RNA viruses - ss - negative polarity - basic information -orthomoxyviruses
missing capsid! no real capsid - very segment has its own
sperical pleomorphic particles
sinze 80-120nm - larger than many but still smaller than pow
envelope with surface proteins
segmentes, ss RNA, coding capacity
13-16kb in total
6-8 nucleocapsid-complexes of : NP: Nuceloprotein; PB1, PB2; PA- polymeraseprotein - exclusivley responsible for the polymerase complex
viral RNA wrapped around NP binds to polymerase-complex
Na Protein (Tetramer) - HA-Protein (Trimer) - M2 Protein (Tetramer) - M1 Protein - Nucleocapsid - viral RNP
Virus of infectious anemia of salmon
important fish disease
europe and north or south america
atlantic salmon in farms
Life cycle comparable to influenza viruses ; special feature: hemagglutinin esterase and fusion protein as surface glycoprotiens
Family Orthomyxoviridae - Strucutre of Influenza A
8 Gene segments, encode in total for 12 proteins
5 membrane-/matrix-associated proteins (structural proteins)
1. HA - hemagglutinin: trimer, receptor binding/ fusion -> surface against receptor binding
2. NA - neuraminidas: tetramer, release of virions -> essentially without = no infectious particles -> releases them
3. M1 - matric protein: membrane interior surface, morphogenesis -> inner part of envelope
4. M2 - membrane: ion channel protein for uncoating -> makes pH optimal for infection promising for flu vaccine (universal - in the most influenca viruses)
5. NEP (NS2) - nucelar export protein bound to M1; export of ribonucleoproteins
3 non-structural-proteins translocated from segments NS and PB1
NS1 (nonstrucutral protein) : first reading frame NS segment - interferonantagonist; immunevasionprotein
PB1-F2: 90aa Protein (+1 aORF) - interferonantagonist, virulencefactorprotein - inhibits immune repsonse
PB1-N40: N-term, shortened PB1 funtion not yet known
replication of influenza A viruses
in endosom pH has to increase so the HA changes in conformation -> releases fusion peptide
polymerase complex & nucelease proteins are produced -> need to pack the segments
HA bins neuraminix acid - receptor (adsorption)
Endocytosis as entry - receptor mediated
in endosome pH decreases (also in virus particle, function M2 ion channel), conformational change of HA, fusion peptide is exposed!
fusion between viral envelope and endosome membrane
Uncoating and transport of ribonucleoprotein segments into the nucleus -> release of genome segments
Replication of Influenza A viruses
rna replication in the nucleus: vRNA -> mRNA/cRNA-> vRNA
translation in cytoplasm: NP, M1, polymerase proteins back into nucleus and from new nucleocapsid (NEP as shuttle protein); HA, NA, M2 into ER and via exoctosis to cell membrane
assembly and budding of virus particles on cell memrbane
NA detaches viruses from receptors on the cell membrane (release)
Strucutre of Influenza A viruses
Haemagglutinin (HA)
attachement and fusion frotein -> class 1
prodoce in H0
major AG for neutralizing ABs
translation into ER (signalpeptide); C-terminal membrananchor
post-translational modification in Golgi (sugar)
-> exposed as a Trimer in lipid rafts of cellmembrane
proteolyti cleavage in HA1 and HA2 during exocytosis . not active in the cell
-> essential for infection
Haemagglutinin (HA or H) - attachment and Fusionprotein
HA binds cell surface sialic acid residues (N-acetyl neuraminic acid, NANA) in a (2,3) or a (2,6) glycosidic bond linked to galactose
neuraminic acid residues as ubiquitous receptor molecues ( is everywhere in the cell)
human pathogenic viruses mainly use a (2.6) bound receptors
animal pathogenic viruses differnt patterns
avain influenza viruses prefer a (2,3) receptors
procine influenza viruses may use a (2,3) or a (2,6)receptors
receptor defines if virus can enter! lower respiratory trackt = living mire severe
The receptor specificity of influenza - a virus is a host determinant
avian virus bind to a 2,3-NANA prevalent in avian tissues
binds with galactose
huan viruses bind to a 2,6 -NANA prevalent in human tissues
Neuraminidase (NA or N) tamiflu=N inhibitor
second surface glycoprotein as tetramer in membrane
second major AG (also neutralizing ABs)
Activity: destruction of receptor; cleavage of linkage between sialic acid receptor and galactose
Subtypes of influenza A viruses
differentiation of influenza A viruses based on AB recognition of HA and NA.
basis for designation of newly isolated viruses
AG serotypes of subtypes
18 subtypes of HA proteins (H1- H18)
11 subtypes of NA Proteins (N1-N11)
genetic relationship of diff. subtypes
Genus / (Spezies) / Place of isolation / Number of virusstrain / Year / Subtype HA and Subtyp NA
Epideiology of Influenza A Virus
waterbirds are reservoir for (almost) all influenza A viruses (H1-16; N1-9)
human : H1N1, H3N2
dog N3N8
Horse H7N7
Swine H1N1,H1N2, H3N2
Adaptation to new species through AG variability
2 mechanisms
continuous changes = AG drift - mainly induced by red mutation in the genome
Sudden changes (formation of new variants/subtypes) = AG shift - change of segemnts -> very spontanuous
AG Drift
Mutation in RNA (genome- segments) for HA or NA
(Pointmutations, “messy” and RNA Polymerase)
small changes in antigenicity
-> selection advantages in the new host
continuous EVOLUTION
IMMUNEVASION of new virus variants
Evolution of Drift-Variants
change in antignicity!
circulation A/H3N2 viruses in humans 1968-2002
temperature sensitivity can have an impact
Antigenic shift
segmented RNA (1 segment - 1 protein)
Reassortment of genom-gements after mixed infections
abrupt change in the properties of the virus.
sudden appearance of new variants/subtypes
Markes SPECIAL CHANGES possible
H1 N1 (2009) first pandemic of 21.century
0.3-0.5 mio deaths worldwide (WHO data 2013)
also younger patients
severe pneumonia with acutely fatal course
destruction of the lungs with necrosis in bronchial and alveolar areas
local infection
pathogenesis in poultry
Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza - LPAI: low risk to be transmitted. will not spread within the organism -> no severe disease in the host. apathogenic virus . enteric infection
High pathogenic avian influenza - HPAI: high risk to be transmitted -> potential to be severe in humans. many enzymes -> goes to every organ = severe disease. pathogenic infection and systemic infetion - severe bleeding of embryo
Avian influenza
acute general disease with high morbidity and lethality
first described in chickens in northern italy in 1878 as a “form” of fowl cholera
1901 virus etiology, 1955 influenza a virus identified as causative agent
worlwide spread and major epidemics until 1930
re-emergence of avian influenza since 1980 in the unsa
hongkong 1997 first detection as a zoonosis
since 2003 again very widespread in asia, europe, afrika
international nomenclature highly pathogenic avian influenza
clinic and pathogenesis
virus excretion: respiratory and digestive tracts
site of entry: nasopharynx
incubation time: a few hours - 3d
highly variable clinicle picture, clinical diagnosis impossible!
severe general disease in chicken birds
peracute course
dullness, sleepiness, apathy, reluctance to eat and move
respiratory distress and diarrhea, increased losses
Diagnosis - pathogen detection
virus cultivation in incubated hen’s egg
typing of the pathogen by:
determination of pathogenicity LPAI/HPAI
sequencing of the HA-Gen
Avian Influenza H7N9 in china
no effcient huma-to-human transmission so far but adaptation of the pathogen always possible. source of new pandemic
Clinic: MAmmals (Horse, Swine, Human)
transmission: respiratory tract
contact, droplets
during coughing
mostly canalicular spread in the respiratory tract (=usually no viremia)
incubation time: a few days!!
high fever (~41°C)
dry cough
snooty nose and eye discharge
high morbidity, usually low morbidity
duration of illness 1-2w
milder course in partially immune animals
Diagnosis and therapy in horse and swine
pathogendetection by culturing (egg, cell culture)
indirect: serum pair with HAH
detection of a significant increase in titer (>4fold)
no training, little stress
symptomatic treatment
avoidance of secondary infections (Antibiosis)
immunoprophylaxis in horse and swine
vaccines from inactivated pathogens
regular update of vaccines
basic immunization
regular boost vaccinations
establishment of herd immunity
science for more broadly effective vaccines
aim is solid protection against influenza by vaccination:
against drift variants of an influenza a virus subtype
immunisation with additional virusAG, T cell mediated immunity
improvement of immunostimulation
methods: alternative vaccine-systems: MVA vector vaccines
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