List general features of heart failure.
Tachycardia, various arrhythmias
S3/S4 gallop on auscultation
Pulsus alternans
What is the main symptom of left-sided HF?
Pulmonary congestion
List features of pulmonary congestion.
Dyspnea , orthopnea (a sensation of shortness of breath that occurs upon lying down and is relieved by sitting up)
Pulmonary edema
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Nocturnal bouts of coughing and acute shortness of breath
Caused by reabsorption of peripheral edema at night → increased venous return
Cardiac asthma
Increased pressure in the bronchial arteries → airway compression and bronchospasm
Symptoms mimic asthma, with shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.
List physical examination findings of left-sided HF.
Bilateral basilar rales may be audible on auscultation.
Laterally displaced apical heart beat (precordial palpation beyond the midclavicular line)
Coolness and pallor of lower extremities
List clinical features of right-sided HF.
Symptoms of fluid retention and increased CVP
Peripheral pitting edema: as a result of fluid transudation due to increased venous pressure
Hepatic venous congestion symptoms
Abdominal pain
Other symptoms of organ congestion (e.g., nausea, loss of appetite in congestive gastropathy
List physical examination findings of right-sided HF.
Jugular venous distention: visible swelling of the jugular veins due to an increase in CVP and venous congestion
Kussmaul sign
Hepatosplenomegaly: may result in cardiac cirrhosis and ascites
Hepatojugular reflux: jugular venous congestion induced by exerting manual pressure over the patient's liver → ↑ right heart volume overload → inability of the right heart to pump additional blood → visible jugular venous distention that persists for several seconds
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