trematoda
subclass - aspidogastrea
subclass - digenea
adults mostly dorso-ventrally flattend, with suckers
blind endling alimentary tract
usually hermaprodites (except schistosomas)
Subclass digeneaq
“two brids” - sex. reproduction as adults + asexual reproduction of the larvae
parasites of vertebrates
heteroxenous developemnt -> always molluscs as 1st )IH
mostly dependent on water (exc. Dicroceoelium!)
hermaphrodites with crossed-fertilization (allogamy) -> exc. schistosomatidae
adult worms predominantly in the gastro-intestinal tract and its appendices (liver, gall bladder, pancreas)
more rarely in nasal cavities, lungs, blood vessels etc.
highly differentiated morphology and developemntal cycles
developement and reproduction of Digenea
obligate heteroxenous, with alternation of generations
development most through 2 IH
1. IH - mostly gastropods
2. IH can be missed
alternation of generations - sexual and asexual production
alternation of hosts - final and IH
morphology of trematodes
0.2mm - 13cm length
dorsoventrally flattend
non-segemented body
oral and ventral sucker or acetabulum
integument smooth or with spikes/scales
oral sucker = mouth opening, digestive tube end in cecum
important trematodes
Schistosoma spp. -> schistosomiasis or Bilharziosis
250 to 300 mio humans affected
600 mio at risk
Fasciola hepatika - common liver fluke
dricocoelium dendriticum - lancet liver fluke
clonorchis sinensis - oriental liver fluke
Fasciola hepatica
ruminants and other mammals, including humans
2-5x 0.4 - 1.3cm
tegument with spikes
location of adults: bile ducts (bilidary duct)
development of Fasciola hepatica
Adult -> egg -> egg with miracidium -> miracidium -> sporocyst -> redia - cercaria (can develop daugter redia) -> metacercaria -> on plants ( infectious stage of definite host
asexual reproduction in the intermediate host!
cyst -> infectious stage
Dicrocoelium dendriticum: intermediate hosts
cercariae in slime of the first IH - terrestial snail
uptake of cercarie by 2nd IH - ant
Lifecycle of D. dendriticum
Adult -> embryonated eggs are shed in the feeces -> Eggs are ingested by a snail IH (miracidia -> sporocyst-> cercariae) ->cercariae are released from the snail via the respiratory pore in a slime ball -> cercarie become metacercariae after being eaten by an ant -> Cow: Host becmoes infected by ingestion of infected ants -> adult in bile duct..
Human: uptake of cercarie via ant : adult in bile duct.
infective stage - > uptake
diagnosti stage -> eggs shed in feces
most cercariae develop into metacercariae
one cercaria migrate into the submandibular ganglion of the ant -> manipulation of ant behaviour
Eggs of trematoda
D. dendriticum
40-59 µm, brown, lid, thick eggshell
content : miracidium
F. heptaica
120 - 140 µm, gold, smooth, thin eggshell with los
content: yolk-cells
Cercarial dermatitis -> developemntal cycle
Trichobilharzioa and other species -> parasites of waterfowl
1- eggs are passed in feces of duck
2- eggs hatch and liberate miracidia
3- the parasite develops in a mollusan IH
4 - cercariae penetrate the skin of definitve hosts and migrate to blood vessels to complete the cycle
5-> humans are exposed to dermatitis-producing cercariae
Phylum nematoda
greek nema=thread
free living or parasite
between ~1mm and 1m in length
cylindrical cross-section
not segmented
liquid filled body cavity (pseudocoel; without epithelial layer) with tubular inner organs
body covering=collagenous cuticle, forms a hydroskeleton together with a longitudinal muscle layer
developemtn with shedding of cuticle (ecdysis)
like athropodes
superphylum ecdysozoa
structures digestive tract (foregut, midgut, rectum)
buccal strucutres of nematodes
buccal capsule - strongyles
teeth - hookworms
lips - ascarids
reproductive organs of nematodes
dioecious (i.e. seperate sexes)
ovary (normally double; exception: Trichuridae), oviduct, uterus, receptaculum seminis, ovijector, vagina, vulva, some species vulva flap
normally only one testis, sperm duct (vas deferens) extended into seminal vesicle, ductus ejaculatorius opens into the cloaca
accessory copulatory organs: 1 spiculum or 2 spicula, gubernaculum, telamon, bursa copulatric, pre-cloacal sucker
Nematode development
embrynation Eggs
Hatching Larvae
growth & moulting
Reproduction -adults
characteristics of nematode eggs
size: variable (small = 50 µm up to big ca 150 µm)
form: round, oviform, limoniform, with a pole-plug
shell: thick or thin, colorless, brown
contents: oocyte/blastomeres/larvae
Nematode development 2
post-embryonic phase:
LI exsheating -> LII -> exsheating -> LIII
the cuticle of the previous stages can be retained as a sheath (uvea) -> protection against envirnomental factos
post-embryonic developement of nematodes
direkt (geohelminths): the p-e phases takes place in environment
in the egg (ascarids)
free living (strongyles)
indirect development (biohelminths): the p-e phase take plave in an IH
warm or cold blooded e.g. filaria
Toxocara spp lifecylce
Eggs passed in feces
vertical transmission to puppies / external environment - unembryonated egg into embryonated egg with L3 larva
ingestion of eggs
adults in small intestine of DH / ingestion of eggs in IH / paratenic host - Foodborn transmission on IH or L3 larvae in tissue of duck and uptake of dog.
L3 larvae migrates in tissue - diagnostic stage
Dirofilaria sp life cycle
infective L3 are transmitted during a blood meal to the next host
(dogs are the primary host of the skin worm;; zoonotix risk, humans can be infected as well and develop a similar disease: worms develop on subcutaneous nodules and inner organs)
L3 moves to the subcutaneous tissue and grow in 5-9m to mature adults
adult worms live in module under the skin and release microfilaria which circulae in the blood
mosquito takes up microfilaria from an infected dog
the development from microfilaria to infective L3 happens inside the mosquito and takes approx. 10-30d
development of dirofilaria in the DH
infectious stages for the DH are L1 or L3
in the egg
free living
in paratenic, IH or DH
routes of infection in nematodes
development with body migration or without migration (but often with histothropic phase)
Ascaris suum life cycle
unembryonated egg in feces
infected egg with L3 in L2 cuticle
ingestion of infective egg
larvae mirate up the bronchi and are swallowed
hatched larvae penetrate the large intestinal wall and migrate via the liver to the lungs
larvae establish in the small intestine and become patent at week 6-8
dormant phase (arrested development)
induction via
exogenous influence e.g. weather (ostertagia), alimentary deficiency (C. elegans)
endogenous influences: e.g. overpopulation (cyathostominae), immunity of the host (ancylostoma)
persistence of the population during unfavorable conditions
synchronous reactivation-> severe pathology
reactivation during getsation -> infection of offspring
reactivation in spring -> contamination of envirnoment
characteristics of important nematodes
pic 82
trichinella spp - the only intercellular nematodes - life ccle
larvae inside nurse cells
no stages in environment
one DH infects another DH through predation
larvae are ingested in raw or undercooked meats
larvae enter small intestine, adults mature and live in small intestine
female sheds newborn larvae that enter lymph or bood
newborn larvae are carried throughout bloodstream
newborn larva enters skeletal muscle cell
nurse cell-larva comlex formed; normal and calcified nurde cell larvae complexes
Class Acanthocephala (thorny-headed worms)
all species parasitic
in the intestine of vertebrates (predominantly mammals and birds)
heterocenous, IH: arthropods
no intestine
proboscis with hooks
acanticephalan life cycle
eggs shed in feces
eggs ingestes by arthropod IH (acanthro, ancanthella, cystacant)
DH becomes infected by ingestion of infected IH
Adults in small intestine
aberrant human infection - lives also in small intestine
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