Expressing Emotions!!!
US-Americans usually show a lot their emotions, but keep it away when deciding things, where they change their posture to „objectivess“ and „rationalism“
Countries of the Southern hemesphere has the tendency to show emotions at every kind of situation
Holandish and Swedish people usually do not show emotions so open, they prefer to be neutral
→ How do you / your country deal with or express emotions?
Emotional Neutral and Emotional Affective
Cultures: a definition
Emotional neutral cultures
Emotions and feelings are mostly under control
→The „object“ has priority
Emotional affective cultures
Emotions and feelings are mostly freely expressed
→The „person“ has priority
Emotional Neutral vs. Emotional Affective I
Communicating in the context
Information Flow –
Where is your Culture/You?
Emotional Neutral vs. Emotional Affective II
Zum Nach- und Weiterdenken
“Es ist nicht die stärkste Spezies die überlebt und auch nicht die intelligenteste. Es ist vielmehr diejenige Spezies, die am besten auf Veränderung reagiert.“
(Charles Darwin 1809-1882)
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