MDA, MDE,MBE, MDD explain and bring in Order
MBE - model based engineering - softer version of MDE
MDE - model driven engineering - superset (obermenge) of MDD, goes beyong pure development
MDD - model driven development - uses models as primary artifact of the dev. process
MDA - model driven architecture *particular vision of MDD provided by OMG* (is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium.)
From which models can be code generated & which code?
Die Aufgabe der Directory Service Markup Language, auch DSML, ist es, die Informationen von Verzeichnisdiensten über XML für E-Business und E-Commerce verfügbar zu machen. Damit wird ein einfacherer Datenaustausch zwischen Systemen ermöglicht.
Explain the connection between
Model, MOdeling langauge, Meta-modeling language
Transofmration / code generation, Transofmration definition, Transformation language
Artifacts & Platforms
MDE - basic architecture
First Row(Modeling)
Meta-modeling language is on the M3 Level, there is only one. Modeling languages (M2) can be defined using this Meta-modeling language. There are more boxes, you can use it for multibple modeling langues.
Models (M1) that have been created defined by using the well defined modeling language.
M3: Meta Object facility of OMG - Meta-modeling language
M2: Modeling langues: UML-Class, Use-Case diagram, activity diagram
M1: Models: concrete UML Diagrams of Software system
Second Row (Automation):
Transformation language are defined using meta modeling language. Transformation defintion ist then defined using the transformation language. The Transformation definitions defines the transformation/code generation -> the output is in the third row. The output of code generation / transformation can artifacts in form of code or modeles. These Artifacts are then used for creating Platforms. (Realization)
Enterprise model framwork
In MDA hwat is important?
Model Driven Architecture
important is this and the interoperability
MDA Characterristics
aufteilung auf
Computational indipendent
Platform indipendent
Platform specific
wird dann zu
Interoperability - through platform independent models
Anatonmy of formal langues -
name 4 components
Abstract Syntax
Defines the language concepts and how these concepts can be combined (~ grammar)
Concrete Syntax
Notationto illustrate the language concepts intuitively 2 ways: textual or graphical (or mixture)
Defines the meaning of the language concepts How language concepts are interpreted
Serialization syntax
For persistent storage and model exchange between tools
**Name the 4 methodolgy ingredients for MDSE**
*Concepts* thats build up the methodology
*Notations* represents the conecpts
*Processes and rules* lead to the production of the final product
*Tools* making it easier to execute activies or to coordinate them
concrete syntax bildet abstract syntax ab
und darstellungsform
von menschen gemacht,
textual und grafical
EBNF - Ecore difference unterschied ?
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