What is culture?
The fundamental aspect of culture is that it is something all humans learn in one way or another. It is a code of attitudes, norms, and values – a way of thinking that is learnt within a social environment
culture is observed in bahviors
behaviors are guided by a way of thinking
Culture – The collective programming of the mind which distingushes the members of one human group from another
“Culture, in this sense, includes systems of values, and values are the building blocks of culture.“ - G.H.
Culture is relative; there is no cultural absolute against which cultures and values are measured.
What is Management?
The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives
What does a Manager Do?
» Management involves a variety of tasks
» Fundamental list of management activities: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling
What is Cross Cultural Management?
Applying management practices in ways that consider the differences in cultures, practices, and preferences in a global or international business context.
Why is understanding culture necessary for a manager?
Enabling and facilitating international business
increasing understanding and acceptance
The concept of culture / Operating levels of culture
Level 1: Artifacts & Behaviors:
Rituals, Dress, Language, ‘what’
Level 2: Norms and Values
Beliefs, ‘why’
Level 3: Basic Assumptions, Deepest level, ‘because’
The rules of society defining what is good and bad with regard to behavior
The written and unwritten rules of a society
Collective agreements on judgment
Beautiful and not beautiful, right and wrong, good and bad, etc...
Four categories of societies
traditional society
rational society
survivalist society
post-modern society
Society in which religion plays an important role, large families are encouraged, conformity is rewarded, and individualism is rejected
A society in which the interests of the individual come first, bith control is encouraged, and the authoity of the state is recognized
Rational society
A society where suvivalis the primary concern, people arenot happy and rather intolerant, equality between the sexes has little changed, materialism is predominant
Survivalist Society
A society in characterized as tolerant and democratic.
Post-Modern Society
What are the four levels of culture as described in the course?
national culture
organizational culture
corporate culture
professional culture
National culture is created and affected by three elements, which?
Give an example each
1. The physical environment
Population density
Natural resources, + others
2. The history the nation has undergone
History of the country
3. Institutions
A number of institutions exist which have various effects on shaping and forming the cultural identity of a nation:
Mass media communication
The multinational company
The course mentioned five institutions which have various effects on shaping and forming the cultural identity of a nation. Name three of them.
What is organizational culture? Give an example
Organizations exist within and among nations.
Shared experiences of organization members can be significant enough to create an organizational culture
Often membership includes acceptance of certain norms or specific behavior exhibited by other members of that organization
Examples of organizations:
Religious organizations
Social organizations
What is corporate culture? Give an example for a shared aspect of it
Corporate cultures develop when a corporation exists for a long enough time for its members to adopt a shared sets of norms, values, and behaviors
Shared aspects of corporate culture
Shared past history and experiences
What is professional culture?
Various professions tend to develop professional cultures
Often associated with the shared sets of values among people working in a particular profession or industry
Name an orgnization in which members can have significant enough shared experiences to create an organizational culture
universitiy, friends, religion, companies, military, sport,…
Hofstede's National Cultural dimensions are considered generalizations which descibe tendencies within a cetain cultural group - not concrete applications of behavior by all group members
—> True or False?
A society in which religion plays an impotant role and individualism is rejected
Traditional society
A society in which large families are encouraged and conformity is rewarded
Hofstede’s National Cultural dimensions.: attitudes to authority, the distance between individuals in a hierarchy
Power Distance (high/low)
Hofstede’s National Cultural dimensions.: the degree of tolerance for uncertainty or instability
Uncertainty Avoidance (high/low)
Hofstede’s National Cultural dimensions.: independence and interdependence, the loyalty toward oneself and towards a group
Individual vs. Group Orientation
Hofstede’s National Cultural dimensions.: importance of work goals (earnings, advancement) compared with personal goals (co-operation, relationships)
Masculine vs. Feminine Orientation
Hofstede’s National Cultural dimensions.: fostering virtues related to the past and present or virtues related to the future
Short-term vs. Long-Term Orientation
Hofstede’s National Cultural dimensions.: Tendency of members of a society to pursue “happiness” - engaging in or avoiding pleasure pursuits
Indulgence vs. Restraint
Hofstede’s National Cultural dimensions
attitudes to authority, the distance between individuals in a hierarchy
the degree of tolerance for uncertainty or instability
independence and interdependence, the loyalty toward oneself and towards a group
importance of work goals (earnings, advancement) compared with personal goals (co-operation, relationships)
fostering virtues related to the past and present or virtues related to the future
Tendency of members of a society to pursue “happiness” - engaging in or avoiding pleasure pursuits
Listing: Cultural Dimensions According to GLOBE project
Cultural Dimensions According to GLOBE:
Power Distance
Uncertainty Avoidance
Humane Orientation
Collectivism 1 (institutional collectivism)
Collectivism 2 (in-group collectivism)
Gender Egalitarianism
Future Orientation
Performance Orientation
For the GLOBE project, the measurement reflecting the values and beliefs of a society or organization
For the GLOBE project, the measurement of differences reflecting the actual practices of a society or organization
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the extent to which individuals engage in future oientated behaviors, such as delying gratification, planning, and investing in the future.
future orientation
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the degree to which a collective minimizes gender inequality
gender egalitarianism
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the degree to which a collective encourages and rewards individuals for being fair, altuistic, generous, caing, and kind to others.
Humane orientation
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the degree to which members of a collective expect power to be distributed equally
power distance
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the extent to which a society, organization, or group relies on social norms, rules, and procedures to alleviate the unpredictability of future events
uncertainty avoidance
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the degree to which organizational and societal institutional practices encourage and rewarded collective distribution of resources and collective action
Collectivism 1- institutional collectivism
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the degree to which individuals express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations or families
Collectivism 2 - In-Group collectivism
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the degree to which individuals are assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in their relationships with others
Name the GLOBE project dimension addressing the degree to which a collective encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence
performance orientation
How many GLOBE clusters are there?
Name the cultural clusters according to GLOBE
Latin Europe
Nordic Europe
Germanic Europe
Eastern Europe
Latin America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Middle East
Southern Asia
Confucian Asia
GLOBE cluster countries are grouped together based on common factors. What are some of them?
Clusters are based on similarities in:
Historical development
Economic similarities
Management Tasks & Cultural Values:
Deciding how the world involved is to be divided up and how it is to be coordinated or executed in order to achieve the organizational objectives. Also involves aranging for the necessay resources required
Monitoring the pefomance of an organization through the utilization of different systems and approaches. Also includes vaious methods for preventing or resolving problems. Differences reflect the relations between the levels of organizational hierarchy as well as the way pefomance is perceived.
Dealing with how the goals and objectives of a company or depatment are established, as well as detemining what actions on an individual level are needed to achieve them
Leading the organization and its employees towards its goals. How management relates to, communicates with, and supevises employees.
The task of hiring employees and allocating them paticular positions within an organization. Also involves giving consideration to enabling people to fulfill their potential within an organization
Management Tasks & Cultural Values (Listing)
Virginia is the head of her division. She has just had a meeting with May to plan and set her division pefomance objectives for the coming year. Her next task is to decide what steps she will take in order to ty to achieve those objectives and tun them into operational action. Which management task is she engaged in?
Once Virgina makes those plans, she needs to decide which division resources to allocate to the vaious projects she will undertake. She also has to decide which necessay resources to acquire. Which management task is she engaged in?
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