What is an uninformed search?
basic algorithms:
“Blind”, don’t have Problem or domain-specific knowledge
What is an informed search?
Has further information about solution costs (heuristics)
-> problem/ domain-specific knowledge
What is a local search?
“historyless,” one-step change
What does completeness mean?
does it always find a solution if one exists?
What is the time complexity?
number of nodes generated/expanded
What is the space complexity?
maximum number of nodes in memory
What is optimality?
does it always find a least-cost solution?
What is the BFS?
Complete = ?
Time = ?
Space = ?
Optimal = ?
Expand shallowest unexpanded node (goal test at generation time)
What is the UCS?
Expand least-cost unexpanded node (goal test at expansion)
What is the DFS?
Expand deepest unexpanded node (goal test at ?)
What is the IDS?
Bound search with depth limit l and increase limit systematically (to gain completeness)
Overview of uninformed searches:
What is an heuristic search?
Uses heuristic function for desirability of possible solution
What is the Greedy-Search?
Uses evaluation function f(n) = h (n) (e.g. distance from n to goal)
What is the A*-Search?
Use evaluation function f (n) = g(n) + h(n)
(and avoid expanding paths that are already expensive)
• g(n): path costs from start to n
• h(n): estimated cost to goal from n
• f(n): estimated total cost of path through n to goal
!! h(n) has to be admissible !!
Which three rules does an admissible heuristic fulfill?
When is an heuristic consistent?
What is Hill-Climbing? What problem does it have?
Just like climbing a hill, if the neighboring solution is better, then it is chosen over the current one
What is Simmulated Annealing?
In order to escape local maxima some “bad” moves are allowed with a gradually descreasing size and frequency
(corresponds to “cooling off” process of materials)
Problem: might leave an optimal solutions favor of a bad neighboring solution
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