Spread of Urban Lifestyles
city’s role increases in people’s life
“physical urbanisation” ~> Increasing a city’s numbers, area & population
Industrialisation ~> Movement of workers
Construction of houses
Overbuilding of areas
Poor quality of housing
~> Relocation of urban population to the urban surroundings
Raising the standard of living
increasing free time
Need for improved living (own house, more green space, ect…)
Better environment for raising kids
Increased Mobility
Relocation of jobs to the periphery
Cinty centre = expensive living costs
poor housing situation
Creation of new residential arean on the outskirts of cities
Relieving urban centres in terms of population- & industrial density
Separation of work and eesidential areas and use of city functions by the inhabitants of the surrounding area
~> a lot of commuter traffic
Increased traffic ~> Influences the quality of living inside the whole city area
Pollution, environemntal stress, driving expenses, waste of time, ect…
Overall deterioration of the City Climate
Functional Change of the City
Out-Migration of people & businesses to the surrounding areas
~> Loss of revenue (taxes)
~> financial issues of the city, due to them still having to finance a variety of institutions
Economic weak housholds lagging behind (Poorer people, Migrants, the Elderly & jobless people)
Urbanisation of former rural areas (cycle continues)
Zuletzt geändertvor 2 Jahren