DNA-ds Herpesvirales
largest virus in veterinary field
isolated from nearly all animal species
aujekzy’s disease
bovine herpesvirus type 1 infection
equine rhinopneumontis
koi herpesvirus infection of crap, infectious laryngotracheitis of poultra, marek disease
once infected with HV, always infected
characteristic morphology under EM -> round form in cell -> spiegelei (gelb)
Core with genom in the capsid (icosaedral-100nm, 162 capsomers) covered by tegument (forms visible form ofHPV Partcile) coverd by envelope (contains lipids with projections (spikes)
morphology in more detail
outer envelope: glycoproteins (named from A,B,C,.. depending pn virus)
outer tegument and inner tegument: specific for HV (function for replikation cycle: proteins help to start)
Major capsid protein
Nucelocapsid witg triplex and portal vertex
tegument - help with replication - mainly non-structure protens
linear genome - 2 strands are linear to each other
circular version in nucleus - can covalently bind => circled version (episom)
inverted repeat regions (enable circulation)
DNA replication “rolling circle” -> based on circles version of the genome
inverted repeat: possible to switch from linear to circular. ligase will ligase them to covalent linked ones
UL (unique long). Us
inverted repeat region -> repeated in the genome there they can bind to each other -> covalent => circle version of genome
Genome II
genetical complex:
essentielle genes: genome replication, entry-assembly-release (infection life cycle immune invasion genes)
non-essentielle genes: influence on cell and host defense. Encode for proteins which have an impact in host immune system. most target innate immune system
cascading - regulated in timley
1 immediate-early genes - encode for non.ess. genes/mainly kind of immune invasion genes, aim =inhibit immune system
2 delayed-early genes - replication cycle
3 late genes - encode for structural proteins
immune evasion
many factors to inhibit host immune sytsem -> all kind of innate immune sytem
e.g. T-cell - TCR, neutrophil - chemokine receptor
replication cycle
virus tegument binds to specific receptor on cell membrane - viraö capsid release in cell and transported via microtubuli to the nucleus -> via nuclear pores the viral DNA goes into the nucleus -> viral genome circular (episome) -> replication and many viral genes produced. -> circular DNA has no free ways were DNAse could act on -> aim to avoid degradation -> viral genomes out over golgi, glycoprotein is waiting there to form a Tegument. releases via trans goli network
imidietly with adsorption-> uncoating, only capsid in the cell. proteins mediate, that the capsid is transfeered to the nucleus-trough microtuble
morphogenesis: newly synthesized viral particles released - assembly/maturation/release
genome synthesis “rolling circle”
the herpes virus genom is circular in the nucleus
specific origins of replication -> production of 3’ and 5’end. from 5’ -> 3’
5’ produces okazaki fragment.
endonuclease on nick -> ssDNA binding protein and polymerase and DNA gyrase binding on nick/endonuclease -> RNA primase on polymerase -> reading of DNA -> linear genomic concatemers produces. cut and packed via capsid
Fork replikation -> dsDNA opend and rolling circle on one ssDNA
! Persistance!
delayed infection
after initil infection -> virus is there for ever maybe.
Infection, which persists for a long period (eg. HIV, Ebola) after primary infection
existing biological balance, so infected cells/the host usually wont be damaged
formation and excretion of infectious viruses
! Latency !
HPV - can switch from sleeping mode to active mode
presence of virus is restricted to DNA - or parts of it - and eventually of single viral proteins
no synthesis of infectious virus
a latent infection can be activated to a persistent or acute infection
episome maintains in genome
How does latency work
primary infection with productive cycle
no full clearance of virus
in certain cells genome is latently present = no infectious virus
extreme restrict gene expression : LAT- latency associated transcriptome -> when reproduction is done
reactivation possibly during stress etc
all herpes viruses can establish a latent infection in their natural host
effect on everything= epidemiological super strategy
Order Herpesvirales
3 families:
herpesviridae -subfam/ genera
alloherpesviridae - genera
maloceherpesviridae - genera
structured on the basis - biological characteristic/ Molecular data/ DNA sequence information
Herpesviriales - herpesviridae - alphaherpesvirinae
variable host spectrum
relativley short replication cycle and fast spreading in the cell culture
efficient destruction of infected cells -> in the end
ability to establish a latent infection in (mainly) neurons, sensoric NS
genetic, genome assembly
herpesvirales - herpesviridae - betaherpesvirnae
narrow host spectrum - mostly humand
long replication cycle
slow proceeding of infection in cell culture
infected cells often enlarged (Cytomegaly)
latent in monocytic cells
cytomegalovirus: Human HV5 HCMV
roselovirus (Humanes HV6)
Herpesvirales - herpesviridae - gammaherpesviriniae
specific host spectrum
specific fot T- or B-lymphocyzes, often infection without production of infectious progen virus
latent frequent in lymphatic tissue (infection)
lymphocryptovirus (HHV4 - Epstein barr virus)
Macavirus (AlcelaphinesHV1)
percavirus (Equid HV2)
Equid HV 1,4
Rhinopneumonitis/viral abortation of mares (in pregnant horses)
EHV4 maybe respiratory form of EHV1
subfamily: Alphaherpesvirinae
genus: variocellovirus
OIE-listed disease
EHV1 and EHV4 immunological closley related virus, which are 55-84% genomical identical
lifelong latency
highly contagious disease
transmission through direct contaact after extreaction via mucosa, especially respiratory mucosa in case of abortion via amniotic fluid, fetus, placenta; indirect
clinically inapparent animals
morbidity: up to 100%, lethality low
pathogenesis - easy reactivation of sleeping virus
infection through direct contact oronasal admission
primary reproduction in respiratory epithelia
lymphocyte-associated viraemie EHV-1, systemic spreading EHV1
secundary target organs: uterus CNS
new viruses produced and infection in horses on respiratory epithelium
lamina propria -> leucocytes in -> blood/lymphatic vessel
blood and/or lymphatic circulation => utero-placenal interface - blood vessels of uterus and placenta gets destroid
infection of progeny via migrating lymphocytes and infection of endothelia of umbilical artery
vessels CNS
Poxviridae - Family
large enveloped dsDNA viruses, genome 130-370kb
compley strucutre, coboidal to oval
particle size 300x240x150nm
encode 200proteins <60 regulatory proteins
morphology of poxviridae
EV envelope and MV membrane = both enveloped - mature virion with membrane and enveloped virion with virion
lateral body
core wall
difference - process of getting out of the cell
genome of poxviruses
circular - connection between the 2 genomes
structure of the genome of poxviruses - vaccinaviruses (s.33)
dsDNA - covalent linked ends
inverted sequences on the ends of the genome ITR
replicationcycle of poxviruses !!
Replication exclusivley within the cytoplasm!
-> dont need connection to nucleus /cell machinery =reasone for big genome
entry into the cell: via fusion or endocytosis -> absolut independet of cell machinery (e virus proteins for attachement, 11 virusproteins for fusion -> receptor mediated endocytosis
virus-originated enzymes e.g. for transcrition and DNA-replication
cascade-like regulation of the early intermediate and late transcription:
early still virion (packaged)
intermediate with DNA replication
laze after DNA replication (strucutral proteins being produced)
genexpression independet from functions of the nucleus (e.g. no splicing)
Replicationscyle of poxviruses 2
formation of virus factories
early and late proteins for morphogenesis
ER membrane remodeled for first envelope, further enveloped in double membrane of cell-trans-golgi-network
3 forms of infectious particles
intercellular- 1 envelope
intracellular - 3 envelopes
extracelular - 2 envelopes
release by lysis (intracellular) or fusion of outer membrane with cell membrane (extracellular)
poxviridae - important properties
local or generalized infections (skin tropism)
induction of postular or proliferative lesions
capacity for immune evasion (innate - adapive responses)
serological cross-reactivity within a genus
high tenacity in the dried state
Host specific orthopoxviruses
systemic infections with high morbidity and mortality
variolavirus => human
extromeliavirus => mouse
camelpoxvirus => dromedarary camels (no zoonosis)
Orthopoc - pox - variola vera - smallpox
first infectious diease eradicated worldwide
-> no animal reservoir
orthopox - vaccina virus
prototype of a live vaccine, origin unknown
“classical” vaccine against human smallpox
orthopox virus species with broas host range
diseases in animals, “horsepox”, “rabbitpox”, “buffalopox”
cattle in india, brazilm argentina; natural reservoirs?
use as vector for expression of heterologous proteins recombinant vaccines - abschaben von infizierter haut um vaccine zu erstellen
Cowpox virus
OPV Eurasiens
broas host range in mammaly-> big cats (leopard, puma, jaguar…) Elephant, rat, cat, human
reservoir in rodents?
cattle historically, humans cats and zoo animals are end links of an infectiozs chain
mostly local infections, gneralization in case of immunosuppression
Monkeypox - OPV afrikas
report necessary bc of zoonosis
reservoir in rodents
broad host spectrum: maraque-monkeys; human also generalizing infections
viral strains with different virulenc
human monkeypox
37 laboratory confirmed cases
transmission linked to ill prairie dogs
no human to human spres observed in absence of an infected animal
disease mostly mild
clinical features: rash, fever, respiratory disease, lymphadenopathy
orthopoxvirus diagnostics
pathogen detection on skin lesions, crusts vesicular fluid, organs witg:
EM - fast, sensitie, diagnosis just “orthopox-like” viruses
PCR - highly sensitive, highly specific
cultivation in cell culture (rar chicken egg -CAM)
ELISA and IF - uses less frequently
AK detection with ELISA, neutralization (PRNT)
genus capripoxvirus
Goatpox viurs, sheeppox virus
report necessary
fever, edema, resp. symptoms
nodules and necroses in the skin, formation of crusts and scares
ulcerations in the mouth area promote virus spreading
up to 75% in the herd affected
mortality 5-10% young animals and imports up to 100%
diagnosis via EM with clinical picture
Capripox - lymphy skin disease virus
bovine north africa, near east
fever, generalized changes of the skin
morbidity up to 85%, mortality variable
morbidity in cattle herds 0-95%
Leporipox virus - Myxomavirus - myxomatose
incubatuon period 5-10d
erythema at the site of entry
-> hemorrhagic tumor & generalisation
conjunctivitis, fever, disturbances of general condition, swelling of the (mucous) skin (“lions’s head”)
much milder course in endemic areas
virulence of the pathogen
resistance of the population
Leporipoxvirus - myxomavirus - myxomatose
detection of pathogen : EM
AB detection
live vaccines (mandatory reporting)
Suipoxvirus - swinepox
worldwide distribution, sporadic occurrence
mortality in piglets up to 30%; usually milder course in adult pigs
wall-like skin changes, especially on the underside of the abdomen, ears
transmission by stining insects (pig lice)
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